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[Tutorial / Quest Ideas] Nothing But Trouble Quest


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  In this, the second in a series of suggestions for improving and tutorializing the new player experience, I bring you, Nothing But Trouble, or The Prodigy. A quest designed to introduce new players to the concept of modding elements on a per faction basis.


The Prodigy


  Ordis, informs the Operator that a message from Frohd Bek has arrived. 


  Ordis Says: 

"Ordis hopes he doesn't intend on repossessing the comms module, Darvo gave them. The silence was making Ordis think of fragmenting, just to have company again."



Upon checking the message:


 Despite your Lotus insistence on sending your band of misfits too interfere with our operations, a situation has come up, and it one suited to your capabilities. An expatriate called Provost has taken to piracy. Yes, I know a simple pirate should pose no trouble, but Provost was master at the military academy. His slide into disgrace in unsurprising, after throwing away his citizenship, but the threat he poses can not be underestimated. Already Provost's pirates have impacted are projected quarterly figures, and further temperament will not be tolerated. Infuriatingly, he has proven to be very elusive. Provost operates from the shadows, likely a remote base. His raids are carried out by mercenaries lead by three captains. Track down his captains and you may reveal the location of Provost's base. Be warned Tenno, Provost's mercenaries are seasoned fighters."


Action: Message From Lotus Pops Up

"Tenno, Frohd Bek's Proposal was sent across the system. I don't trust him, but Provost has proven to be a ruthless and dangerous pirate. Stopping his rampage is perhaps the best course. My agents do have a possible lead on a Provost Captains location. Find him, so we can focus on the larger threat Tenno."


Timeline Begins

The Prodigy Begins


Step 1:

 Quest marker shows Spy Mission on Mars called, "Discover Provost's Captains location." (Difficulty 10-12). This is a regular Spy mission for all intents and purposes. It rewards Intel on the location of the first of Provost's captains and x1 of each, Cryo Rounds, Chilling Grasp, and Deep Freeze.


Step 2:

  Once the Player has returned to the Liset, Ordis Informs the player that the intelligence indicates that Provost's captain is onboard a Corpus Destroyer. It's unique engine signature can be tracked, and data suggest that the ship is launching an attack on a Grineer vessel. Reports from previous attacks suggest that the captain favors bolstering his troops with Shield Osprey's. Ordis suggest equipping cold mods to weapons for better effect against the captains shielded mercenaries.

  The mission is set up much like an invasion between Corpus and Grineer, with Corpus as the aggressors, and a single capture target (The Captain). Shield Osprey's will spawn in greater frequency (Difficulty 14-18). End mission reward is x1 of each, Infected Clip, Contagious Spread, Pathogen Rounds, and Fever Strike.


After completing the Spy mission, mysterious transmissions start to come in. A cold voice speaks as if giving a halfhearted lecture echoes through radio distortion.

"The Corpus, the corpus believe that their technological might is evidence of their inherent superiority. Completely forgetting that their advantage is born from countless years of scavenging and reverse engineering the dead bones of he Orokin. They where this achievement like a they dawn their shields and feel invaluable behind them. But their myths are a poisonous toxin that passes straight through to the heart of the Corpus." Hinting at the inherent ability of poison mods to pass through shields. If players have accumulated any poison mods, they are welcome to experiment. 


Step 3:

 Next, Lotus explains that the Provost captain revealed the location of the next target. A Grineer Captain and his Gallion. 


Step 4:

Once the Player has returned to the Liset, Ordis instructs the Operator to apply the mod for improved effectiveness against the Grineer. This Provost Captian utilizes an army mercenary Grineer Lancers, Troopers, and Seekers (Difficulty 12-14). Ordis, suggest using the Toxic mods to weaken them. Upon completing the mission they awarded with x1 following mods each, Hellfire, Incendiary Coat, Heated Charge, Molten Impact. 


  Another mysterious message crackles over the radio:

"The Grineer are as thick in the head as there Ferrite shells they hide in. However, a dim brute should not be underestimated. Try and poison the big dumb animals and you might find yourself at a disadvantage, but add a touch of electricity too the mix and watch their Iron Will dissolve." Another cryptic hint, this time suggesting how to defeat Grineer armor with Corrosive damage."


Step 5:

  The Final Captain is located. His Corpus ship utilizes an army of robots. Expect Moa's, and Ospyres in large numbers. Electric Mods are recommended (Difficulty 12-14). Upon completing mission rewards x1 of each, Stormbringer, Charged Shell, Convulsion, Shocking Touch.


A mysterious message plays over the radio:

"Machines. Machines are useful, cold, calculating, tools. A machine can be made to fit a job like a glove. But we forget this seeming perfection will repeat its task without complaint, eve too its own determent. A wise craftsman knows the condition of his tools. The Corpus know that their machines are vulnerable to electricity, and hardened against such threats. Making it difficult to halt their tools of war. But they forget, the fragility of delicate tools. Smash them in a blast of heat and cold, and shatter the Corpus proxies."


Step 6:

  Returning from the successful mission, the Liset is suddenly rocked from an impact and explosions. Sparks fly inside the ship and the light flicker, then die. 

Cut To Exterior

  A large Corpus Vessel approaches the disable Liset, and scoops it up. 

Cut to Interior Provost Ship

  The player is brought before Provost onboard his ship, in shackles. 

Provost Says:

"The Grineer, believe they are the rightful owners of the Solar system. A delusion, almost to comical to take seriously. The Corpus however are equally deluded. They believe their early success and monopolies are providence. Rightful successors to the Orokin empire. They are fools, all of them. Tenno, greatness is achieved by effort, will and clarity. My Captains, though not complete puppets, lacked the vision I speak of. Tenno, you once broke the yoke of old masters, join me and do it again. Free the system from delusion, and build an empire with me."


A distorted signal from the Lotus comes to the player:

"Tenno, I am under assault from Provost forces. I am warning all my agents to be prepared. You must locate an capture Provost, so we can get his pirates to stand down, or everything we have build is threatened with destruction."


Provost Says:

"Well, Tenno what is your answer?"


  The Tenno attacks his guards and uses a Electric Prod to disable the shackles. 

Cutscene ends. 

Ordis Says:

"Operator, I am locked in a heavily guarded hanger. You will have to sabotage the powercore and come to me if we hope to escape."

 Capturing Provost, then disabling the powercore, and then reaching and defending the Liset for 3 waves will complete the mission. Mission reward includes, x1 Orokin Catalyst, and Forma BP.


Message from Lotus says:

"Tenno, good job. With Provost captured, his pirates have disbanded and flee from Corpus and Grineer forces. Provost proved to be a most formidable opponent. It is unfortunate that his ambition was to enslave the solar system, had he been more reasonable he could have been a potent ally. In the end, he was no better then the empires he despised."


The Prodigy Ends

Timeline Ends


Note: I realize that I forgot to add the infested. I will attempt to fix this shortly. Also, need to add a portion to final mission covering recovery of weapons.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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A thought on the lore;


A single Corpus turning to piracy will have very little effect on profits, regardless of how great a tactician he is. However, being somewhat well known, his turning traitor could massively effect stock prices on merchandise or companies owned by Frohd Bek; if he cannot trust his underlings, how can investors trust him?


The emphasis in the message should be on removing Provost before word of his treachery spreads, make the story more political than just the immediate costs of piracy.

Edited by Kthal
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A thought on the lore;


A single Corpus turning to piracy will have very little effect on profits, regardless of how great a tactician he is. However, being somewhat well known, his turning traitor could massively effect stock prices on merchandise or companies owned by Frohd Bek; if he cannot trust his underlings, how can investors trust him?


  Good point.

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