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Community List Of Changes To Fix The Snipetron


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Widely considered underpowered, the Snipetron actually has decent effectiveness when used properly. However, its ease of use is lacking as the number of situations where it is competitive with other weapons is very small. I encourage you all to post your ideas here.


My own:

1. Iron sight zoom option. Zooms in as much as a standard pistol or rifle. Scroll in or out to adjust zoom level.

The Snipetron's hip fire accuracy is quite bad, and its zoom multiplier is too powerful (something around 6x) for many maps. Allowing the Snipetron to utilise its perfect accuracy in closer ranges would enable it for many maps. If two zoom options aren't mechanically possible, the 6x zoom could be removed as it's still perfectly fine to snipe with the default zoom level.


2. Higher up time. 5-7 bullets in a magazine.

This would balance its enormous 3.8 second reload time, which makes the it sub par for the support role.


3. 100dmg/0.67s to 120dmg/0.80s

The Snipetron becomes useless as soon as it stops killing minions in 1 hit. This change preserves the DPS but allows the one hit kill range to extend into higher levels.


3.5. More threatening firing sound.

The current sound gives the impression of a silenced rifle, but it isn't one.


Feedback? Other ideas? Post them here.

Edited by Tryysaeder
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Sounds like some fair corrections - personally though I would hate to see the x6 scope go... and technically it should be possible to make it able to switch between say x3 and x6 zoom, would make it easier to use in these close confined spaces.

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I agree with 2 and 3.5! I think those are all it really needs! Having a clip size of 6-7 would make modding clip size worth doing, maybe a - polarity slot to help that/reload along. If it got a damage boost I would prefer crit rate and damage boosts over base damage though, that is just a me thing! I don't have a problem with the scope as is.


I would think that given the ease of access to the gun it should really come into it's usefulness when fully modded anyway. This is why I prefer crit, as increased modding would improve the weapon's consistency and power.

Edited by Kobalt
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I think the biggest change would be magazine capacity. At least 6 to be equal to the lex :c


I agree with 2 and 3.5! I think those are all it really needs! Having a clip size of 6-7 would make modding clip size worth doing, maybe a - polarity slot to help that/reload along. If it got a damage boost I would prefer crit rate and damage boosts over base damage though, that is just a me thing! I don't have a problem with the scope as is.


I would think that given the ease of access to the gun it should really come into it's usefulness when fully modded anyway. This is why I prefer crit, as increased modding would improve the weapon's consistency and power.

Crits are by definition less consistent than regular shots, having a gun that one-shot kills only when it crits doesn't seem like a good idea.

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Crits are by definition less consistent than regular shots, having a gun that one-shot kills only when it crits doesn't seem like a good idea.


Not if the crit on the weapon were high enough that fully modded it would yield a 90ish% crit rate. it would mean bringing the base crit chance up to between 36% and 38% [rifle crit rate mod increses crit by 150% of it's base when maxed]. I meant buffing the crit in such a way as to make the crits consistent. This would enable you to scale the weapon's potential damage threw crit damage over base and would yield better gains.


The important part to note would be that the weapon's potential would only be truly met when well modded. My reasoning for wanting that is to keep it's balance in check as a weapon that can be purchased with creds, with no level restriction. It should have potential that requires investment I think. With other weapons your investment is that you took the time to hunt down all of the components.


I guess it's my idea of the old RPG mainstay...The weapon that you have easy access to and is good early, but if you hold onto it becomes good again towards the end of your development! It's fine if you don't agree with me, that is just my opinion!

Edited by Kobalt
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Pre U7 the snipetron really didnt settle in to its own untill it was close to 30 and you finished the skill tree. The native clip,reload,crit, and fire rate you got really helped the weapon. As it stands now it could use a little buff of some sorts, be it raw damage  or crit and crit dmg, just to give it the nudge it needs to settle in.


So I agree with 3 and 3.5, but I'd rather it still kinda have a silenced noise and have them add some 1 or 2 shot sniper that sounds like a 50cal and does a ton of dmg


Edit: With the one shot on crit, they could potentialy give it a +X% chance to crit on headshot, but i think it might be a little to big of a buff depending on what X is.

Edited by Deadmice
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Doubling crit chance on headshot could work? Guaranteed crits with maxed crit bonus mods.

Exactly my thoughts. This would give the Snipetron a native 3x headshot multiplier with 9 point Point Strike, upgradeable by the +crit damage mod to 6.6x headshot damage. In practice, the crit damage is harder to max out as it's a "rare" mod compared to a common point strike.


Perhaps the +crit damage mod shouldn't affect the bonus headshot crit chance to make it a bit less over the top.


edit: or just increase the headshot multiplier to 3x as a class specific thing.

Edited by Tryysaeder
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Exactly my thoughts. This would give the Snipetron a native 3x headshot multiplier with 9 point Point Strike, upgradeable by the +crit damage mod to 6.6x headshot damage. In practice, the crit damage is harder to max out as it's a "rare" mod compared to a common point strike.


Perhaps the +crit damage mod shouldn't affect the bonus headshot crit chance to make it a bit less over the top.


edit: or just increase the headshot multiplier to 3x as a class specific thing.

Considering the reload time, magazine speed, rarity of ammunition, and fire rate, I don't think that's very over the top.

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So long as it does not become more powerful than the Paris it should be fine...


I enjoy snipers...but right now Latron is even better than Snipertron.

The paris is meant to be a stealth weapon, and is only directly comparable to the snipetron because there's no stealth yet. The paris should be a slightly worse than the snipetron because of the stealth aspect (which will be more of a benefit when it's expanded on).

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