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Orokin Planet. Return Of The Sentients. Battle Royale. All In Here!


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Hello fellow Tenno.


For far too long I`ve been imagining new possibilities for the game and directions it could take. I know that what I`m about to present is not refined or completed but I think its time to share my thought with the rest of the comunity.


I`ll hop right into it.



A new quest that leads into the discovery of an Orokin planet. Arkwing 8v8 and 16 free for all PvP battles. A survival type arena with scanned enemies and a new ranking system based on it. 


Story and Quest concept:


During a quest mission in a normal Void Tower Sabotage, the portal device malfunctions right as you are about to pass into the Solar System to retrieve the key. The portal destabilizes and engulfs the vessel you are on only to find yourself crash landed on a desolate planet far away from Sol. 


Your Liset is damaged in the crash and trapped on the unknown planet you will have to find a way out. Ordis is able to detect an anomaly on his radar and deploys Archwing to help you and your remaining squad members investigate.

While advancing in your mission you will find ruins of an ancient civilization, although they seem too old to be able to identify them yet. Soon, though, the ruins are no more and in front of you stands a sea of gold. As vast as your eyes could fathom, a city on the planet of the Orokin stands before you from long before they were at war with the Sentients or overrun by the Infested.


They were forced to flee yet their wonders remained intact. Towers of white and gold now rise well beyond your sight and existing defensive mechanisms awake form their millenia old hibernation to fight once more the invaders of the land.


As you avoid their attack, you reach the place of the signal. The entrance to a tower, paved in gold and statues, still shining in the light of the two suns. Their light, Blue and Yellow bring the metal to life as it appears the decorations are moving.  


(For me, it is way to hard to represent what I`m imagining so, try and imagine the Vatican square surrounded by never ending towers and I have a picture of a stunning piece of work Lunarieen agreed to share that could well be similar to the statues and decorations in that place.)



(Check her amazing collection!)


Upon entering the tower, the mission progresses without the Archwing in order to find the signal you have been following. Here you will stumble upon the first sign of "life". Entering their Archive you will find a recording sent from a Vessel the Orokin used to flee: The message explains how you, the Tenno defeated the Sentients and are now returning to their ships to await your glory, how the Orokin began recreating wormholes and using their technology to create portals to return to their home world, the planet you are now on. 

(I think this explains the reason why the portal, or the worm hole opened on the Orokin ship was able to transport you to this place.)


The Archive also contains information about a hangar that lies nearby which could help you leave the planet or Ordis repair Liset. (Or upgrade it into the Prime version, which sounds sweet.)


Heading towards the specified hangar, the anomaly Ordis detected brings you to an immense chamber which appears to be the interior of a colossal sphere that could easily be 100 meters in diameter. Although nothing seems out of ordinary, upon entering, the chamber seems to have returned back to life and seals itself shut. Now, as the light begin to shine again, the anomaly Ordis detected appears as clear as ever.


A Sentient. A remainder from the old war. A lonely warrior left to guard the conquered palace. Awakens.

(I know DE is bringing them back anyway, so I thought this scenario sounds a lot more plausible than a mecha guarind sentry or an actual Orokin.) 


Your battle with your foe will push the limits of what you Warframe can do but your old mission stands clear and defeat was never an option.


One could only imagine if the Sentients could speak and what would they say if they saw the enemy that erased their species, how the Tenno would act knowing their first and final mission by their creators was a failure. 


During the battle, the sphere becomes mobile, forcing you to move and avoid incoming obstacles.

(I think a little challenge wouldn`t hurt anyone, would it?)


As the battle draws to an end, the promise of their inevitable return comes to life. A species that once stood supreme evolved while the Tenno slept in their pods. An old war which has yet to end. A battle that promises the destruction of everything once again.




As your battle is finished, the spherical chamber opens as well revealing the path to the hangar the Archives mentioned where you will find a ship to allow your escape. 




Mission Type Concept:


As your quest comes to an end you return to the Sol System once again and inform the Lotus of your discovery.

This will allow for a further expansion of technology and the usage of portals to the Orokin planet. 


Mission access requirements:


You will need to collect and rebuild a Portal on a Relay, which will open another quest sending you to scavenge parts in the Void Tower mission. Similar to the Balor Fomorian event, the completion rate of the portal and it`s online duration is affected by the number of players contributing to its construction and maintenance. As it requires a huge amount of power to maintain it can be only built on one Relay and continuous resource contribution is a must. Failure in doing so will lead to the portal closing or (if you like having massive consequences) destroying the relay. 


To enter the Portal and access the Orokin planet and the mission you will need a stabilizer which will need to be crafted using parts found both in Void Tower missions and Tenno Technology which will become available in the Tenno Lab.


On the other side of the portal you will find a new "base camp" similar to the Relays where Tenno can form parties for the new missions or upgrading the dojo so that they will be places on the planet instead of space. Doing so will add a "prime" feeling to it. (This is of course up to everyone`s choice, not mandatory.) The costs would scale to the Clan`s size. 


A new upgrading system which will allow you to use a single upgrade on any equipment. Similar to the Arcane Helmets buffs the upgrades can be made by crafting the parts the weapon requires and installing them using Orokin Technology.

// An example of such upgrade would be: An increase of 10% in fire rate and a reduction of 5% in reload speed.


The new main mission type would consist of an Arena training survival mission. Using the spherical chamber where you once fought the Sentient, which was once a combat training environment, you will be able to challenge any enemy you have fully scanned on your codex to battle. This training will aid in improving your skills as a Tenno for the future return of the Sentients.


The survival mission will be split into 4 difficulties, scaling itself similar to the Tower 1-4 missions and also to the Tenno`s rank (which is established in these missions).

// Since the mission is mainly SOLO type, the enemy strategy will change upon your build. For example, an AoE frame, such as Ember or Nova will have a larger number of enemies to fight, rather than just increasing their damage and armour as time passes. 


The mission will be available in Solo mode for the first 3 difficulties in order to remove the possibility of exploiting the system for exp/rep (let`s be honest, we all hate what interceptions have become.) and a squad system will be available on the hardest difficulty. The requirements for the squad will be that all players must have the selected enemies maxed in the codex.


Yes, multiple enemies will be available to fight at once for a variety of builds and combinations.


The new player rank will be determined by the overall performance in the Arena.

// For example a Difficulty 1 Arena will only allow your rank to grow until 10 no mater of your performance after reaching that cap. A Difficulty 2 Arena will allow you to increase your rank to 20, a D3 to 30 and a D4 to 50.


If you wonder why the 20 rank level gap between Difficulty 3 and 4 is because of the challenge modes available for it.


Challenges in the Arena consist in limitations to your load-out or your performance.

// For example, some challenges could be: Weapon restrictions: will let you bring a limited amount of weapons, from 3 to 1, also performing the Arena without your companion; De-buffs: Vampire mode (similar to nightmare), No shields, weapon damage reductions, Warframe abilities damage reductions and A limited amount of abilities used.


Of course, there could be many more and completing one challenge for a set amount of times will ulock the next one.

// For example, to be able to play No Shield mode you will need to complete Vampire mode at least 5 times with 30+ minutes minimum for each mission.


These challenges will further boost your rank and the rewards.


Reward system: every Arena difficulty lever will have a set amount or credits rewarded per minute. Therefor a 30 minute mission on D1 could bring you 15,000 credits, for 500/minute. However, the amount will increase for a D2 where the reward will be 1,000/minute, culminating in D4 where you could win up to 4,000 credits per minute.


Difficulty 4 Arena will also have a resource drop depending on the enemies you chose to play. Every enemy killed will give the preset amount and every 5 minutes an enemy will drop a rare resource. This will alternate, however. Meaning that having 3 different enemy types will not make them drop the resource at once but in order, for every 5 minutes survived.


Challenges will have rare rewards, similar to the Void Tower rewards, at the end of them. 


/// This ranking system will not replace Mastery Rank!


// The amount of mission you will be able to play a day will be limited to your rank. Starting from MR 5 you will have 2 possible entrances per day. From there, it will scale with the Arena Ranking System, regardless of Mastery Rank.

Rank   0-  9 will allow 2 entrances.

Rank 10-19 will allow 4.

Rank 20-29 will allow 6.

Rank 30-50 will allow 8.


Challenges will also be available to play only 2 times/day regardless of challenge chosen. 


Long runs, will therefor be preferred and player skill lever would (I really hope) increase.




The Arena will also include Archwing PVP. Yea. You heard me right.


Let me start by saying no quarrel among Tenno intended. Such as Conclaves, where Tenno fight each-other to test their limits, these battles will have the same idea behind them.


Extending from its 100 meter diameter up to 10 times it`s size, like shown in the picture below, the Arena become a similar battleground featured in Ender`s game. (Go google it.) A force field will restrict players to it`s rage and its moving parts will become part of the strategy the players wish to adapt.






The reason Archwing is preferred for large PVP battles is because it is still in it`s infancy and no balancing changes have to be done to the existing Warframes to assure equality on the battlefield.


The PVP matches will be available in 4v4 and 8v8 setups where pre-matching is available. 

Also, the Free for All PVP matches available in groups of 8 and 16 where you can be stealthy and cunning and aim for the last blow or start an all out rampage. 


A battle royal in space. 


With space ninjas.


With flying space ninjas. 


If you fail to see the awesomeness in that I can`t help you.


Benefits with this concept:


// The link between Archwing and the standard type mission is strengthened.

// An easier way for high level players to farm their credits and fusion cores.

// A new tile-set that would probably blow my mind if I see it.

// A PVP battle system that I yet have to witness in any game so far.

// Definitely something some of us could call end-game content. 

// A ranking system that would actually show the skill level of players who participate in it.


I know there are much more which I`m failing to see right now and stuff that maybe I thought of but I can't remember at this moment I`m typing. If you have any questions or you are interested to add on top of this, feel free to say so in the Comments and I`ll try and edit them in if they fit the concept!


Also, if some of you have any artistic talents and like this concept you are more than welcomed to create any art for it.


Thank you!


From your often annoying, 



Be safe and don't forget!


Edited by Elannor
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In any case as fun as Archwing PvP sounds how do we solve the inevitable melee spam?

Hmm. I think that problem solves itself when a user with Elytron and Itzal meet. Snipe with Itzal from stealth or approach? Spam Tumper with Elython and wait for someone to get hit as they rush to you or improvise?


I think melee spam in Wing PvP would be a poor choice of strategy rewarded with quite a short lifespan. :)

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In any case as fun as Archwing PvP sounds how do we solve the inevitable melee spam?

If you blink with the Itzal the reverts melee near useless since you can blink nearly 600m away. But i do like this idea! more archwing variety would definitely help, but great concept to the OP

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Hmm. I think that problem solves itself when a user with Elytron and Itzal meet. Snipe with Itzal from stealth or approach? Spam Tumper with Elython and wait for someone to get hit as they rush to you or improvise?


I think melee spam in Wing PvP would be a poor choice of strategy rewarded with quite a short lifespan. :)

You forgot the cute Odonata which can dish out some disruptive volleys of damage.

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+1 all off my +1beautiful concept and i think we should get a option to just explore the city to discover hers secrets (maybe some time we uber space ninjas just need to relax), love the battle royal concept but my favorit is the no Oxi survival thats is just perfect

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You forgot the cute Odonata which can dish out some disruptive volleys of damage.

I took the example of the two most different Archwings but yea, cute Odanata fits somewhere in there. :) Haven't used her since I got Itzal so I really don't know how to use her properly. I didn't want to say something about it without knowing much.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice ideas . I rele Like them . The quest with orokin would be nice , I would like to see more story quests ,considering the fact that Warframe at the moment has 0 story quests.... well except the one with Marro (Stolen Dreams).


It would be really interesting to see some quests about the old war or lore about what the heck actually happened!!

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