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Sfm Picture Madness And Animation


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These are really amazing! turned out really well. best i've seen at least :3

Thank you! Check out some of NikouT's work as well.


what Grineer do when they see the Tenno gals in the change rooms




Then they get ripped to shreds in less than 1 second. 



Very well done!  It's contributors like you who breathe much-needed life and humor into Warframe.  Keep it up!


Thanks I hope to show people that SFM can be used to make some great stuff for Warframe. (Without any outside programs like Photoshop, though it's probably a good idea to use it if you have it...)  That way the not so talented at art (like myself) can show our ideas to the community. 

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I just want to say Thank You for all your past and future efforts NikouT. 
As you say you do this out of your own free time to help out the community and it is appreciated. 
Also wanted to point out that weapon pack you put together has been a great help. I cant wait for a complete pack of all the weapons you have done so far. 
Lastly when you mentioned map assets being something you are looking to do I may have fallen of my chair as that would be just amazing!


Yeah the Source Engine that we are given is kinda outdated but extremely versatile with what it has. 


Wonder what these effects will look like once completed and added to a picture and animation, it will be interesting to see the results.


In other news, the animation thing  part 1 is 95% done I just need to think of a title, tighten sounds, and animation derps. My personal deadline for this is Wednesday.

Awesome I cant wait. *checks clock* ooOoOoOOO

I get to release one thing I have on Monday and I am hoping to get a small additional thing done for then to. Gonna be great to start releasing stuff again. 


what Grineer do when they see the Tenno gals in the change rooms



HAHAHAHAHA I love those faces. Bottom left is my favourite. 

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I have managed to do more experiment with Source Engine shaders, and I figured out that shader proxy $flesh (that is used in episode 2 when Vortigaunts check Alyx's body if anybody wants an example) can do majority of material process, especially a second layer of a scrolling detail map, whoo.

I have been going crazy with deciding whether I should put Mag's original energy texture on a helmet that has 3 layers of 3 types of movement or do something different in compensation? Sadly, I had to do the second, there is only one movement proxy for a texture - scrolling. This is what I have done so far, leave a feedback how you would like to make it changed.


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I have managed to do more experiment with Source Engine shaders, and I figured out that shader proxy $flesh (that is used in episode 2 when Vortigaunts check Alyx's body if anybody wants an example) can do majority of material process, especially a second layer of a scrolling detail map, whoo.

I have been going crazy with deciding whether I should put Mag's original energy texture on a helmet that has 3 layers of 3 types of movement or do something different in compensation? Sadly, I had to do the second, there is only one movement proxy for a texture - scrolling. This is what I have done so far, leave a feedback how you would like to make it changed.



Sadly I can't really give constructive criticism on it due to having no idea how stuff like this works in SFM (or in general). However, what I can say is that looks really good, yes it's not in-game exact but, we aren't exactly working with the engine D.E. uses so getting something that can come close to replicating what they have, is pretty awesome. I say do what you can, if it works and we get something exact great, if not this is a pretty cool alternative.




Edit: Video is done check post below.

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Finally the first part of this is done. I still feel like I could have done better on it in some areas. I decided that if I kept trying I'll just stress myself out and it will never get done not going to be professional (yet) so yeah... 


Anyways here it is first part of what I'm calling Labyrinth of Trials once more of it gets done the name will make more sense.


Have CC's on and enjoy



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Awesome! I love Loki having a thumb war with himself. That is such a great concept. I cant wait to see what happens next!


Finally the first part of this is done. I still feel like I could have done better on it in some areas. I decided that if I kept trying I'll just stress myself out and it will never get done not going to be professional (yet) so yeah...


Yeah I get to that point in a project as well. As you keep going over and over it you lose enthusiasm as well. Moving on to the next project just gets easier and more interesting.

However once its up on youtube I end up only seeing all the errors that I should have corrected.

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Awesome! I love Loki having a thumb war with himself. That is such a great concept. I cant wait to see what happens next!



Yeah I get to that point in a project as well. As you keep going over and over it you lose enthusiasm as well. Moving on to the next project just gets easier and more interesting.

However once its up on youtube I end up only seeing all the errors that I should have corrected.


Yeah I hear you. Always looking back and being like " I should have fixed that." or "I hope no one notices..." what happens to me is always "I could have done better." But in reality... not really b/c i only have like 2 months of experience animating. However, from the first thing I animated talk about improvement haha.


Guess the biggest issue is my sense of time with some of the animations. I guess b/c you see everything playing back so many times it confused where things are at and at what time. I probably not explaining it well... guess it's seeing it at 60+ fps then when it renders its at 30fps it messes with my head. 


I'm going to try making animations at 60 and see what happens at that point. Maybe that will stop the throwing off.

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I really enjoy the look and theme of Limbo,  he's just a cool concept and I really love his design probably b/c I'm easily amused by magic tricks...Made this while Warframe was on the fritz b/c of the new update.

The model both in-game and exported, for him I'll say for the last time, is really good. Anyways enough typing, here's Limbo.



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So another animation is on the way this might take a bit due to me doing a few new animations that might look off. It's more or less a test but a silly idea just for laughs. Which is Limbo doing magic but that's all I'm saying.


Preview picture:


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tempted to work on another one, maybe a zweihander, keep your eyes peeled!


More stuff to work with? Awesome! Thanks for your work, it's appreciated. 


On another note I'll start animating on a series more lighthearted and silly compared to what my latest animation was ( which will be mainly for practice and laughs here and there). I have a name for it unlike most of the stuff I have. So tomorrow depending where I get I'll give a small preview late Tuesday or Wednesday. 

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So I've been animating at 60fps to see if it looks a lot smoother and from what I've done... it does. The only issue I have is that now I need to relearn the frame placements and what gets seen. 


Anyways here is a test and a preview of what I have been working on.


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60 FPS looks nice. What resolution you outputting at?

Even though it was only a few second animation you want always have a few little animations going beyond the shot. That way the model doesn't go rigid like a statue at the end there. 


I find a small movement in the pelvis moved beyond the shot is all it takes to prevent statue status. 

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60 FPS looks nice. What resolution you outputting at?

Even though it was only a few second animation you want always have a few little animations going beyond the shot. That way the model doesn't go rigid like a statue at the end there. 


I find a small movement in the pelvis moved beyond the shot is all it takes to prevent statue status. 


My resolution is the default, which is 720p option under the format. 


Oh yeah I know but, I needed to see what it looks like on youtube and how well it renders. Along with saying "Hey I'm working on something for those interested." I tighten up everything once it's done. 


Yeah normally I move the bone right above the pelvis to avoid the statue look (my past animations that's exactly what I did) however, that didn't seem to work out well in that shot. So I'll use your suggestion and see where I get, thanks. 

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You can set resolution to 1080p.

What you need to do is right click on Source Filmmaker then go to Properties, then click Launch Options. In a text field, put this:

-sfm_resolution 1080

This will allow you to use 1920x1080 resolution for rendering videos, also the Movie export is the best for images if you export only 1 frame rather than poster. Poster somehow makes image worse by adding weird antialiasing (maybe its because of TF2's artstyle because SFM is based on it's resources), in comparison with movie export, the other one does not have this issue.

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You can set resolution to 1080p.

What you need to do is right click on Source Filmmaker then go to Properties, then click Launch Options. In a text field, put this:

-sfm_resolution 1080

This will allow you to use 1920x1080 resolution for rendering videos, also the Movie export is the best for images if you export only 1 frame rather than poster. Poster somehow makes image worse by adding weird antialiasing (maybe its because of TF2's artstyle because SFM is based on it's resources), in comparison with movie export, the other one does not have this issue.


Huh I never knew about this... Thanks NikouT. 


I'll try that and see how it changes the pictures. There's so much to SFM makes me glad that Valve made it free to use. Even if it does occasionally break for no good reason...


Edit: I actually have AA turned off on all my renders (posters and movies) I believe it was because of render times and the reason you gave.

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You probably mean Ambient Occlusion which I never mentioned. Anti-Aliasing is the feature with SFM that won't be turned off unless you know the console command to do so. I use movie's Image sequence export of 1 frame in 1080p to get this image straight away in a good quality.

This is what came out of rendering


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You probably mean Ambient Occlusion which I never mentioned. Anti-Aliasing is the feature with SFM that won't be turned off unless you know the console command to do so. I use movie's Image sequence export of 1 frame in 1080p to get this image straight away in a good quality.

This is what came out of rendering


OOh! isnt this female frame-character in early warframe trailer? :DD

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