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Saryn´s Moult Nerf


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Hey everybody,


i´ve been playing Saryn now quite a time and i love the char tough he got 2 spells that aren´t great (venom and contagion) and 2 great spells. For most parts i build saryn for the fun having with moult in defense and decoy the enemy to it. 

With the new patch moult was sadly nerfed in the ground (without giving Saryn anything back)


A max Moult (lvl 3) lasts 15 seconds and as my last tests it seems to be affected by continuity.

So i lasts way shorter than Lokis Decoy (21 seconds)


So what do we got now seems to be a Saryn that has only it´s ulti to be useful and that´s not that great.


So long



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Just benched my own Saryn.  Been playing her since she came out.  When the molt nerf hit today, I shook my head and shed a tear.  She was supposed to be a light tank, or at least that is what she felt like.  Now she is little more than a door stop.  Oh well.

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Saryn still has good abilities. Moult is just more of a panic button now. It still has it's own health. So it might be destroyed before the timer even ends.


They probably should have changed it to being completely time-based. Either that or just force it to be grounded. Maybe have melee ignore it, if they can't hit it?

Edited by UltimaHiryuu
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it was fine as it was. the spores are useless. Mine is maxed out, and they do 2 dmg. and it is very rare to destroy one, and contagion doesn't increase your damage that much.


I've never had too much trouble hitting the spores. I don't generally leave it. I immediately destroy them, after placing them.

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Lokis Decoy is timebased (last for 21 sec without continuity on lvl 3)


Saryns is now time based and hp based making lokis decoy far supperior

Loki's Decoy can also be destroyed and has significantly less hp than Saryn's Moult.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about, I main with Saryn and her Venom is amazing with power strength mods, her ult is an amazing room clearer and Moult is still good. The most useless of her spells is Contagion, it'd be a lot better if Contagion effected your rifles and pistols as well or if it buffed your team with the improved effect as well.


I think her Moult was too good before, it could take a lot of hits from Kril and it still took a while for it to be killed. 

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I once watched a video on youtube by akamikeb where I think he said contagion made her invulnerable, that's obviously not the case anymore so I guess thats a nerf. Even if it probably was a bug.


Anyway there are many OP abilities in this game, the way moult functioned was obviously not intended and trivialized some defense missions from what I've heared, don't have any personal experience.


I think a lot more abilities in this game needs nerfing, as well as buffing of course. Like the stuff that make you invulnerable for 10+ seconds (Trinity, Rhino are there others?) they should be damage reductions even if very powerful damage reductions like 90%  if necessary or whatever (or have CDs). Stuff that make you invulnerable should only last a few seconds at most.


They should do a big balance patch, so many useless and some ridiculously OP abilities.

Edited by Mikki79
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Discussing with some friends of mine tonight, we all also agree that the timer and health/shields on Moult is unnecessary.  Moult was fine as it was except that it regenerated shields and health.  To fix it, all you had to do was stop it from regenerating health, and lower its health total to like, 1/4 of whatever the player's was.  Drawing aggro like it does, I've seen Moult take a significant beating but barely survive because of our team's efforts to take out the mob around it, and then regenerate to full health for another wave of enemies on a defense map.  If it had 1/4 health and didn't regenerate health anymore, it could be permanent until killed and would fit the bill just fine as a decoy.

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Keeps getting nerfed? Care to explain? This was the first nerf/balancing of her.

I'll say she keeps getting nerfed if they dont make molt and contagion more "different".Saryn is still like a hybrid warframe with these 2 skills.Giving molt a timer(or not) doesn't change it get killed quickly in normal situation(let's not talk about defend mission).

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I once watched a video on youtube by akamikeb where I think he said contagion made her invulnerable, that's obviously not the case anymore so I guess thats a nerf. Even if it probably was a bug.


Anyway there are many OP abilities in this game, the way moult functioned was obviously not intended and trivialized some defense missions from what I've heared, don't have any personal experience.


I think a lot more abilities in this game needs nerfing, as well as buffing of course. Like the stuff that make you invulnerable for 10+ seconds (Trinity, Rhino are there others?) they should be damage reductions even if very powerful damage reductions like 90%  if necessary or whatever (or have CDs). Stuff that make you invulnerable should only last a few seconds at most.


They should do a big balance patch, so many useless and some ridiculously OP abilities.

I disagree with your assessment of the invincibility skills.  Link takes some measure of skill to use properly and sustain, and makes sense that it would reward proper skill usage on higher value targets like ancients, shockwave (and now fusion) moas, and heavy grineer.  Trinity is a very energy hungry frame, and messing up can mean not having enough energy to sustain yourself.  Worse, not knowing when to use your skills can drain you on easy to kill enemies before a big one shows up.


Rhino's Iron Skin is situationally OP.  Yes he can tank a mob by himself.  Yes he can incapacitate them all.  But aside from weapon selection he has no real means of dispatching them quickly.  As a frame all he brings to the table is CC and invincibility.  His role is tank, and he fills that role well.  He isn't DPS, he isn't a mesmer, he isn't support, or a skirmisher, or stealth assassin.  He's focused on tanking.

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Loki's Decoy can also be destroyed and has significantly less hp than Saryn's Moult.


You can set Loki's decoy anywhere you want, as long as it isn't somewhere midair.


With Saryn you have a slower frame, have to run back and forth to set it up and the duration is shorter.


This nerf is a slap in the face, just like all the other nerfs in the last time.


It seems as if DE is just looking for stuff they aren't happy about as it makes their easy game easier and then proceeds to nerf it into oblivion... (which shouldn't be much of a problem in a PvE game anyway)

And in the case of Moult it only applied to low lvl missions and some infestation (defense) missions.

Edited by bakaxy
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It was obvious that the way moult was working that DE would eventually fix it, but the duration is way too low for moult doesn't justify the fact that is has both a shield and an hp meter. At this point, moult is no more than a shoddy knock off of Loki's Decoy. 


In my opinion, to vary it up a bit, moult should only be able to be cast on the ground, return to its infinite duration (or at least a very long one), and explode in a cloud of poisonous gas that staggers enemies on initial burst and afflicts them with venom for a few seconds once its HP reaches 0 or when the duration ends.

Edited by NinjaChicken
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Sorry offtopic but a reply to an earlier post.


Would making link "only" reflect 90% (or something) damage break Trinity? Then she would actually have to use the 1st skill once in a while when soloing bosses. I've just seen a few videos on youtube of people soloing bosses with these godmode skills and it just seems silly. 


I just don't think invulnerability that lasts till you kill the boss is a good gameplay mechanic, and yes I actually just made a Trinity and I can't keep link up 100% of the time but then again she has barely any mods atm.

Edited by Mikki79
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I just made Saryn as well and I donno I "still" (never used old version) like moult, but I donno if it will be as good at higher levels. Hardly costs anything and gets the attention away from you for a while when your shields drop. I use energy siphon artifact and it doesn't take that long to regain the energy you used.


But then again I'm used to playing Mag which I never use any skills with except crush when I get swarmed, so perhaps anything seems good in comparison.

Edited by Mikki79
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Saryn was one of my favorite warframes, still is but really did not like this nerf srsly getting tired of not having a huge differance in warframes skills they just have a few differant looks or small differances in their affect want a useful decoy ? make it so it lasts a short-med time then turns to a poisin dust harming/stunnign enemies tada it's useful and uneke now.I rather have that then a secoy that can still die before 20 seconds are up.This is just a lot of people's sujjestion (and a popular one it seems) also venom to me does decent damage just a bit difficult to hit the spores.

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I know that the devs are trying to make Molt a reason for players to upgrade it past level 1, but this is seriously the wrong way to do it.

I've actually made a thread on this not so long ago about Saryn's scaling


In my opinion this is the better way of approaching the problem of non-scaling molt before.

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