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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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Just telling, ya know >w> Not like I'm telling you guys to troll Rhino 'cause Iron Skin depletes after taking friendly fire or anythinggggg. [Thanks Darkscars for telling me about this!]

Starting to think the world hates Rhino...

Not sure if life imitates art...

... or the other way around :X

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Just telling, ya know >w> Not like I'm telling you guys to troll Rhino 'cause Iron Skin depletes after taking friendly fire or anythinggggg. [Thanks Darkscars for telling me about this!]

Aw come on, Yui. At least now Rhino has a team buff and an ult equal to Saryn's.
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Leave the poor Rhino alone!!!!!


What did he ever do to you?


(Hmm? Blocking my shots... stealing my kills... running off and getting killed and demanding I run into a horde of enemies to rez him... Oh and now spamming ult so I never get any kills with Sound Quake...)


On second though... BURN HIM DOWN!

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Just telling, ya know >w> Not like I'm telling you guys to troll Rhino 'cause Iron Skin depletes after taking friendly fire or anythinggggg. [Thanks Darkscars for telling me about this!]

Are you ever going to draw a comic not based on the bratty dumbass Rhino players, and actually make one about the rhinos who read fine art and drink fine brandy infront of a lit fire while narrating their own life in the voice of morgan freeman?



(like me huehehehemehmemhemhemhhehemhmrmh)

Edited by Rettycombine
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As a Rhino this makes me laugh and sad at the same time. Well actually first I laugh than I am sad because frankly both at the same time would not make much sense. It does raise suspicions about some previous incidents though especially against infested Ancients and considering a particular Vaubaun and a snipetron, combined with "unlucky" shots while I was surrounded on 3 sides by ancients *sigh*. After he sucked me in with them is when I got particularly suspicious of his intentions. Upon my untimely demise the ancients proceeded to rush up the ramp and blow up the pod.

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Some day, when DE inevitably turns the stalker into a black-and-red Rhino, You will suffer. Our memories are long, and our horns are longer.


No. Just no. The Stalker is going to become a Black/Red Vauban. THAT would be terrifying.


Then the Rhino presses 4 and that entire group is gone.


Yesterday I killed half of an exterminate mission with 1 Rhino Stomp. The total enemy count was 127 Grineer. It seems Attack Formation Bravo means to bodyblock the enemy and hope they can't kill all of you.

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Leave the poor Rhino alone!!!!!


What did he ever do to you?


(Hmm? Blocking my shots... stealing my kills... running off and getting killed and demanding I run into a horde of enemies to rez him... Oh and now spamming ult so I never get any kills with Sound Quake...)


On second though... BURN HIM DOWN!


Are you ever going to draw a comic not based on the bratty dumbass Rhino players, and actually make one about the rhinos who read fine art and drink fine brandy infront of a lit fire while narrating their own life in the voice of morgan freeman?



(like me huehehehemehmemhemhemhhehemhmrmh)

Is that even possible?


Sadly, 90% of Rhino player I met are 'bratty dumbass Rhino players'


As a Rhino this makes me laugh and sad at the same time. Well actually first I laugh than I am sad because frankly both at the same time would not make much sense. It does raise suspicions about some previous incidents though especially against infested Ancients and considering a particular Vaubaun and a snipetron, combined with "unlucky" shots while I was surrounded on 3 sides by ancients *sigh*. After he sucked me in with them is when I got particularly suspicious of his intentions. Upon my untimely demise the ancients proceeded to rush up the ramp and blow up the pod.



Some day, when DE inevitably turns the stalker into a black-and-red Rhino, You will suffer. Our memories are long, and our horns are longer.

Bring it onnnn >:D

Edited by yuikami
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Lemme guess' PuG's?



Edit: I get it now, Both PuG and people I know who decide to play this game. All the horrible cocky egotistic one always pick Rhino first and them adding up with PuG and turn my experience with Rhino into me hating their guts and trying my best to be in any game with them.


I also used to be in Thai community full of Rhino. They would take their frame so high up and order people around, saying they are so good because they can tank and stuff. I was playing Trinity at that time and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them would be too busy bossing Trinity around only to use enegy vampire so they can spam their iron skin, while using their fat butt to block all the shot for other people while tank wasn't even needed.


My other expedience with PuG was that, Rhino players are always fast to insult others, fast to start an arguement, BRAGS A LOT just to top others, saying they have the best frame with godmod skill, and yet they still like to run up ahead, die and blame the rest of the team. Any stupid argument with random started on me are mostly from Rhino primary players too. [yes I checked their profile before I block them] Not to count many rude comments I've received from some of the Rhino players on some of my works, some even try to order me to draw something for them.


So there, now you know! People on my teamspeak can probably ensure all this happened too cause when ever I raged, they knew this same stuff happened and yes, it was always Rhino players. You have no idea how happy I am that Rhino got nerfed over and over.


I have nothing against the frame Rhino cause yes, its well designed, but the wonderful traits of Rhino always attracts in the type of player I try to avoid the most which are what you stated in a couple comments above. No tactic needed, 1 button, jump in and smash. <- yes I can say that too since I already mastered all the frames.


I was gonna keep this to myself like how I always did in the past couple months but since I'm already in this corner, to hell with it then.


Anyway, if you're not in any category above, nothing to see here, you're doing great, please continue to be a nice friendly Rhino player.

Edited by yuikami
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Just telling, ya know >w> Not like I'm telling you guys to troll Rhino 'cause Iron Skin depletes after taking friendly fire or anythinggggg. [Thanks Darkscars for telling me about this!]

Really? So if I play as Rhino, an accidental shot from a teammate can screw me over? Damn DE, fix this S#&amp;&#036;!

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I just edited post up there, from the bottom of my heart.


My luck with PUGs has been on par with my luck with RNG.


Sometimes I get AWESOME groups. People who protect each other, cover each other using abilities (even Rhinos). People who stay near the pod and decimate all before them no a matter the level with focused fire.


Other times?


'Gotta get all the barrels before anyone else! Who CARES about the pod? Someone else will protect it! Oh, and now I am going to spawn camp because it's the 'leet' thing to do. WHAT? What do you mean 'Mission Fail? It's not MY fault I left a Volt to defend the pod alone against Infested! Not my fault at all!'


Sadly option 2 seems to be more and more prevalent these days.

Edited by Kalenath
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Well yui you shall not be dissapointed if I ever play with you and bring Rhino in (in fact, that's what I'll do!), I never used IS to purposedly charge anyways, and besides IMO the new Rhino is much better than the vanilla one.

I mean who doesn't like a 50% damage buff?

Edited by RahuStalker
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Yui! Yui! Did you see it?! After update 9, the old Vor -in a final act of love before retiring his crimson armor- blessed us with a broken loot table, and it rained morphics across all of the planets!

Captain vor,you shall be remembered! *salutes*

Edited by pjssas
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