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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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Urgggggggggggggg still sick + commission week + my sleeping schedule just became a mess...



oh trust me... every session of presentation my mom force me to go it's worse then this "commission week"


most of them was like....this:

Edited by Doforcash
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I know this is unrelated but word needs to get out. The new and in most peoples opinion fairest way to determine the price of a trad-able mod is that every 1000 credits you used to max it is worth 1 plat. please tell others so people have a fair standard.

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I know this is unrelated but word needs to get out. The new and in most peoples opinion fairest way to determine the price of a trad-able mod is that every 1000 credits you used to max it is worth 1 plat. please tell others so people have a fair standard.




I'm bored.


Yuikami, any advice?

Play games? Watch series? LOL I dunno.

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Meh,I was gonna say Dark souls with the discount that was made recently...but whatevs,that works too I guess :P


BlatantFool basically convinced me to get all the DLC for the PC version (even though he was not trying) and I recent went mod-crazy.


Yep, I am caught in it's web again.

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BlatantFool basically convinced me to get all the DLC for the PC version (even though he was not trying) and I recent went mod-crazy.


Yep, I am caught in it's web again.

I know what you feel. I "upgraded" the blacksmith list up to Silver Dragon Armor and have all the skill limits reach beyond 100, even had a lot of experience-based systems on Agility and Dragon powers. :3

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