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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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This may not related to my arts, but some of the clan members don't really go to clean thread and decided to hang out here, so i might as well post it here too; This is the rule update to Pink Giant Octopus this has been added as #3 since some of us were facing the same problem. Also added more requirement for new members to join since I've been told there were some leeches and people who simply want to wear the clan out as a badge and decided not to even help out on anything or even getting along with other members at all.


Had to finally add this, wasn't my choice, blame the rude ones, you guys did it to yourselves, HOLD YO HORSE & CALM YO SHIZ; TRUE, I allow you to do whatever you want most of the time, but at least keep it tasteful!
DO NOT harass other members, if they don't like what you're doing to them, leave them alone.
DO NOT randomly drag other members into your mission. If they didn't agree to join you, leave them alone.
DO NOT be a C-word and remember some of your 'fun' may not be 'fun' for other people,
DO NOT start any problem with the other clan, remember, we're friendly
We have extremely low tolerance against threats and insults, if you have personal problem against someone, use PM
Have respect for other people as well if you want respect from them.
Help out the dojo whenever you can, no forcing. Sure we accept members in any ranks, doesn't matter how much skill you have with this game, we welcome you and if you need to build up yourself first, just do so, I understand. But if I catch you or anyone informing me you're only here just to leech out everyone else's hard farming or wearing my clan's name as a tag without wanting to really be a part of the clan at all, it's not going to end well.
Everyone who decided to apply to the clan must already acknowledge these rules,
If you can't follow these, no warning, OUT!




Anyway, about Qoo, everytime Corpus makes that noise, I was reminded of my favorite orange juice mascot XD

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Anyway, about Qoo, everytime Corpus makes that noise, I was reminded of my favorite orange juice mascot XD

lol i like his white grape juice,i remember his name is QQ right?

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Yui, you should definitely do one about sabotage missions changing to exterminates, I love it when that happens.


"Sigh, another reactor to destroy..."

"Plans have changed Tenno. Leave nothing alive."

"WOOOOO! Murder time!"

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Anyway, I'm taking a break from Comics,
Many things have been ticking me off lately;

Some Ex-clannies being annoying pushing me into forcing the rule to a suppose-to-be-fun clan,

Clan Leeches and badge hunters,

Farming Circuits,

Getting a Warning Point for something I don't deserve without any clarification after all the clean records I've been trying to keep.

So I'm extremely not in the mood right now, don't try me.

Edited by yuikami
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Anyway, I'm taking a break from Comics,

Many things have been ticking me off lately;

Some Ex-clannies being annoying pushing me into forcing the rule to a suppose-to-be-fun clan,

Clan Leeches and badge hunters,

Farming Circuits,

Getting a Warning Point for something I don't deserve without any clarification after all the clean records I've been trying to keep.

So I'm extremely not in the mood right now, don't try me.




Don't let them push you around!






Edited by FrostWolf
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Anyway, I'm taking a break from Comics,

Many things have been ticking me off lately;

Some Ex-clannies being annoying pushing me into forcing the rule to a suppose-to-be-fun clan,

Clan Leeches and badge hunters,

Farming Circuits,

Getting a Warning Point for something I don't deserve without any clarification after all the clean records I've been trying to keep.

So I'm extremely not in the mood right now, don't try me.

Take a break go out and enjoy life! don't stick around with this game for too long.

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Drunk Frost...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Time to start drawing. (Even though i suck at it)

Edited by BoompigXD
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Anyway, I'm taking a break from Comics,

Many things have been ticking me off lately;

Some Ex-clannies being annoying pushing me into forcing the rule to a suppose-to-be-fun clan,

Clan Leeches and badge hunters,

Farming Circuits,

Getting a Warning Point for something I don't deserve without any clarification after all the clean records I've been trying to keep.

So I'm extremely not in the mood right now, don't try me.

Yeah take a break !! You deserve some rest xD Love your comics :D 



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Anyway, I'm taking a break from Comics,

Many things have been ticking me off lately;

Some Ex-clannies being annoying pushing me into forcing the rule to a suppose-to-be-fun clan,

Clan Leeches and badge hunters,

Farming Circuits,

Getting a Warning Point for something I don't deserve without any clarification after all the clean records I've been trying to keep.

So I'm extremely not in the mood right now, don't try me.


1597941-WKH6GND.jpg Show your Uncle Hek who those bastards are, Yui.

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Anyway, I'm taking a break from Comics,

Many things have been ticking me off lately;

Some Ex-clannies being annoying pushing me into forcing the rule to a suppose-to-be-fun clan,

Clan Leeches and badge hunters,

Farming Circuits,

Getting a Warning Point for something I don't deserve without any clarification after all the clean records I've been trying to keep.

So I'm extremely not in the mood right now, don't try me.



*I grab my Hek and hands it to you.*


You know what you have to do to the Ex-clannies.

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Yeah take a break !! You deserve some rest xD Love your comics :D 

Thanks ;w; I'll be working on some paintings to clear my head.


1597941-WKH6GND.jpg Show your Uncle Hek who those bastards are, Yui.

talk_zpse121dee9.jpg  Papaaaaa!! Wehhhh!!


Awwwww, feel better soon yui~

Also, what's a badge hunter O_O

Alsox2, that's the most awesome clan emblem ever, in the history of clan emblems :3

Alsox3, it bounces! XD

tentaclegift22_zps70827bd9.gif  Tenta huggu!




*I grab my Hek and hands it to you.*


You know what you have to do to the Ex-clannies.

Thank you!! ;w;/





Farming circuits DOES sound terrible. Poor infested of the ceres.

Yes 100k Circuits was horrible x-x

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You mean Ash shrimp? XD


Nop :D Trust me, you don't wanna know how Rhino players stereotype is.




I'm sooo tempting to post how I portray each character based on most players I've met XD


Do it yuikami!!!! I wana see what you think of my beloved Frost :3

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