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Possible To Play With Gravity?


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Apologies if this has been posted before.


Since the game is still in its very early stages, I'd like to suggest that as the developers create more environments they should consider altering gravity at certain points in the level. For example, I think it would be interesting to walk out of a Grineer base out onto Mercury's surface and be able to jump higher and float longer in the air because the gravity is much lower.


Also, I'd like to be able to step out of a ship and experience zero or very low gravity, a Tenno could navigate a zero gravity section by leaping between objects or something (although I'd prefer to stay away from a jetpack or boot rockets or something cheesy like that, mostly because I'd feel more like a BA walking out into zero gravity without being able to fly around).


Obviously this opens a whole slew of potential problems, but if the team could work out some of the kinks I feel that this would be a great addition to the game.

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It would be cool, but I doubt it could fit into current physics. Such as fire causes damage and ice destroys shields. if we crack open a space window  and do not close it soon enough (assuming low enough life/shields) it could kill us. But conceptually it sounds like fun.

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We're in space so why not? Would be cool :D

Maybe when you destroy the reactor core gravity would be impaired? Although mapdesign would get a little funky with people going everywhere and i dread the doubble missions with hostage XD Maybe some special missions would have the effect?

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