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Let's Channel All The Things!


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Back in U13, we got this shiny new toy called 'Melee Channeling.' Sure, it gives a buff to damage and makes a few mods work but a lot of those mods are just overshadowed by their normal counterparts. After looking at the idea behind modding PvP in the last devstream, A thought came to me that perhaps this alternate loadout could be the basis of enhancing the channeling system already in place.


Rather, what if instead of just making melee hit harder, we were to have it as a sort of temporary 'ascended state' perhaps not unlike what Focus seemed to originally want to be (From what I understand now, it seems like it's going to be more based on passive upgrades or somesuch although that's likely just speculation given how little information exists on it)? Maybe like how melee channeling is now, we could toggle it on and off like certain other warframe powers and doing so would activate this extra mod loadout but at the cost of constant energy drain?


Here is what I think would be a good place to start:


-Channeling mode would keep the current melee 1.5X multiplier


-Sprint speed would be increased by 20% or so. Having toyed around with a Rush mod for a while, this seems like a decent number to me.


-Reloading speed of a weapon would be boosted by 20% as well.


-Stamina would either regenerate faster and/or would not see drain due to parkor/jumping/sprinting/movement actions but still affected by blocking in melee.


-Shares characteristics of regaining energy like other toggled powers (Energy orbs and possibly the Rift plane are the only things that will supply energy back to a frame in channeling mode, basically.)


Why no boost for primary/secondary weapons? Well, I think it would be great if this mode were to have it's base characteristic as infusing oneself with void energy and gaining better physical characteristics in the process.


Now, let's say the initial drain for these effects would be two energy per second and this replaces the 'energy used on hit' mechanic currently in place (This number is one I made up on the spot so don't harp on it being OP or whatever just yet. Remember, this is just an explanation of a concept). That may not seem like all that much but that number will very likely increase depending on how this mode is modded. Remember those melee channeling mods that don't do anyone much good? Well what if we just remove them from a melee only position to where they have a more global effect. Something like Quickening would increase fire rate/swing speed/reload speed while Corrupt Charge would be a boost to damage. Now, if you would remember my comment on having this mode be more a basis in boosting physical effects, I'd also like you to remember that these mods are those which currently also affect the drain of channeling in it's current form. So, rather than just being direct upgrades, taking the route that gives combat power will increase the drain rate while in this mode and thus be a kind of trade-off. So with just those two mods, the drain rate is now at 4.4 energy per second. If we wanted to also have a better crit chance while channeling, then True Punishment would provide in that case while raising the drain rate up to 5.6 energy per second which is just a bit over the same drain rate of the Energy Leech eximus. Thus, we get more power on all weapons but at a cost. Plus, this 'global' effect oddly feels like most of the current melee channeling mods are in a good spot already from a cost/gain standpoint. Corrupt Charge should probably see a bit of a look if it affects base damage but maybe it's fine as is.


Lifestrike and Killing blow should probably stay as melee only, though...


At any rate, while you could stack these mods that boost your combat power and that be all fine and good, why not also allow this to be a place to slot in less-used utility mods as well with the effect being that they are not 'activated' until you enter this mode but not adding any drain (Or at least a much reduced amount in comparison to the earlier example). So, while channeling, you could slot in, say, Rush, Fast Deflection, Fast Hands, and maybe Sure Footed and use it more as a utility-based mode that you don't necessarily hit harder in but can open up more options and can sustain the mode for much longer than a combat focused channeling mode build. Maybe even add mods that reduce damage from certain elements or Proc damage/duration in there as well just for kicks


With these two extremes, we could have a very powerful but short lived boost in damage output, a long-burning and more enhanced mobility/defensive capacity albeit potentially niche at times, or something in between. Likely the numbers would need some tinkering but the ability to turn your pool of energy into power in a pinch rather than just saving it for abilities only seems like it would open up a greater variety of ways to play.


What do the rest of you think about this idea?

Edited by Terumitsu
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