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Weapon Suggestion, Shotgun Edition: Manticore (Grineer Shotgun) And Mako (Tenno Heavy Shotgun)


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Two shotguns for you.


Manticore: Grineer Heavy Shotgun

DESCRIPTION: The MANTICORE is designed to provide Grineer Troopers with the ability to engage targets at multiple ranges by firing smart slugs. Upon impact, a small explosive charge in these slugs detonates them into a lethal spray of monomolecular shrapnel, slicing through even heavily armored targets. However, the reinforced barrels of the MANTICORE allow multiple pre-loaded slugs to be detonated inside the barrel after charging into a more conventional shotgun burst, providing the weapon with a lethal short-range charge attack.


Damage: 65 (Slug)/9 x 8 pellets per loaded shell, up to 3 shells (Charge)

Rate: 2.0 (semi-auto/charge)

Charge Time: 1.5s

Magazine: 8

Reload Time: 3.0 seconds default

Accuracy: High (regular shot)/Nonexistent (charge shot)

Recoil: High


Special: The Manticore has two firing modes. Tapping the fire button launches a single medium-high damage slug that has good accuracy and can be used for long-range engagement, with no damage dropoff of any sort. Of course it's a really inefficient way of using shotgun ammo so it's your choice. Holding it down loads multiple slugs into the firing chamber and releases them in a spray of short-range shrapnel. Up to 3 shells can be loaded in this fashion. The secondary fire mode can thus deal up to 9x24 = 216 base damage, but has extreme damage dropoff (starting at 5m, dealing only 25% damage past 15m) and basically nonexistent accuracy.


Mako: Heavy Shotgun

DESCRIPTION: The MAKO shotgun is designed specifically for the Tenno, as not even the reinforced limbs of Grineer Heavy Gunners can withstand the punishing recoil without severe damage. Firing mono-edge arrowheads, the Mako has minimal damage falloff and can maim targets at extreme ranges but its relatively low accuracy prevents fully taking advantage of this.


Damage: 20 x 10 pellets (no damage falloff)

Rate: 5.0

Magazine: 2

Reload Time: 3.0 seconds

Accuracy: Low

Recoil: Extreme (firing a second shot within 1s of the first shot will knock you down, in fact).


Special: Firing the Mako causes you to slide back a meter or two, and knocks you down if the second shot is fired within 1 second of the first shot.

Edited by MJ12
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