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Void- The Frame Of The Lotus?(Now With 23.982% More Tweaks!)


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Among those who believe The Lotus is Tenno, Void is the mysterious frame the Lotus used when first freeing Tenno from their sleep, before there were enough awake to support the rescue without her.  The problem is... no one has ever seen this frame to confirm.  Even now The Lotus may be using this frame in mission to communicate with Tenno without them even knowing...


Others believe Void is a direct agent of The Lotus, only involved in actions of the highest importance.


Why would The Lotus watch us so closely and carefully?  Some believe The Lotus watches over the Tenno like a caring mother, while others bet The Lotus does not trust the Tenno Herself...


Ever silent, the thoughts of the Tenno remain unheard.


Void is a stealth support frame designed as a compliment to nova.  Where Nova swiftly brings the team in with a bang, Void brings them in without a sound, sight or warning.


For general stats I have directly copied nova for this post, as their roles are complimentary, and if the stats dont quite fit the game, they can be adjusted at any time.  Void should be a fast moving caster like nova, though her other stats dont have to match perfectly.  I changed her base polarities to match her role.



Health 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)

Power 150.0 (225.0 at rank 30)

Armor 65.0

Shield Capacity 75.0 (225.0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed 1.2

Stamina 100

Polarities 1x 20px-D.png,1x 20px-Bar.png

Aura Polarity 20px-Bar.png




Unique individual powers

since a lot of frames are getting these extra customizations here are some ideas i had for Void.


Speedy Restoration:   When Void is reviving a downed ally she does it twice as fast(or some other ratio).

Stealthy Restoration:  When reviving a downed ally Void Automatically becomes invisible as as long as she is reviving.  Interrupting or finishing the revive ends the invisibility

Natural Stealth:  When Void stand still without being interrupted for at least 3 seconds, she automatically becomes invisible for up to 30 seconds. Doing anything or getting damaged or knocked around breaks the invisibility.

1.  Tear

Void teleports in the direction of cross-hairs tearing a hole in space that implodes pulling everything in range  before collapsing and detonating.


Strength:100/ 200/ 300/ 400(power strength)

Duration:>1 s(not modable)

Range:5 / 6 / 7 / 8 m (teleportation range)(power range), 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 m (attraction/ detonation)(not modable)



this ability is most similar to Ixtals Blink, with an after-effect somewhat similar to Vaubans vortex. 

The teleport should be immediate like ixtals blink, and should be recast-able soon enough to be chain-able to reach different locations. 

The implosion should emit a single attractive pulse that pulls enemies closer to center of blast but doesn't throw them around the way vortex does. 

The duration is the delay between the teleport and the blast from the collapsing hole, and would be less than a second.

functionally this ability in travel range and damage should be comparable to Excalibur's Slashdash, but not quite as far. 



I imagine the initial cast teleport sound as a mix of a record scratch, and a screeching chalkboard noise, or a sound similar to the fang when you hit a wall with it.  The blast would be proceeded by a nice preverb that starts immediately after the scratch, and would have a harsh sudden sound like the crack of granite smacking granite.  A sound more similar to the CRACK! of C-4 than the THUUUDD! of TNT.  Chaining the ability together should produce a rhythmic effect.


Bugs: without a doubt, implementing this kind of teleport in non archwing missions presents, more of a problem than in archwing, so you should expect to fall through the map sometimes, until most of the bugs are worked out.



2.  Summon

Void teleports the target to her, bringing them into melee range and enemies vulnerable to finishers.  Can target allies and allies in downed state.




Range:20 / 45 / 45 / 60 m(power range)



Teleports enemies to Void with their back turned.




3.  The Empty Way(Path)

Void becomes swift, silent and invisible, leaving a trail that does the same for Tenno within its bounds.  Recasting while active fixes the ability in place for remainder of duration.


Strength: Speed bonus is 10%(not modable)

Duration: 8/ 12/ 16/ 20 s(power duration)

Range:length 10/ 12/ 17/ 20 m (power range), width 1.5/ 2/ 2.5/ 3 m(power range)



There should be a "bulb" surrounding Void and the trail follows behind her curving as she move about.

You can curve the trail upon itself or cross over it to create non linear zones of invisibility for fixing in place or standing around.

If void "fixes" the trail in place she will become visible once she steps out of it.  Otherwise she stays invisible for duration.

Enemies cannot see the trail, only allies(counts for conclaves and solar rail conflicts as well as 'regular' enemies).


Visual effects:

The edges of the trail should be clearly marked with lines.

Sparkly effect rises from the floor in area inside of lines. Some in energy color and some not(so it will still be visible even if black is chosen for energy)

Particles effects should rise to a height taller than most tenno(2m?)



Sparkles! Shimmers! Mostly on cast only.


4. Multiple ideas, so i put them all here


4a.  From the Void

Summons specter equivalent versions of current allies(or just straight AI controlled duplicates)(or random warframes with Voids current weaponry) to distract enemies and fight alongside you for a short period of time.


Strength:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 (spectre copies)(modable?), 0 / +5 / +10 / +15 (level bonus)(modable?)
Duration:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 s(power duration)

Range:10 m(not modable)


4b.  Void Storm

Unleash raw void energy in curses around you weakening and damaging your foes.


Strength: -10% / -20% / -30% / -40% (damage output)(power strength), 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 (damage)(power strength),

OR -15%/ -30%/ -45%/ -60% damage output(power strength) with no damage other than from the random procs
Duration: ability 8 / 12/ 16 / 20 s(power duration), weakening 10/ 20/ 30/ 40s(power duration)

Range:50 m(power range)



Streams of tennobet words continuously pour forth from Void and seek nearest targets. 

Upon hitting an enemy they proc a random energy status effect(ie., not impact/puncture/slash),  apply their curse( the damage output reduction) and their damage.

a single enemy may be struck by more than one word.

Sustained cast like Banshee's Quake?, or maybe a continuous ability like Mirage's Prism?

Not sure how many word per second are thrown about.

Should be a bunch(5-10?) upon cast with more flowing out on a number per second basis



The words that float around the relays are what the base idea for visual is.

The words are different though.

Each status effect type has a different word and an energy color that matches the energy type, mixed with voids energy.



there is an initial casting sound, and then silence.  the words make a sound when they impact enemies.

Each word should sound a little different

Each should sound something like The Stalker swearing at the latest glitch with a mouthful of cheerios.  Or TennoFlakes.


4c.  Void Wrack

Unleash a sudden blast of raw void energy weakening and damaging your enemies.


Strength: -10% / -20% / -30% / -40% (damage output)(power strength), 700 / 800 / 900 / 1000 (damage)(power strength),

OR -15%/ -30%/ -45%/ -60% damage output(power strength) with no damage other than from the random procs.
Duration: ability instant, weakening 10/ 20/ 30/ 40s(power duration)

Range:20 m(power range)



The blast expands outward from void swiftly to its limit.

Staggers enemies hit.



Shock wave ring like the death-star exploding.



A single low pitch lonely church bell toll, matched with a screech that fades in immediately and fades out by the time it reaches its limit.  should have compression that give a feeling of crushing.


Voids Physical Appearance


Void should be freakishly smooth, almost like a generic model or the liquid metal terminator. 

Her colors should fade between  a dark olive drab or burnt umbra, a powdery gunmetal, and  a near gold yellow.

Her Void-scar is a hole right through the middle of her abdomen(front to back) somewhere, perhaps along a chakra sight. Though i  think the visual aesthetic should trump exact chakra placement.  In the center of the hole is and energy colored "jewel".

Her face should maintain the smooth aesthetic with the exception of a "eye-ring" that circles her head and has SIX energy colored "eyes" that move around continuously.


An idea for the acquisition of Void is to have her have a random chance to pop into your inventory for a day, instead of searching for her drop locations.  The chance Void appears increases with mastery rank, but the base value should be enough that new players would still gain access and that high mastery rank players would still have no guarantee she would be available.  High Mastery Rank would  mean a few more chances per month.  Then Void would disappear after that day until the next time.  There would be no warning, you would simply have to notice she was in your inventory.  What ever levels, reactors and forma you have spent remain, and when she reappears she would be in the condition she was in when she left.  So if she was just forma'd and level 12 when she left your inventory, when she returned she would be in the same state. when she returned, ready to be leveled again.  It would also be appropriate that when she shows up she always has a mission of dire importance, for you to embark upon, with little hints of story.


If someone could help me get this in the compiled list that would be awesome!

Edited by mayhemzen
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Though the OP post could use some more editing for clarification, I really like the abilities, concept and the lore entry about the Lotus. Definitely something I'd hope to be put in-game because it fills a role that isn't quite filled yet. The only thing I could maybe contest is the low health and shields which contrast a little to the teleportation, and that it's very similar to Cosmic Crush (Itzal's third ability).


ADDENDUM: I stand by what I said, but it's all clarified now. Definitely an awesome support frame with stealth and utility functionality, something which I wouldn't be surprised about if it were put into Warframe for update 17. It doesn't even need artwork - it's clearly thought out, detailed... one of my new favourite warframe concepts.

Edited by Blackout751
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As neat as this concept is...I honestly don't see what it brings that is new to the table. A team cloak is already achieve by ash, the teleport is basically a mix of wormhole and an explosion,her ult is rather lacking, and summoning specters sounds like a weaker version of nekros.

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I never thought of Lotus as a Tenno, no Tenno have displayed faces, so we don't know what they look like underneath. Personally my ideas on it would not be compatible with Lotus being a Tenno unless the image you see of her is a facade.

Those unique benefits see a little to OP.

From the void sounds good, random warframe, perhaps even random gear.

First and second abilities should be switched, imo, first seems more powerful overall than second. I'm also not a fan of the 3rd.

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Can I make a suggestion? Make his "teleport enemy to me" 2nd power either proc an element(for utility) or make them take a massive bonus to finisher damage like....a 400 or 500% boost to finisher damage?

also try organizing his stuff into spoiler tags like


text goes here

btw I love iztal's teleport so the tweak you did is great

Edited by cyrus106
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