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Warframe Slots


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When you buy the founders package for the Prime escalibur, I believe you got an extra frame slot as well.

Atleast I got.


Now this discussion is from people that want to play the game entirely for free.

I can understand.


Maybe at higher ranks you should be able to pay with credits for a slot, like 50 or 100k credits for a frame slot. I think 100k is more reasonable as it should not come cheap.

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When you buy the founders package for the Prime escalibur, I believe you got an extra frame slot as well.

Atleast I got.


Now this discussion is from people that want to play the game entirely for free.

I can understand.


Maybe at higher ranks you should be able to pay with credits for a slot, like 50 or 100k credits for a frame slot. I think 100k is more reasonable as it should not come cheap.

Well that was my point all along.

Maybe make it locked until certain mastery level,like weapons are,so its not easily abused.

It takes a while to get to mastery 5 or so,that would still be okay.

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That's not true.  Free players are typically involved in the spread of a game via word-of-mouth, maintaining key parts of the community, and other activities that bring in more eyes, players, and ultimately cash.  If a company is unwilling to value the opinions of free-to-players, the company will fail.


I play a LOT of free2play games, and I find this one the most generous I've ever seen in what you get for nothing. I would predict most objective free2play fans would agree. Only a tiny number of whiners who want their cake and eat it are being negative here. I am sure they are the minority. I am sure the word of mouth of this free2play game is staggeringly positive.

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 I hope you don't actually think that DE should ignore the feelings of potential customers just to hang on the word of who have paid in the past.


People who are objecting so strongly to a tiny financial outlay for some slots, given how much you get for free in this game, have laid their cards on the table. They are not potential customers. At least not potential paying customers. They will never ever pay a cent towards the game.

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Warframe is Pay2HaveFun


Because players who pay have a bigger selection of Warframes and weapons to play with / combine at all time, thus more fun.


So Long time motivation is only there for players who pay. Nobody wants to accomplish getting a new warframe or weapon just to have to delete it to get another one. Accomplishment just gone? No Thx!


I am still for making it available at a ridiculous high amount of credit.

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I think I'm going to start posting this every couple of pages.


Whether or not DE should make slots available to F2P customers seems to be irrelevant, as it appears that they've already have made that decision.

(at least that's my understanding of the situation)


While that may be true, it is still worth hearing opinions to help them decide how to do it. For example, I'd suggest awarding 2 weapon slots and 1 frame slot for Mastery level 4. That would work well on all fronts because:


a) DE can no longer be accused of not giving slots without platinum


b) It is impossible to hit level 4 Mastery without selling stuff to make room because you need to level a LOT more than 8 weapons and 2 frames to hit level 4, so nothing has really changed. The trigger mechanism by which most players will buy platinum is still there.

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Throughout the whole tread there are people who agree that slots are limiting content 


Actually very few people are saying that, and there are tons of counter-arguments illustrating how it is in theory IMPOSSIBLE to claim content is being limited since it is a stone-cold FACT that you can use any weapon with any frame on any level. Being able to own multiple weapons or frames at the same time is not content, it is convenience. And yes you pay for convenience in this game. That is their business model. Being able to skip the crafting process for a frame or weapon? Convenience. Rushing a build to get the crafted item quicker: convenience. Buying potatos instead of waiting till a BP drops: convenience.


And guess what: being able to own more than 2 frames and 8 weapons at the same time: CONVENIENCE


Saying the above is content is total mischief.

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there are way more free users than paid ones or founders in this game and they will all eventually agree on this,once they hit wall of progression and cant go anywhere if they dont sell what they worked hard for.


No. When they hit the wall you are talking about, they will either buy platinum or quit. I hit that wall. I bought platinum, and so did my guildies. If the wall wasn't there, no one would buy platinum. Working as intended.

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When you buy the founders package for the Prime escalibur, I believe you got an extra frame slot as well.

Atleast I got.


Now this discussion is from people that want to play the game entirely for free.

I can understand.


Maybe at higher ranks you should be able to pay with credits for a slot, like 50 or 100k credits for a frame slot. I think 100k is more reasonable as it should not come cheap.


Devil's advocate approaching: 100k is peanuts. It would have to be millions. If they start selling slots for 100k, or even 500k, then I want BACK the money I paid for the platinum I used to buy slots. That was the only reason I bought platinum. I have more credits than I know what to do with.


And for the record, I operated for quite a while with no extra slots. I've sold various weapons that I leveled to 30 and had potatoes in. It was only much later I decided I wanted the convenience of more slots.

Edited by GhostlightX
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No. When they hit the wall you are talking about, they will either buy platinum or quit. I hit that wall. I bought platinum, and so did my guildies. If the wall wasn't there, no one would buy platinum. Working as intended.

So then you are saying its okay to force people to pay?

Alot of new things to come can be plat only,but slots should not be one of those.

In time there will be more and more frames,and more and more weapons,by then having 8 and 2 slots wont cut it,it feels like demo not "f2p" game.

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People who are objecting so strongly to a tiny financial outlay for some slots, given how much you get for free in this game, have laid their cards on the table. They are not potential customers. At least not potential paying customers. They will never ever pay a cent towards the game.


 When it comes to something like "Remove the slots DE" I find it facepalm worthy myself, but often it is just a dude giving feedback about how he feels because of the limitations on his account over slots.


 People just trying to give feedback should be stamped out for any reason. 


 But I understand what you are saying.

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I bought two extra Warframe slots with my starter plat right when I started. That's the best thing to do IMO.


50k/100k is peanuts. I haven't been playing a month and I've already made 250k (150k not counting the reward from the event)  If you could get slots for that much it'd be silly. If they limited it to one or maybe two slots that way, it might be alright if they set the price to 150k-200k.


Honestly though, slots are what, 20 plat a piece? You can get 3 for $5.00, and have enough left for 2 weapons slots. For $10.00 you get 8, and if you did what I did and spent starter plat on 2 Warframe slots you can use the remainder of that and what's left from the $10 pack and get one more slot, for a grand total of 13 Warframe Slots. There are 14 Warframes including both Primes, and Excalibur Prime comes with it's own slot, so you have all of the 13 necessary to have all the Frames.


Neither of those is that much money. Yeah, I understand that not everyone can afford even that given the economy these days. Heck, I haven't bought any platinum or founders for just that reason. If you really, really want it, save a dollar every day for a week or two. That's $7-$14 right there, there you go.


If you can't afford that, well, I don't know what to tell ye. That sucks, and I know the feeling well. If it's because of parents, try to talk with them. Maybe if you do some work, they'll give you cash. I don't know. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. If you just don't want to spend the money... I don't have any advice for you, really. I've gotten something like 80 hours out of this game. I've gotten less out of games I've paid $50 for.


That's my opinion on it.


P.S. I should probably mention that the Disciple Founders pack looks like a great deal to me for $20.


EDIT: Fail Math. 2 to start with + 2.5 from starter plat + 8.5 from $10 = 13, not 11.

Edited by SteamInferno
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Is there any point having this thread open? DE have already mentioned they are looking into it and this thread is going nowhere.

Neither side is budging or persuading the other, just the same points beimg made over and over.

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