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A Quick Tweak To Nullifiers To Make Them More Balanced


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IF, and I say IF they make the bubble magnetize you, than they should, no, they HAVE to make projectiles able to pass through the bubble. Meaning our bullets should be able to hit the nullifier directly, instead of hitting the bubble first.

Then, MAYBE, and that's a big MAYBE.

Edited by VoidWraith
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How about no. Unless you are playing survival in camp in corner away, in about 15min mark you are not the one who is going to towards bubble, but bubble comes to you from all directions, sometimes they even fall on top of you. So having these bubbles magnetize would be nightmare.


But since we are speaking of balance, they should still try make semi-automatic fire a lot more effective against them, its is BS if it takes over 10shots from my vectis to burst their bubble while any solid full auto weapon can burst it at ease.

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Now that you've imagined how horrible that would be aren't you happy about how good warframe is?

I see what you're trying to do, but it doesn't work.

Let's say Nullifiers had this change. I could make a post saying "Please change Nullifiers so they delete your account when you run through the shield."

What I did didn't suggest a fix for nullifiers instantly stealing your energy, and didn't defend their abilities in the current state.

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You wanna make them magnetize you, considering they still own a bullsh*t bubble that doesn't shrink at fast as it should, and that is actually impossible to shrink with anything that posses a small RoF, so you can be unable to kill them from both afar, and close up.

Sounds like a good idea, but wait.. I got better, let's make it so that every time you look at a nullifier, and start shooting at him, if you don't kill him under 2 seconds, another nullifier will spawn, and so on.
Who's with me guys ?!!


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