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Scrapping Warframes


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With the introduction of the Frost Prime warframe, its obvious that a lot of players who own the regular Frost will exchange it for the prime. However, if you are like me, then you're in the predicament where the Frost warframe you own is already supercharged, and don't to just throw away that potato. 


A solution I thought of allows players to go through warframes without too much headache. Players should be able to scrap their warframes instead of selling them, which will return a fraction of the materials used, as well as the orokin reactor. Of course, this could be abused, but easily solved; the reactor can only be salvaged a number of times, maybe 2 or 3, so the player has to be careful with what to supercharge indefinitely once they've moved on to the next warframe.


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I like this idea. To further expand, I think the Orokin Catalysts/Reactors should remain account bound if a person does salvage their warframes.

I'm certain all catalysts, and reactors will be untradable considering every new account made starts with 50 platinum. You could figure out the loop hole there.

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although I like the idea, the potato bp aren't really rare. there's 2 reactor 1 catalyst since 1 May, and 2 reactor 3 catalyst in April. It's already more than enough for me, even if I sold my supercharged weapon (or warframe) to make space for a new one, the potato I have still enough because I don't build new weapon everyday.

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