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[Discussion] Reward Tiers For Future Operations


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This is a discussion instead of an outright suggestion because, well... I don't really know what to think of it, and I want to see what everyone else on this community thinks.

Reward tiers. Basically, people who contribute more to the event get a little more in recognition of the work that they put into the event. The global reward - that is, the really badass frame or weapon or whatever it is that they're releasing - is still given to everyone that participated, but the people who really put in effort get something extra. Maybe at 100 kills you get a small bonus, like a random common mod (or an AMMO BOX), or at five hundred you get an uncommon mod (or TWO ammo boxes!), or at two thousand you get an Orokin Reactor (or FIFTY ammo box- ...yeah, I'll stop).

It doesn't really have to be a tangible reward, either. Maybe an avatar related to the event gets unlocked for you here in the forums (I saw that mentioned somewhere) - just something to reward the players that went above beyond. I'm sure DE can think of something. What I'm asking is, should players that participate more get something in return?

More importantly: Not everyone will like the reward that's given out. Additional rewards on top of the global reward may give additional incentive for those players to play and join forces with everyone else, even if they think they might not want the reward.

For the record, I'd personally probably never get to the higher tiers, nor am I one of the players who went without sleep to kill Fusions. I just think they deserve more and that it'd be great motivation to play more.


Edit: Adding in some suggestions (from TraumaHunter and CloudPies):

Clan rewards could possibly be calculated based on the average number of kills per player in the clan, so that a small clan has a competing chance against a large one based on player effort (TraumaHunter). Actual rewards for this should, of course, be primarily cosmetic, such as a Fusion Moa stature or somesuch (CloudPies).

It'd actually be a pretty cool trophy system of sorts for a clan, I think.

Edited by Quetzhal
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Personally I have no problem with people being able to earn extra by doing more. Unfortunatly In reality I believe it would cause massive uproar if it awarded anything tangible. You have 500+ posts, you have to know where that would end.

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It's certainly an interesting idea, and as long as the primary reward is guaranteed for anyone who participated I certainly don't have a good reason to say no to people earning extra loot. I'm eager to see more feed back on this topic.

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Sounds interesting. But the reward can't be something completely exclusive to the event. Otherwise, you get an uproar of "I didn't have the available time to do this event/get that many kills". Something like an uncommon mod or ammo box (or hell, just a repeat daily login bonus) sounds good and fair for everyone.

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I don't have a problem with this.

Only problem I would have is with clan calculation (Because after update 8 they will be putting more emphasis on clans)

I don't think "the clan that gets the most kills" is a fair assessment.

Some clans have THOUSANDS of players (no exaggeration).  It's not fair to ask the 5 person clan to be weighed the same based on how many they kill outright.

Thus I'd rather see something along the lines of "the clan with the highest kills per player"

So if a clan of 5 people kill 20 each, and a clan of 20 kill 5 enemies each - the group that had its players playing 4x longer/getting 4x the kills per player should be rewarded more.  

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I'm apprehensive about including clans into such a system at all. That opens up a whole can of worms with things like "did every clan put in the same amount of time/kills?" as well as large clans having the man power to spam private runs with an organized team, which would in theory accomplish more than a bunch or randoms in a lobby together.


If we're going to reward people on contribution then I think it should be on a per person basis. Clans who made great contributions should be recognized certainly, but I don't think clan membership should play a role in additional loot.

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I think exclusive cosmetic-only rewards would be okay, but I can definitely see a bit of an outcry over that, haha. I personally wouldn't mind if the people who contributed a lot got an event related cosmetic exclusive, though. Like a flying Fusion Moa skin for the Sentinels. But that's a personal opinion.

As for clans - maybe if the average kills per clan member exceeds a certain amount, they unlock - as CloudPies suggested - a decorative option for their Dojo, and still have to use resources to build it? It'd be a nice way to recognise an achievement without really giving that clan or any of its players an advantage over anyone else.

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I could see clans investing in trophy rooms to show off their participation in events, haha. It'd work as an awesome sort of physical timeline of the events, as well, for the particularly active clans.

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