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Well Thx For Nothing


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dear DE,


i am mojorly disappointed in you guys .... i played the whole weekend killed fusion moas like a beast ...we hit 100% nothing ..... i today killed at least 12 more 3 hours before end of the event ... still nothing ..... i am pissed
i worked my a** of for nothing .....
a statement from you guys would be more then appreciated ...... because i am more then thinking about quitting warframe becasue of more then just this issue so if you dont care well then so be it ... but i am disappoited

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Minimum requirement for the Event reward is to kill 1 Fusion Moa in Europa (any area with Corpus).


Reward is a Frost Prime BP (which cannot be used until the part BP release in 2 weeks) and 100k credits.


If you have issues in receiving your reward during/after event, then it is required to make a support ticket saying that you didn't get it.

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You want statement? Here goes statement: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/40089-weekend-extermination-event-complete/






- All Tenno who killed at least 1 Fusion Moa received a FROST PRIME BLUEPRINT and 100K Credits!

- It's not too late to participate... if you haven't participated yet, you still have until Monday 12pm EDT to kill some Fusion Moas in Europa and get the reward when the event ends! Not unlocked? Join a friend who has it unlocked!

- Millions of Fusion MOAs were destroyed!

- Monday the top Players and top Clans will be posted who caused the most mayhem!

- Update 8 [~2 weeks] reveals hidden Orokin locations along with FROST PRIME’s parts... soon you will discover how PRIME Warframes interact with the Ancient Orokin technology!



If you are not getting rewards, you need supports, not statements.

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"- It's not too late to participate... if you haven't participated yet, you still have until Monday 12pm EDT to kill some Fusion Moas in Europa and get the reward when the event ends! Not unlocked? Join a friend who has it unlocked!"

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dear DE,


i am mojorly disappointed in you guys .... i played the whole weekend killed fusion moas like a beast ...we hit 100% nothing ..... i today killed at least 12 more 3 hours before end of the event ... still nothing ..... i am &!$$ed

i worked my a** of for nothing .....

a statement from you guys would be more then appreciated ...... because i am more then thinking about quitting warframe becasue of more then just this issue so if you dont care well then so be it ... but i am disappointed


Nothing of what? You dint say what was the point of your rant, didn't you get the BP? Is that why you are upset?

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If you played the weekend and did not get a reward, you obviously are experiencing a bug. Please contact Support, they will sort you out.


I am closing this, there is no point to keep this topic running. OP feels agitated enough and the response is crystal clear.

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