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Wiping the tears off her face, Deke walks off the screen for a minute. She returns in a expensive Corpus labsuit made especially for the handling of Infested biomaterial, with coffee in hand. Off camera, she bumps her head on the ceiling of the Liset, responding with a small 'ow'. She sits down at the interface, grabs the coordinates, and attaches small wires to them. She begins to type, muttering.


(Mutter)"Sometimes it's nice to be 6'5, but it's damn clear it's not right now."


Out of her Warframe, Deke appears much taller.

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"Alright, EAmorr, here's what we'll do. You will be our back-up, as such. You bring whatever weapons you think we be appropriate to use against the Infested. I'm going to tail Deke while she searches for Alad in whatever Derelict he may be in. That way, we can take him without a struggle. Deconstruct him, then reconstruct him. Simple."

I walked to the back of my Liset, switching into the spare set of Loki armour I kept on-hand to allow Ordis to thouroughly repair my other set. I then took out my Dread and removed the Thunderbolt, clipping the weapon to my back.

That's right Stalker. Remember when you lost?

I then took my Rakta Ballistica. Working for the Red Veil had its perks sometimes, and this weapon was great for stealth. I strapped it to my leg. I then scrolled through my numerous melee weapons.

"Too flashy, too slow, too explosive... perfect."

I called up my Reaper Prime, giving the ornamental weapon a few experimental swings before strapping it to my back.

"Alright. Deke, how long will those co-ords take to decipher?"

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"If im going to be the backup then I'll be close behind you, i modified this warframe to be able to take a lot of damage but im also slower. Loki, you move a lot faster than i can, so i need you to be careful if you run ahead to scout. Deke, we don't know what's going to be with Alad i need you to prepare yourself for anything." She nodded to both as she holstered her tysis pistol to her hip and her dual Ichor axes on her bak with her phage. Taking a moment to bring out her djin sentinel, before she moved to her foundry where six weapons that she had no room for were waiting. She stared at an image on the wall next to the foundry, she said nothing until she reached navigation again. "Deke, how is that data mining coming on those things, and make sure you duck when you walk around in there" EAmorr winked with a joking tone.

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"It'll take about..."


Deke waves her fingers about, as if trying to figure something out.


"One minute, forty-two seconds, thirty-seven miliseconds."


She repositions her head, but whacks it hard on the camera support hanging from the Liset's cieling.




She rubs the spot on her head where she hit it, then goes back to typing.

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"Well, whatever. Just try not to hit me."

I tested the mechanism on my Rakta Ballistica, ensuring that the triggers worked correctly and that the four cams were in perfect order. I checked the tension on the Dread's "string", tightening it slightly at the end of each limb.

"Trust me, it'll be very painful if one of my arrows were to miss."

Next, I took a DNA Stabiliser from my inventory and headed over to the Kubrow module. I heard Ordis grumbling about "filth" and "scum". I paid him no mind. Maxie jumped up, the Sahasa hopping ecstatically. I calmed him by stroking him, before injecting him with the stabiliser.

"We need to be quiet on the next one. Think you can manage that?"

He barked happily.

"Good boy." I turned back to the screen. "Ready when you are."

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Deke goes off- camera once more, and returns in a Corpus-colored, fully restored Valkyr, with full Dendra body armor and a holographic Corpus-themed syandana, much like the Dendra armor.

She has two Detrons clipped to her hips, two small Corpus-like Kronens attached to the forearms of the Warframe, and a radiation-based Glaxion, overriding the normal coolant.

"After Alad went into hiding, I was able to find a spare, untested on, Valkyr. It's actually quite... beautiful, if I may say so."

"The data mining is finished.. he's on Eris like speculated, sending you the final navigation coordinates."

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"Well then, there's nothing left to say. Ordis, if you'd be so kind."

"Certainly, Operator."

My Liset rotated, its nose pointing towards the planetoid Eris, before the thrusters engaged and catapulted me to the far-flung sector. While I felt that a different 'Frame would be more suited to tackling the Infested, particularly a 'Frame with more health, I thought nothing of it.

They can't kill what they can't see.

"Deke, you don't suppose that anyone else could tap into these co-ords, do you? If another Tenno appeared, things may get ugly."

My main concern was stealth. If a Tenno not part of the plan dropped in, it could cause a whole host of issues, and Alad could get away.

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"I'll put a dampener on the coordinates so Tenno can't get past it for at least a while. It's the best in Corpus security, I've upgraded it myself over the decades."


Deke puts something in the port, and starts typing.


"By now, you've probably figured out my position in the Corpus Board. It's a very important one."


Deke ceases typing and stands back up, once more hitting her head.


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"i told you to duck" i snickered as my liset torpedoed towards the dwarf planet that the infested had taken over. i moved back down to my foundry where i started building another weapon that would wait until i had room to store it. I once again started staring at the image on the wall next to the foundry.


"If you were to see me now you would either call me insane or be racing me to get to that planetoid, after you came charging in that lab and pried me out of that machine i thought we would always be a team. Funny how every time i wanted to go after him you stopped me, but now you cant. You always thought i wanted revenge, in truth i wanted two things, justice for every tenno he slaughtered and sold for parts, but mostly i just wanted the satisfaction of having him gone so that no more would suffer the way all of us test subjects did. I still don't understand why you wouldn't let me wipe him off the system. But after you cast me out it was already to late, the infestation had him and he was hidden. After he disappears, you'll come back begging for forgiveness but at this point i don't know how to even think about coming back, after being a team for two years i just dont know why you would even consider doing what you did." my voice never reached my teammates, i had muted my voice. As i moved away from the foundry i stopped and rethought about my djin, before tucking it back into storage, "its far to aggressive for a stealth mission"


Heading back up towards navigation i unmuted my voice "how are you guys coming along in preperations?"

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"I'm approaching the ship now- gross."

Infested biomass had erupted from it, leaving parts of it exposed to the vacuum of space. I jay in my deployment chamber, Maxie jumping in after me with an excited bark. Ordis counted down.

"There is a door approximately 20 metres from the landing point. I detect atmospheric pressure inside. Deploying in three, two, one, good luck, Operator."

The chamber rotated, the air leaving my Warframe. Maxie's collar kept him alive, and he followed my into the pressurised area. I opened a comms link to Eamorr and Deke.

"I'm inside. No signs of Infested lifeforms at the moment."

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A new report pops up on the news console.


67 medbay staff members of Orcus Relay murdered by recovering Tenno minutes before large Infested biomass outside of relay was slain.


Upon seeing this, Deke acts suspicious.


"Oh... heh.. that's strange.. I never thought a.. uh.. Tenno would do that. Heh, yeah.. that's really.. uh.."


Eamorr looks suspiciously at her through transmission.


"Uh.. what is.. it?"

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"We'll talk about this after the mission, for now focus on the task at hand. Loki do what you can to cloak us, i had to give my name to get Deke treatment so chances are they will come after me to find Deke. If they show up then the mission will be compromised."


I clenched my jaw as my helmet closed around my face and dropped into the rotating tube that would drop me into the infested ship.


"once you have us hidden as best you can i'll drop into the ship, contact me when you have us hidden" I need to just breathe and clear my head. If loki's plan didn't work then i had one of my own, unfortunately it was more brute force than it was stealth and Alad V would be killed instead of questioned. In truth i wanted him dead for everything that every test subject had to go through, i didn't see the point in just questioning him, but i needed a team to get through to him and the one i had didn't want him as dead as did. So unless things went really bad we would stick to just taking him in for questioning


"If he gets sentenced to execution then i swear to the highest Orokin god that i will be the one to end him" I sounded dark even to myself but i didn't care, not after all that I and the other tenno her tormented in his lab had gone through. This fight was for them. 

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"Deke, please. Remember what I said- hacking. I already know about the... incident you perpetrated on Orcus. Ignore it for now. you focus on finding Alad."

A drew the Dread and fired an arrow at the Crawler that had rounded the corner.

"We're still clear. Eamorr, I hope you realise that I can't cloak you as well. That's an Ash's trick. Just do what you can to stay out of sight, and follow me. when I say to do something, do it without hesitation."

Maxie pawed the ground, pulling free an energy orb. I absorbed it and cloaked, moving up to the door. It opened, revealling that there was nothing behind it. The Invis ended, and I waved to Eamorr. She quickly closed the gap between us. I motioned for her to be quiet as I moved up to the next door.

"Deke, I think I hear him."

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Not rushing into that room was hard, he sounded pathetic as he stuttered about the glory and purity of infested flesh. As long as all went according to loki's plan Deke would soon see for herself the monster Alad V was, and we would capture him and lotus would determine his fate. He would be doomed for all he did, and when it was his day of execution the scindo prime i was building would fall upon his neck. If the execution would be public to other tenno would be unknown until speaking to the lotus about it, but it would not be justice if any of his victims were not chosen to end him.


I found myself twirling the tail-like appendage on my tysis pistol as we waited for Deke to arrive, to me it felt like an hour as bits and pieces of images from being in his lab made their way to the front of my thoughts. I aimed down sight with my phage to look for any sign of movement, if i saw any i would have to alert loki to it since my weapons were not silent. Nothing in the twisted hallway moved and i shook my head in disappointment.


Standing there in the hallway i could feel how worn out i felt after fighting for four hours on the ground and then going into archwing, my body was exhausted, the others were probably starting to feel that way too. We had to get this done quickly.


(sorry for the late reply but i am now finnished with my marketing course :D)

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(congrats. ( ' < ' )/ )

Deke suddenly walks from behind, and shoves a cipher in the door's console. The door quickly slides open.

Deke's helmet slides open to reveal her face as she ignores the two Tenno's cries of caution. She stands in the middle of the doorway, all weapons holstered. A long cut line drags along the back of Deke's neck, Infested blood intermingling with hers. A large gash on her left forearm does the same as well.


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I grab EAmorr's should as she tries to barge in, pushing her away while cloaking and heading in after Deke, an arrow nocked in my bow. I leapt up onto the nearest high ground, and took aim. I listened as Deke talked to the man.

To my surprise, he was actually present, not in a hologram. The businessmen around were staring at Deke with a mix of confusion and fear, each of them not wanting to make any movements in front of the torn-up Valkyr.

"Try to talk him down, or clear the room. If I capture him with this lot in here, They'll lynch me before I can move."

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Baring my teeth behind my helmet, but staying out by the door i waited, listening for any signal Loki would give. "Loki, your invisibility is going to wear off whatever you're doing, you better do it fast. Deke can only hold their attention for so long." The communication was telepathic, partially because i used Nyx quite often, and with my recently crafted Nyx prime my telepathy had improved.

I cursed in my thoughts, had i brought my Nyx i could have cleared the room, but i didn't and all i could do is wait and listen.

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"Deke, if I use my Disarm, everything will hit the fan and everyone will be attacking each other. Can you work faster?"

I watched as the timer on my HUD slowly dropped towards zero. While I had the energy to re-cloak straight away, I would be seen before then, and twenty angry businessmen would be shooting at me. There's only so much my shield could do, and six hundred plasma rounds was far out of its league.

"Ten seconds, Deke."

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Deke quickly grabs a businessman by the shoulder and puts a Detron to his head.

"Move out or the man gets it."

The businessmen refuse to move.

"Oh, so we play that game?"

The businessmen still do not move.

One businessman runs up to Deke, throwing a weak punch at her. Deke responds by repeatedly punching the businessman in the gut. He collapses after mere seconds, moaning in pain.

She kicks the businessman in the nose, gruesomely displacing it.

" No one messes with Doctor Tohn. "

The rest of the businessmen flee, cowardiced by Deke's actions. Deke motions behind her back for the two to come in. She locks the door.

To both Tenno's surprise, she walks up and hugs Alad.

"Alad... I thought I'd never see you again. Besides Kett, you're the only cousin I have left."

Tears begin to stream down her face.

"I know you probably don't know who I am anymore. But I came to try and save you from Tenno execution... that is, if I can plead with them.."

Alad is silent, with a look of severe confusion on his face.

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I dropped my phage when i hear Deke call Alad her cousin. The Loki was equally shocked but managed to catch my shotgun before it hit the ground. It took me a few moments for my mind to process this information, this may or may not alter the loki's plan, if it did then he was working out the best way to handle this and for me it would be wise to keep myself in check, or risk a bloodbath.

The Loki handed me my phage which i gripped tight to in case of any more shocking news. I stayed quiet, most of what i had to say involved a lot of ancient Orokin cursing, and the word "what"

(Hope the move went well)

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(Thanks, it did go well. Moved from Minnesota to Seattle, stayed in one place for a few weeks, then moved down the block to a nicer house, phew)


Alad looks very surprised.




Deke's face goes white-pale as Tenno appear on the radar.


"T-they're coming... "

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"Loki, capture Alad and do it fast im picking up other tenno signatures too." When he didnt move i smacked him on the back of the head again. "Loki, move! I need to keep the others busy long enough for you to capture him, otherwise the mission is compromised and i have to implement my own plan of action and nobody here wants that."

(I looked up and noticed my cat fell asleep cleaning her face, her tounge was sticking out and everything xD)

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"Deke, you know the plan."

She sniffed and stepped away, and Alad's expression soured as turned to face me.

"Oh, your 'plan'? Let me guess, summary execution for the Zanuka Project? Do you want me to kneel, in case you miss?"

I removed my helmet, opting not to say a word. Alad's eyes went wide with fear and shock.


In his moment of confusion, I sucker punched him, knocking him flat and began to deconstruct him, the orange particles streaming into my hand.

"I'm all done here. Let's leave before these other Tenno realise what we're doing. I don't fancy a Conclave match at the moment. It would be very painful for them."

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