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Good god, you lot have been busy. Welcome, KaiAsa. Also, it stopped being gritty because I wasn't here. Trust me, The Holders is not a thing I should have been reading at 13 years of age.


"Alad, what do you make of this?" I turned to the Volt. "I may need to use you as a defibrillator. Do you have any energy?"


"Good. Alad?"

Alad was watching Deke writhe on the floor, the Infestation having engulfed most of her back. He looked to the unnatural appendages and compared them to his own.

"This appears very similar to the s-strain that has taken me. It will not kill her. She will probably have to endure a lot of pain." Deke suddenly started gasping suddenly, hands bunching up and hammering at her chest. "Oh, and there's also a chance of heart failure."

Sighing, I grabbed the Volt by the hands and forced them down, placing one on Deke's sternum and the other below her ribs.

"50k. Do it."

Ain looked at me, confused, before recognition dawned on her and she sent a blast of fifty thousand volts through Deke's body.


A recap may be required, if this situation does not fit into the current continuity.

(Huzzah, things got a little bit strange here while you were gone...)

(aka I couldn't help but bring tf2 into this... i'm sowwy)


"You know zhat vill do little to nussing to help her? I have a better idea."


The strange person paces impatiently.

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Good god, you lot have been busy. Welcome, KaiAsa. Also, it stopped being gritty because I wasn't here. Trust me, The Holders is not a thing I should have been reading at 13 years of age.


"Alad, what do you make of this?" I turned to the Volt. "I may need to use you as a defibrillator. Do you have any energy?"


"Good. Alad?"

Alad was watching Deke writhe on the floor, the Infestation having engulfed most of her back. He looked to the unnatural appendages and compared them to his own.

"This appears very similar to the s-strain that has taken me. It will not kill her. She will probably have to endure a lot of pain." Deke suddenly started gasping suddenly, hands bunching up and hammering at her chest. "Oh, and there's also a chance of heart failure."

Sighing, I grabbed the Volt by the hands and forced them down, placing one on Deke's sternum and the other below her ribs.

"50k. Do it."

Ain looked at me, confused, before recognition dawned on her and she sent a blast of fifty thousand volts through Deke's body.


A recap may be required, if this situation does not fit into the current continuity.



(XD thank you, also Ains a boy but in his current state he can easily be mistaken for a girl.)


"Hopefully this'll help in a big way...it looks like too much blood flowed out." I had told him, continuing to act as a defib. "Plus, this body may have been here for a while...h-how do we know they haven't already been?" I gulped, trying to continue on despite my thoughts.

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(XD thank you, also Ains a boy but in his current state he can easily be mistaken for a girl.)





"Put simply, we don't. We had a bit of an... altercation with Deke here. Long story short, she tried to kill EAmorr and myself. Right, the Defib isn't working, but at least she's no longer bleeding because of it. Ain, do you know how an old-world induction forge works?"


"You pass a current through a coil to produce resistance and therefore heat."

Searching the engine room, I found a cabinet full of spare parts. I located some thick copper wire and bent it into a pointed shape before handing it to Ain.

"We can seal this wound now that blood isn't flying everywhere. Ain, make one hand positive and the other negative."

He did so, the wire soon heating up to a red glow. Taking the burning metal in my hands, my shields beginning to deplete, I guided the point to the wound and pressed the flesh together. I then burnt the two edges together. At that point, the strange man returned.

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"Put simply, we don't. We had a bit of an... altercation with Deke here. Long story short, she tried to kill EAmorr and myself. Right, the Defib isn't working, but at least she's no longer bleeding because of it. Ain, do you know how an old-world induction forge works?"


"You pass a current through a coil to produce resistance and therefore heat."

Searching the engine room, I found a cabinet full of spare parts. I located some thick copper wire and bent it into a pointed shape before handing it to Ain.

"We can seal this wound now that blood isn't flying everywhere. Ain, make one hand positive and the other negative."

He did so, the wire soon heating up to a red glow. Taking the burning metal in my hands, my shields beginning to deplete, I guided the point to the wound and pressed the flesh together. I then burnt the two edges together. At that point, the strange man returned.

(Idk who the strange man is, but I suppose you mean Doktor, although Doktor is s woman.)

"You know zhat I could of healed zis perzun ten times fazter and vit relative ease..."

The strange person fiddles with the device, turning it on. It quietly hums and inside the barrel glows red.

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I stood quietly near the door, poison doesn't help when healing someone so there wasnt much for me to do. I cringed at the pointed hot metal that was used to seal Deke's wounds, hot metal was never fun on the reviving end. I let my eyes wander around the room, once it was sure that Deke would be fine then Ain could restart the engines and we could hit Tyl Regor's labs.

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"Put simply, we don't. We had a bit of an... altercation with Deke here. Long story short, she tried to kill EAmorr and myself. Right, the Defib isn't working, but at least she's no longer bleeding because of it. Ain, do you know how an old-world induction forge works?"


"You pass a current through a coil to produce resistance and therefore heat."

Searching the engine room, I found a cabinet full of spare parts. I located some thick copper wire and bent it into a pointed shape before handing it to Ain.

"We can seal this wound now that blood isn't flying everywhere. Ain, make one hand positive and the other negative."

He did so, the wire soon heating up to a red glow. Taking the burning metal in my hands, my shields beginning to deplete, I guided the point to the wound and pressed the flesh together. I then burnt the two edges together. At that point, the strange man returned.


Turning away, I try not to let the smell of metal on flesh distract me for too long. "Ugh, whoever came up with this in the old world was some sort of lunatic...no sane person would ever try this." I add in, hoping that this will do whatever its supposed to. "On top of that it drains shields...clearly this is a last resort or something."


(Idk who the strange man is, but I suppose you mean Doktor, although Doktor is s woman.)

"You know zhat I could of healed zis perzun ten times fazter and vit relative ease..."

The strange person fiddles with the device, turning it on. It quietly hums and inside the barrel glows red.


"The more and more I see that thing, the more it scares me." I say, staring at the red barrel. "You think whatever it's supposed to do will work on tenno under frames?"

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(Idk who the strange man is, but I suppose you mean Doktor, although Doktor is s woman.)


Yes. Who is Doktor anyway? They came outta nowhere.



"Well, It's not like anything I have ever seen. Can it restore vision?"

The strange woman turned to me, grinning darkly.

"Vell... only if you vere to rip open your eye sockets."

I extended my Venka and raked them across my face, the scar tissue coming apart under the blades. Doktor swore loudly, in a language I didn't recognise before training the device on me and pushing the top trigger forward, a red beam of energy connecting to me. Burning pain erupted over my injuries, the tissue and organs reforming, my eyes reforming.The beam cut off, and I turned and fell, shielding my eyes against the sudden and harsh light.

"I apologise, that was selfish. Now..." I stood, dropping my hand and regarding Doktor with brazen orange eyes. "Heal her."

Doktor nodded and turned to Deke. I turned to Ain.

"Induction forges were never meant to be used to cauterise wounds. Also, when we did want to cauterise, they had more suitable tools than our bare hands. Imagine using the edge of a Plasma Sword, just for heat."


When I say orange, I mean like Xehanort orange.

Edited by Adman99
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Putting this here because I won't be here until Friday. Keep. This. Thread. Alive.


Yes. Who is Doktor anyway? They came outta nowhere.

"Well, It's not like anything I have ever seen. Can it restore vision?"

The strange woman turned to me, grinning darkly.

"Vell... only if you vere to rip open your eye sockets."

I extended my Venka and raked them across my face, the scar tissue coming apart under the blades. Doktor swore loudly, in a language I didn't recognise before training the device on me and pushing the top trigger forward, a red beam of energy connecting to me. Burning pain erupted over my injuries, the tissue and organs reforming, my eyes reforming.The beam cut off, and I turned and fell, shielding my eyes against the sudden and harsh light.

"I apologise, that was selfish. Now..." I stood, dropping my hand and regarding Doktor with brazen orange eyes. "Heal her."

Doktor nodded and turned to Deke. I turned to Ain.

"Induction forges were never meant to be used to cauterise wounds. Also, when we did want to cauterise, they had more suitable tools than our bare hands. Imagine using the edge of a Plasma Sword, just for heat."

When I say orange, I mean like Xehanort orange.

(Well in my headcanon, Deke kinda... died, and then I started playing TF2... and I dunno how the rest happened.)

Doktor inspects the injured Corpus, and shakes her head.

"I might have to do extensive surgery on zhis one."

She manages to drag Deke away to another part of the ship. She takes off the strange labcoat to reveal more so enigmatic apparel. An hour later Doktor walks out, hands covered in blood. She laughs.

"Anuhza successful procedure."

(If you're wondering the 'enigmatic apparel' is, it's what the medic wears in the beginning of 'meet the medic'- basically what's under his labcoat.)

Edited by TheMetrocop
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I felt my stomach turn as i watched Zan tear open his scars. When i could see that he now had eyes i gave a low wistle. After going for so long without his eyes he finally had them back, he probably would have been overjoyed had the situation been diffrent. I was happy for him that he could once again see, but no way was i healing my scars. Those were there as a reminder, most were from the Zanuka project others were from the bounty hunters.

Edited by AutobotRaven
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I felt my stomach turn as i watched Zan tear open his scars. When i could see that he now had eyes i gave a low wistle. After going for so long without his eyes he finally had them back, he probably would have been overjoyed had the situation been diffrent. I was happy for him that he could once again see, but no way was i healing my scars. Those were there as a reminder, most were from the Zanuka project others were from the bounty hunters.

"Ok we know it can grow new body parts, but can it purge disease?" I focused back on Deke who was still on the floor.

Doktor returns with blood on her hands and even stranger apparel on, leaning against a table and tapping her fingers on the table.

"Nein, sadly it cannot."

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"Hey Ain, think you can jump start the engines?" My voice startled him, but he shrugged and moved to inspect the engines. I found myself edging closer to the medic. "Hey doc, how did you even get on this ship? Its amazing that you managed to restore Zan's vision" i nodded in Zan's direction, he was looking at everything clearly trying not to show how excited he really was. "And you also helped Deke, but we are in space so how did you even get on this ship?" I was genuinely curious, it was highly unlikely that she had some sort of ship of her own, but even if she did how did she get on undetected?

(I've been going through portal 2 and am resisting the urge to make GLaDOS my ship AI)

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"Hey Ain, think you can jump start the engines?" My voice startled him, but he shrugged and moved to inspect the engines. I found myself edging closer to the medic. "Hey doc, how did you even get on this ship? Its amazing that you managed to restore Zan's vision" i nodded in Zan's direction, he was looking at everything clearly trying not to show how excited he really was. "And you also helped Deke, but we are in space so how did you even get on this ship?" I was genuinely curious, it was highly unlikely that she had some sort of ship of her own, but even if she did how did she get on undetected?

(I've been going through portal 2 and am resisting the urge to make GLaDOS my ship AI)

Oh...I don't even remember... zhat's shtrange.

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"very strange indeed. still you have our thanks for saving Deke, and restoring Zan's eyes. thats a hell of a medi gun you got doc, i bet the trinities would love to get their hands on one to find a way to build one of our own." i shrugged and leaned against the wall returning to watching the activities around the room. Ain was attempting to restart the engines, Zan could'nt get enough of staring at everything, and doktor began to clean her hands off.


"we are quite the strange group" i chuckled to myself

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"very strange indeed. still you have our thanks for saving Deke, and restoring Zan's eyes. thats a hell of a medi gun you got doc, i bet the trinities would love to get their hands on one to find a way to build one of our own." i shrugged and leaned against the wall returning to watching the activities around the room. Ain was attempting to restart the engines, Zan could'nt get enough of staring at everything, and doktor began to clean her hands off.


"we are quite the strange group" i chuckled to myself

"Zhat is quite true..."


Doktor leans against the wall as well, putting her arm out.




A strange avian creature flies from almost out of nowhere and lands on Doktor's arm. It coos softly, and she strokes it. It has small splotches of blood on it but Doktor doesn't seem to mind.

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"Zhat is quite true..."


Doktor leans against the wall as well, putting her arm out.




A strange avian creature flies from almost out of nowhere and lands on Doktor's arm. It coos softly, and she strokes it. It has small splotches of blood on it but Doktor doesn't seem to mind.

Goddammit. We're shifting from writing a story about Warframe to a TF2 backstory headcanon.


(Yes, I noticed)



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(shhhhhhhhhh young one)

(I'm not going full fledged tf2 rofl)

You better not. Yes, that is a warning.


"Strange group doesn't even begin to cut it." I said.

Suddenly, the ship jolted, the lights flickering on and engine noise filling the ship.

"Looks like Ain got the power back."

I walked into the cockpit, staring out into space. It was strange, having my sight back after so long without, strange not having to use my helmet's neural relay to stream a camera feed directly into by brain. In the distance, I saw a deep blue sphere interrrupting the emptiness.

"And we're almost at Neptune. Alad!"

The sickened man walked into the room."

"Ah, yes. N-Neptune. now, we want one of Regor's labs." He tapped a set of coordinates into the console, and the ship lurched forwards. "There. We'll be there soon."

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You better not. Yes, that is a warning.


"Strange group doesn't even begin to cut it." I said.

Suddenly, the ship jolted, the lights flickering on and engine noise filling the ship.

"Looks like Ain got the power back."

I walked into the cockpit, staring out into space. It was strange, having my sight back after so long without, strange not having to use my helmet's neural relay to stream a camera feed directly into by brain. In the distance, I saw a deep blue sphere interrrupting the emptiness.

"And we're almost at Neptune. Alad!"

The sickened man walked into the room."

"Ah, yes. N-Neptune. now, we want one of Regor's labs." He tapped a set of coordinates into the console, and the ship lurched forwards. "There. We'll be there soon."

(yea, sorry... I had some serious burnout on warframe for awhile and I tend to roleplay anything in my current game interest...)


The strange avian creature lands on Alad's collar, making stange noises. Alad seems startled by it.


"Arcimedes, nein!"


The creature lands back perched on Doktor's arm.


"So who is zhis... Regor person?"

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"Do you want the short or long version?"


I rolled my eyes, a gesture I had long missed.

"The Grineer are a race of world-conquering clones. They're mass-produced and are often heavily armoured. But, they have a short lifespan due to generations of genetic degradation being cloned over and over again. Many Grineer researchers tried and failed to find a way to reverse the decay, but none came close. Then Regor was cloned, and through experimentation, we believe he has found a reversal and has cloned defect-free Grineer. We're going in to destroy his "Tubemen" and steal research for Alad here. If Regor himself is down there, then... well, a bullet between the eyes wouldn't hurt many people, would it?"

Doktor placed a hand on her chin, considering the new information.

"Vell... I will just have to see for myself."

My eyes narrowed.

"Did you not hear the part about hordes of heavily-armed and armoured clones? You have no Warframe, and you're wearing a lab coat. You won't last five minutes in there. You don't even have a weapon that can hurt!"

"Ohh... heh heh heh... I don't need a veapon to hurt. My hands are sufficient enough. In any case..." She pulled a strange gun from a holster. "I believe acid and armour make a very salty mix, no?"

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