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I backed away. This... thing, continued to stare at me. I lifted my Dex Furis and unloaded a full clip into the eye. It came apart, filth spilling everywhere while a screech filled the air. Another eye opened across the room, and suddenly, I noticed movement in the shadows. A mass of flesh had lifted up, barbed at the tip, also covered in eyes. It shot across the room, impaling the ceiling above me. I decided that I had nowhere near as many bullets as I needed. I ran.

"Lotus, how quickly can you deliver a Cascade Bomb to my location?"

"Tenno, Cascade Bombs are not cheap. It could take several Earth days for my foundries to construct one."

"Establishing visual feed. Stream it with a message to the Ember and Rhino. You're gonna need a lot of firepower. Bring you most powerful weapons, economy be damned. Lotus, get me that Cascade Bomb."

"Working on it. It will take 3 hours to build, and one to get it to your position. I'll send life support and resource caches when I can. You may need to finish the construction yourself. Can you do that?"

"It's something. Send it."

"Construction initiated."

I dodged another tendril, the barb passing mear inches from my shoulder. I saw the toxins dripping from it, and hear it hiss as it hit the ground.

"Rhino, Ember, get your asses in gear. We're going to have to give it our all.

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Dropping in from the sky I hit the ground and began sprinting, my boar prime modded to incinerate any that came into contact with its rounds. In the distance the shriek of a creature that sounded massive in size broke the air. "Orokin gods, what the F#@& was that?!" I ran even faster towards the sound and the loki.

Upon reaching the loki, i barely had time to register the scene before a large tentacle looking thing swiped at us. reacting on instinct i hurled a fireball at the thing and another impossibly loud cry filled the air. 

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"As you've been informed, This area's been marked as a hotspot for Infested activity. One possible explaination for this could be Infested."


"Infested. An Infested creature, currently aiming a tentacle at your head."

The Ember ducked, and I feinted low before smashing the tip with my Kittag.

"You could have told me to duck!"

"No fun in that. I've informed the Lotus, and she will deliver a Cascade Bomb. All we need to do is survive."

"Simple enough."

"For four hours."


The Rhino dropped from above, almost crushing me as he landed.

"Four hours. Don't worry. She said she'd deliver supplies when she could." I was interrupted by a small pod crashing though the wall and splitting open, spilling ammo, health and energy. "There you go. No problem."

"Speak for yourself. There's more coming."

A section of the gargantuan creature slid open, and charger began pouring out.

"Well, this complicates things. Looks like this Leviathan has many more tricks to pull."

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I wanted to burst out laughing as i watched the rhino nearly land on the loki, once the chargers started stampeding over each other i quickly cast accelerant to stun them briefly before casting world on fire burning the twisted monsters into a pile of cinders. "so whats your plan?" she didnt bother to make fun of the loki, there would be plenty of time for that as they waited for that bomb. 

"Gods, im going to need a shower after this mission" I mumbled to myself already starting to smell like burnt, rotten meat.

'If that loki says anything about this smell im going to burn him from the inside out' i kept the thought to myself as i ducked from a charger trying to jump on me and shot it with my boar. 

Edited by AutobotRaven
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I stood, as the chargers became disgusted rotten infected steak. I waved the smell away, opting to seal my air system. I rolled away from a charger, who jumped, but was turned into confetti. I smiled behind my helmet, as more came pouring out. I roared, giving us an edge, then stomped, killing all the chargers within view. I started grinning as this was what rhinos were made for, to literally destroy the enemy from sheer crushing power. Then I saw more come piling into the room, so I pulled out the gorgan, a heavy gun for a heavy frame. I opened fire, unleashing torrents of death, I heard the Loki sigh, either out of frustration or boredom I wasn't really sure.

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"Rhino, Stomp!"

He complied, smashing the ground and suspending the nearby chargers in midair. The Leviathan also screeched. I heard another pod crash through the wall, the recticle appearing on my map.

"Capsule's here! Follow me!"

I spun, unleashing my Irradiating Disarm, the radioactive pulse of energy tearing limbs off the Infested and warping their perception. As soon as they dropped from stasis, they began to attack each other, providing an adequate distraction for me to lead the others through. I reached the capsule first, activating it. A stream of pressurised air was released, refilling our personal life support. Ammo was also deposited onto the ground.

"If we keep this up, we'll have no problem with this horde."

At that moment, eyes opened around the room, and fleshy blades rose from the ground.

"Watch your back!"

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Hardly thinking i smashed the ground, a ring of superheated blue flames encircled the three if us, burning the blades this giant creature was using as throwing knives. One of those freaks eyes opened on the floor just outside the protective ring. I pulled my reaper prime from my back and threw it through the flames and stabbing the eye. The iris exploded from the hot blade and a slick, dark liquid extinguished my ring of fire.

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  • 1 month later...

(Hmm, I think this is a great thread, I'm going to try to revive it if I can)

(Deja vu, agai- sorry, that was off-topic, lol.)

There was conflict in the distance. Infested units were fighting something, but falling to it's swift, deadly, melee attacks. The crowd of Infested in the distance was now a mere few strays. The skilled melee-wielder in the distance was a Tenno, adorning a Valkyr Warframe. Equipped with a Lecta, dual Cestras, and a Lanka, this Tenno obviously had some significant feeling towards the Corpus, whether it be positive, or negative. She was running towards the group of Tenno, obviously not caring to show off, but in a determined yet friendly manner.

I could only think of the Infestation. Destroying it for what it had done... 'Save you stamina for the things that enrage you.. Pkap ettaje you.' I silently told myself, in my cryptic, absurd, strange way of telling myself things when I was determined. I had a need, not to save the Tenno from their demise, but to purge this Infestation. However it be. Paralysis, leaving me time to end it's vile reign, pure, unfiltered rage, ripline, or a morale-boosting cry of infuriation.

Should these Tenno judge me for leaving the Lotus, cooperating with the Corpus passively, I would have to deal with the overwhelming, critiquing pressure they would lay on my shoulders. I didn't want to hurt them, to obtain their Warframes, their weapons for profit, I simply wanted to assist them in purging the terrible infliction that had done horrid things to the people of the system.

Although the Infestation may be interesting, deeply so, it is not to be tampered with.

It is something to be avoided, to run from, continuing to keep it alive,

Or to face head-on, risking your sentient sanity, ending it's vile reign.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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The Loki was deep in the combat. The quick lightly armoured frame built for stealth and speed, he had not seen the enemy that lingered from above. There standing watching the melee stood a corrupted ancient, its whip like tendrals dripping goo. The Loki had got close now, the minions had braught it close. The ancient would feed!

The tendril was drawn back ready to unleash its might. Thats when the first small sphere ripped though its chest. This was shortly followed by a second and then a third. The forth took the ancient in the head finnishing it compleatly. These creatures could not withstand the negative wieght of anti-matter. Out of the shadowed corridior she stepped lightly small globes encircling her. Nova, her Prime armour of red, gold and black almost glowed in the illumination of the Embers fires. In her hands she carried twin Dakra, fresh iccor driped and sizzled from her firery blades. Appon her thighs she had Despairs glinting and upon her back an Attica, thats colours all but melded it to the armour.

“Greetings Tenno! You called for backup and it has arrived.”

Leaping down she called on her max power. Anti-matter particals landed on all infested in range lighting them up as if they glittered. The nearest took a sphere in the face and exploded himself and the charger next to him. As the tenno took up the renewed combat so more exploded. Standing next to the Loki he saw the dagger and feather symbol of the veil shimered bronze.

"Hello my brother. I am Shar-ri. What a delightful party you host!"

With that she spins away becoming a dance of blades. Elegant and deadly in equal measures, she cuts her way into the mass.

Edited by Elorrick
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Without warning the extinguished fire blazed back to life, the Ember Prime was momentarily confused. The slick liquid seemed to be some kind of oil, the ember gave a slight laugh "Ha, oil! Oil burns, now its fun" She grinned insanely behind her helmet and cast world on fire, oil patches blazed to life drawing in the infested like moths to her fire. The fiery plume on her helmet seemed to burn higher and brighter as she got excited.


The primed creatures exploded in a beautiful combination of blue fire and the nova's energy. The ember had fun for her reaper prime in one hand and was channeling her fire into the blades of the weapon, her pistol in the other "Loki! when is that next capsule supposed to get here?" she souted across the room to where she had left the loki. 



(thanks for trying to revive the thread)

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(I know, I felt that it had died, since no-one was posting continuations anymore)

I saw all these tenno, suddenly and seemingly coming out of no where. I grinned, as I slapped a charger out of my way. I got as close to all my allies as I could, before I unleashed the mightiest roar, the infested all halted for a moment as they became punctured by my roar. I rushed in fast, ducking under a giant tendril, I swung my sword with one hand, pulling the lex from its holster and shooting a few times before spinning and letting momentum and centripcal force do the swinging, hacking a leader in two. Then i got smacked by a tendril, sending me careening toward the back. I stood up, relatively unarmed. I needed more juice, so I yelled out " laying down team energy!" I jumped up as a runner ran up to me, while in midair I used iron skin. Letting gravity do the rest, I crushed it under me as I smugly reloaded my lex and cut down the menaces.

Edited by (PS4)akirayokoshima
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Shar-ri giggled as she spun blades splitting the infested as they looked for a way in at her. She smiled inwardly as the big guy flattened one with shear mass. Something big further away moved with a gaggle of others around it.

She stopped and whipped up some defensive particles. Then flipped a sword in the air and unleashed a globe of antimatter towards the thing. The blade still flew skywards as she drew her tronka and fired a grenade into the globe. The explosion was absorbed and the globe grew bigger. Another hit the globe as the sword began its decent. The last particle struck a charger and she was left defenseless as she replaced her grenade launcher. Casually she snatched the falling blade and buried it onto the charging infested.

Further away the globe lost integrity and exploded.

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(Yeah no problem, I really like this thread)

The meleeing Tenno finally reached the group of combating Tenno, unholstering her Lanka. "Name's Deke." She fires a few quick shots at a powerful Ancient, doing suprising damage. "Deke Jeyt-Atje Tohn. It's Corpus, if you couldn't tell." Taking her Lecta back out, she finishes off the Ancient, electrocuting it with a fierce strike of the whip.

I didn't mind stating the origin of my name at all. I was proud to, in fact. I had developed.. Somewhat of a Corpus accent whilst my time with the Corpus. I had learned their language well. I spoke it more often than I did English, due to the trading language's fond use. Of course, I would be criticized, but it wasn't criticization that mattered to me right then. I tried to be friendly, despite my insocialable, hard-to-know, quiet, shy attitude. I wasn't doing a very good job of said goal, but it was only a side priority then. What I had to do know was fight for the general mercy of the system.

That would be easy.

Or would it?

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(( Hello mind if I join in on the fun? ))


Very close to the other Tenno, a blood curdling shriek is heard, Seconds after the shriek, a charger burnt to a crisp flies toward them landing hard and remains still, from the bushes came out a Chroma Warframe completely black with  very intimidating red energy, lifting a Ancient with his Scindo, and smashing it on the ground. The Warframe again shrieks, and lets out his fire breath igniting more chargers and many many more infested that came into his way.


"Seems I am a little late to the party! The names Orion!" He yells to the others.


*Orion quickly pulls out his Soma and unleashes his pelt, raining hell on the infested coming before them.

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"Hey rhino, catch!" The ember lobbed a crawler towards the rhino and he shot it out of the air making the ember laugh like this was all just a game. "Lets play with some fire!" The ember lit her hands in fire and began hurling balls of fire into the horde, give small bursts of insane laughter.

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(Deke's quite a misfit, for lack of a better term. She's quite terrible at starting or continuing conversations, and just is a tad odd overall, when not intensely serious.)

The Valkyr focuses on the bulk of chargers stampeding towards the group. She wields her Lecta in one hand, the other a single Cestra. Her combination of Cestra and Lecta proves to be useful, as she complicatedly shoots and strikes. Not long after opposedly soloing the mass of chargers, she is pinned down by a surprisingly strong runner.

I thought I could handle the chargers, easy, no trouble. A runner, very strong, had pinned me down, and was now screeching at me. I hopelessly stared at it's vile, mutated form. It reminded me of what Alad V had ended up as. Still aware, still conscious, but... Too different. It had taken Alad's personality, turned it into one only thinking of the 'Mutalist Empire'. Unity, equality, it was, but in the form of a vile infliction.

Why had he fallen into this abyss of Infestation? The answer was Tenno. Tenno had blamed Alad V of careless murder, heedless killing. They had ended his brilliantly planned Zanuka Project, his Zanuka proxy. Zanuka was deeply important to Alad. Having destroyed what Alad V had worked so hard on, what he cared so much about, had left him hopeless. His new venture was a product of this despressing pit he had fallen in.

...Yet, I couldn't knock myself into a state of being infuriated at the Tenno, nor the Corpus, Alad specifically.

I entered a hysterical mindset of pure alighted rage, quickly obliterating the mass hundredsome of Infestation. I screamed, venting my inevitable rage.

Why had I gotten so angry?

It was soon all over. I lay on the ground, losing consciousness from the pure insanity I had emitted. I drifted into unconsciousness.. Silence.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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Seeing the valkyr faint, I immediately rushed to her, slamming a homerun on several infested runners. Then I stomped, causing a temporary cease in the mayhem. I grabbed her, and pulled her to the back of the room. Hopefully she would be fine there. Then I rushed back into the fray, charging straight through a mob of chargers. I think I saw a crawler fly among the bunch, but I was too busy ducking through chargers and fireballs to really notice much else. I pulled the trusty galatine and nodded to the new guys, " ha! With you guys at our side, we can't lose!"

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Shar-ri spun in her leap off the nearby wall. Chargers, runners, leapers they would all fall to her burning blades. Absorbing the energy of some of the creatures she unleashed another torrent of particals that coat the surrounding infested. Again the firepower of the others brings forth a chain reaction that abliterates those tuched by the anti-matter. For a perfect moment all is calm around her, the flames of the purge speak to her and she knows what she dose is just.

(yep she's an insane fanatic)

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The Valkyr suddenly sat up, speaking clear Corpus. "Jkap katt- pke itteypep ot youte. I ykapp tijkp apotjyipe pke Petto, tot pke yyypesy yauye. Tot app ot uy. I say kate petp pke Petto, tup I ypipp pepiete it tikjp atp jtotj." She stands up, and begins to fight alongside the Tenno, not in a loyal way, but in the manner of seeing the same goal.

I woke up quickly, too disoriented to speak English. I began to talk in my first language, not knowing what I was saying, not guiding myself to say such. It seemed correct, though. I stood up. I fought alongside the Tenno. Not for the Tenno cause, but for the System's cause. I saw the same goal as they did. To survive, to purge this vile disease.

(I'm actually pretty good with the Corpus language(verbally), I can usually do it without looking at the wiki page)

( But if you want a translation of Deke's diolouge into English:

" What happ- the infestation of course. I fight alongside the Tenno, for the system's cause. For all of us. I may have left the Tenno, but I still believe in right and wrong." Deke didn't even know what she was saying, she just spoke it. lol. Anyways yeah Deke is an insane fanatic.)

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"Corpus dialect? What the hell are you?"

I turned to stab an approaching Leaper before returning to my questioning.

"I don't recall the Zanuka Project returning a fully-fledged Tenno."

She looked at me, and I almost felt the rage behind the helmet. 

"You know what? Screw it. We have enough on our hands already. So many Tenno, so many Infested, and one Leviathan." A roar filled the air. Fleshy growths began to grow over the doors, the beginnings of spore pores growing.

"Ugh. We need to get out, Looks like this thing is smart. Start looking for an exit, and quick."

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(lel I apologize for like posting every time someone else does, I just CAN'T HANDLE THE DEKE)

The Valkyr emits a brief sigh. " Tenno? I don't label myself Tenno anymore, but Corpus. I left the Lotus. I ended up developing somewhat of a dialect after being with them so long. I know Corpus better than I do English now."

The Valkyr gives a firm strike to an Ancient with her Lecta.

" I willingly volunteered for the Zanuka Project, too. It isn't as bad as you Tenno think. Alad was a good man."

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