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"Zan, if you dont mind i would love to smash his face in. I know he took your eyes from you, but her broke my bones and sawed them out just to build a skelital structure for that, that thing! Sure he used bone cells to regrow the parts that were cut out, but only to break them and pull them out of me again." My eyes held so much anger and hatred toward this pathetic looking man, he was very lucky i wasnt closee enogh to hit him.

"Not to mention how many crewmen that would come into the lab after their work was done for the day, Seing me bound got some far too excited and they did what they wanted to me knowing that i had no way of fighting back." As i spoke i felt my face twist into a sneer and my voice had the hint of a snarl in it.

"Deke read the burns you left on my back, she claimed i was one of the special ones.' Alad's eyes widened but he said nothing "what was i to you, some kind of prize that you knew would be stolen from you so you took everything you could from me, or was i just one of the ones you would dump down a chute with the rest of the tenno you killed? There is an old human saying "eye for an eye, life for a life" you owe Zan two eyes and all us tenno will be collecting lives"

Alad said nothing, he only looked into my eyes and laughed. My teeth locked and my hands were balled into fists, If i got close enough to him then he wouldnt be breathin for much longer

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(suprised yanderesamantha hasn't been drawn to this thread with all the talk of alad)


Deke stands, arms crossed from the corner, watching as the two Tenno taunt to end Alad. Once again, a tear rolls own her cheek, silently splattering on the metal floor. She takes a holopicture from a metal shelf next to her. She stares at the picture. It appears to be of a juvenile Deke and Alad, looking out the windows of a Corpus colony ship together, while three parents smile in the background. Deke's silent tears phase through the holopicture and onto the ground.


The Tenno don't seem to take any important notice. They continue to taunt Alad, almost as if not noticing Deke's silent mourning.

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I felt Deke's sadness and sighed internally, as much as i hated Alad V he was one of Deke's only remaining family. I Still found it extremly strange for a tenno to be in any way related to the corpus, Alad in particular. I stood up from the oberon i was sitting on and moved to Zan, i gripped his shoulder and an understanding passed between us. Deke had to decide on wheather Alad was worth saving, even though she had hardly reacted to the statements that Alad had made to Zan about his eyes. Deke needed time to process and discover what Alad had become when he began his horrible experements on the tenno he captured, and even what he was now, a mind that is entirly aware of the infestation that crawls all over and inside him but has no power to stop what its slowly doing to him. Zan muttered something about needles and i shivered, i hated needles i didnt care if a trinity was keeping me from bleeding out, i absolutly hated needles.

Zan started pacing by the doorway and i crouched down next to Deke. "We can leave if you want to be alone with him, he is part o your family after all." Deke nodded slowly and i stood up and started dragging the still unconsious oberon to the door. Zan helped me get the oberon into the hallway and the door closed behind us, leaving Deke to try to talk sense into her cousin.

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Alad slowly pushes himself to an upward position, sitting on the metal floor. He lets out an agitated sigh, staring expressionless at the cold steel walls of the room. A moment later, Deke quietly stands up, the holopicture in hand. She slowly walks over to Alad, and kneels down beside him. The two make eye contact, and stare at each other, uncertain. A minute passes before Deke speaks. She does an excellent job of ignoring the hideous Infested tissue covering the half of her cousin's body.

Her voice sounds slightly distorted, a quality shared by many other Corpus when they are extremely upset.

"Alad, do you remember our childhood?"

Alad speaks quietly, almost apathetically.

"Yes... yes I do."

Deke merely hands him the holopicture, bypassing any precautions with Infested tissue. Alad looks at the picture, shutting his eyes for a moment.

" I'm sorry Deke. I'm so sorry. If only there was a cure... I now realize what it's done to me."

" I'm the one who should apologize for leading you into the Tenno's hands. I want you to return to the Corpus. But now your death is a likely occurrence. They don't want you alive, they want you dead. I just can't talk sense into them."

The distortion in her voice has become largely more noticeable.

"But you had no choice, did you?"

" I only thought for myself. I only lead them to you because I didn't want to die... I'm just so sorry I can't do anything."

Deke begins to weep openly beside the sickly man, trembling.

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"Apologies for the intrusion, but I couldn't help but listen in. Old habits. There may be a cure. Deke, EAmorr, I don't know if you heard about it, but Tyl Regor's labs have been found on Uranus."

The Valkyr whirled, meeting my eyeless gaze with a look of fury.

"What? Who found this out?"

"Two people, both Corpus. The first is Nef Anyo, who appears to have gone quite mad. The other is sat in front of you."

Deke turned back to Alad.

"You witheld this from me?"

The sick man shook his head, dropping his glare.

"I didn't want you charging off, as you all- always do." He looks at me. "Yes, I sent out messages. What's it to you, Tenno? Come to goad me with your support for the Void-worshipper Anyo?"

"First of all, please call me Zan. Secondly, is that a way to talk to an employee?"

Deke stares at me. Alad stares at me.

"You would... consider helping me? After I ripped out your eyes?"

"Nef is swindling people with a subject he holds no knowledge of. The Void is sacred. My eyes are a part of me that I have... arduously done without." I leaned in close.

"This is not forgiveness, Alad. Forgiveness for you cannot be gained. But, in this instance, you are the lesser of two evils."

I stand, starting to head out of the room. I stop.

"Oh, and no more Leviathans. One was annoying enough. Do not give me a reason to float you."


(Yes, I did in fact support Alad in the ToR event, because Karak > Dera :P)

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"Apologies for the intrusion, but I couldn't help but listen in. Old habits. There may be a cure. Deke, EAmorr, I don't know if you heard about it, but Tyl Regor's labs have been found on Uranus."

The Valkyr whirled, meeting my eyeless gaze with a look of fury.

"What? Who found this out?"

"Two people, both Corpus. The first is Nef Anyo, who appears to have gone quite mad. The other is sat in front of you."

Deke turned back to Alad.

"You witheld this from me?"

The sick man shook his head, dropping his glare.

"I didn't want you charging off, as you all- always do." He looks at me. "Yes, I sent out messages. What's it to you, Tenno? Come to goad me with your support for the Void-worshipper Anyo?"

"First of all, please call me Zan. Secondly, is that a way to talk to an employee?"

Deke stares at me. Alad stares at me.

"You would... consider helping me? After I ripped out your eyes?"

"Nef is swindling people with a subject he holds no knowledge of. The Void is sacred. My eyes are a part of me that I have... arduously done without." I leaned in close.

"This is not forgiveness, Alad. Forgiveness for you cannot be gained. But, in this instance, you are the lesser of two evils."

I stand, starting to head out of the room. I stop.

"Oh, and no more Leviathans. One was annoying enough. Do not give me a reason to float you."

(Yes, I did in fact support Alad in the ToR event, because Karak > Dera :P)

(yus, salad ftw)

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Deke runs into another room, leaving Alad, Eamorr, and Zantruse in the other room. Out of sight, she manually takes off her Warframe, puts a Corpus nanosuit on, and slides her lab coat on over it. She walks to the navigation room, and heads towards Neptune.

"We stop and get supplies there."

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I felt the ship lurch forward as groaned "don't you think we should get some sleep before we go charging head first into another fight?" The others stopped and looked from me to each other. They were probably ignoring the fact that they needed rest, after all the leviathan took a lot out of everybody. "Nevermind I'll just go this way." I pointed down the hall before leaving that room and i started wandering around Deke's ship

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I remained in the room, Alad never once taking his eyes off me. He twitched sporadically from time to time, a clear sign of the Infestation taking hold.



"Zan, why would you help either of us two mad men?"

"Don't get me wrong. This isn't help. Help is voluntary. I'm doing this out of necessity. As destructive as the Technocyte is, it has nothing on the potential of the Void."

"H-How so?"

I projected a screen in front of him, surveillance footage of Vor playing.

"This one was able to unfold the gates we use to protect our Cryopods using a Key."

I pointed to the glittering artefact.

"This was pre-Ascaris, as at one point he experimented with an Ascaris device and was ultimately killed by the Tenno he tried to control."

I pulled up a different video, this one being my own point of view during an excursion to the Void. Alad's eyes widened as the corrupted Vor appeared and tried to kill me.

"As you can see, he is somehow still alive. That is why I am... helping you."

I walked out of the room, donning my armour again and stading against the wall. I lock my armour, deciding to sleep standing until we reached Uranus.

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Deke walks back into the room.


"I'll be in the right perimeter, Alad. But it's off-limits."


"But why?" Alad whines.


"I have some... classified material in there."


"But... you certainly trust me more than these Tenn-"


"Alad, no."


Deke types a complicated pattern into the console, and heads into the perimeter. The door slides shut behind her, and locks. A few feet away, there is a loose grate connecting a crawlspace-sized vent system to the right perimeter.

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The sound of heavy locks sliding into place woke me up. I tried to pay no attention to it, and tried to go back to sleep, but another noise stopped me from doing so ten minutes later. Unlocking my armour, I silently headed down the corridor and pulled Alad from a vent feet-first.

"I'm fairly sure the locked door means you're not supposed to be in there."

I put him back in the other room and leant against the wall.

"Like a locked door ever stopped you thieving Tenno."

"I wasn't the one half-way into a vent."

I stepped out out of the room and locked the door. I laughed at Alad's expression before turning and crawling into the vent. I watche from above as Deke moved her "classified material" around. From my perspective, the cameras in my helmet streaming the data directly into my mind, it looked like nothing more than a few books and aged holograms. Then, something rung in the back of my mind.

Sentimental Value.

After a few seconds, she hid them away before opening a different door. I crawled through the vent to a new viewpoint, watching as she inspected a live Charger scratch and roar at the glass containing it.


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In the room next to the one Zan was in i heard some clattering and Alad's voice. He was up to something that was sure, but so long as he stayed out of my borrowed room then i couldn't break his nose. Soon after i heard someone that was more experienced at crawling through vents go over my room and continue down the hall. a while later i heard the return trip.

"what are you doing over there?" i wondered to myself as i heard Zan drop back into his room.

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("Okay people I got a joke for ya'll. What did the OP say to the Charger spamming his thread?")
("He said: "Stop spamming or you'll infest the thread!" ")
("Tohn, that's the worst joke you've ever made.")
("Uh... I'll be leaving now.... *Slowly backs off stage, eyes still on crowd*")

The container holding the Charger seems to be very well armored. Tohn presses a button on the side of the test-tube like container, filling it with a sort of gas. The Charger eventually falls into unconciousness. She presses another button, clearing the tube of the gas. She opens a small hand-sized door with a gloved hand, and sticks a needle in the Charger. She extracts some of it's blood, takes her hand out of the tube, locks the small door, and disposes of the glove carefully. Putting the syringe in a separator-like device, activates it, and waits for it to finish. It stops cycling. Tohn takes out what seems to be a thread-like substance in a small blood beaker. She then puts it in another device, activating is as well. It takes a few minutes for the device to finish this time. The substance is now much less thread-like,and seems to be clearer. She transfers the substance to a  modified Ascaris-type device with two large needles poking out one side. Tohn walks over to set it down, but drops the devices below her as she trips. With a sickening squelch of flesh, the device is unintentionally stuck in the back of the scientist's neck.

Deke silently screams in pain as blood pools up on the floor. Two hours pass, she finally begins to move again, weakly pushing herself off the floor. She leans against a wall, she looks almost as if she is focusing very hard on something. Suddenly, soft skin is replaced by grey metallic skin, donning sparsely placed glowing blue stripes. Nails become retractable, sharp claws. Teeth become razor-sharp incisors. Her head turns into a distant but familiar shape. Legs turn into digtigrades. Arms grow blades, three on the forearm, one on the upper arm. Blood turns from red to a glowing blue. The creature looks familiar, yet distant, ancient in a way.

Then, it reverts back. Tohn has a look of astonishment on her face, but it soon turns to one of amusement. Blood stains her clothes and face as she darkly smirks in the ravaged lab.

(sorry for saying 'she' a quadtridecamillion times, my writing skills aren't at top-notch right now)
(and yes this took me like 30 min to type as I was creating it on da spot.)
( I know it's terribly written, bear with me here)

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Sorry I had to share my triple digits party with my favorite thread.


On the 4th too, rofl. Time to eat mushrooms from the local Safeway. *Munches on mushrooms*


I mean *weirdly peels and disects mushrooms then eats all of it* *

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(Wonderful, now you're on shrooms xD. What in the world did Deke turn into...i wanna know)

*Eats shroom* These are harmless.


As for Deke(I apologize I don't know how to put spoilers in)


A Chroma(Dark Sector style). But she can return back from the form, since it was put directly into a place by the mind and because the device allows for controlled commands to be put out into the one with the device in them.

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(and that would be an issue...considering i have writers block (roleplay block?) A dark sector chorma... interesting idea, now i want to finish the game)

(yeah, in Tohn's opinion, the Ancient technocyte is beautiful.. well, I guess that's the secondth corpus who says that.)


adman pls come bak ;-; we need you

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I just hope Adman's not gone like the rest. Otherwise.. it'll be up to us two continue the legacy of this thread.

Oh, Tenno, Tenno. Did you really think IT WOULD BE! THAT! EASY!? (to get rid of me? :3)


I heard some sort of roar come from the lab, and it woke me to full awareness. I knocked on the door.

"Deke? You alright in there?"

Pressing my ear to the door, I heard faint laughter, distinctly feminine, so it belonged to Deke. I frowned when I heard a second, short laugh, which was most definitely not Deke. I checked the ship, finding Alad in the same place I put him and EAmorr sleeping. I crawled into the vent again, peering through the grate to see the floor covered in what looked like blood, and Deke laughing with another Corpus man I had never seen. Laying a hand on my Vaykor and checking the chamber, I kicked the grate in and landed in a squat, pointing the sawn-off sniper rifle at the man.

"Who the hell is this, Deke?"


I finished my Vaykor build today: 100% chance to either Blast, Impact or Shock on each shot.

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The grate hitting the ground startled me awake and before i was even fully aware of my surroundings i found myself outside the locked door to Deke"s lab. I pounded on the door with my phage in my other hand "guys whats going on? Let me in!" A moment later there was a hiss as the door unlocked and i pushed my way inside. I took notice of the pool of blood and the device that was still sticking out of Deke's neck. "What the hell is that thing Deke?" I had moved closer to her keeping a wary eye on the corpus man on the floor, i was still not wearing a warframe so i was rather vulnerable even with my beloved shotgun. Deke gently pulled the device from the back of her neck and i turned a shade of green that dissipated quickly as soon as the needle was no longer in her flesh.



(watch her take the 200th post as well)

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(i'mma take it.

(sorry guys this one is mine.



The grate hitting the ground startled me awake and before i was even fully aware of my surroundings i found myself outside the locked door to Deke"s lab. I pounded on the door with my phage in my other hand "guys whats going on? Let me in!" A moment later there was a hiss as the door unlocked and i pushed my way inside. I took notice of the pool of blood and the device that was still sticking out of Deke's neck. "What the hell is that thing Deke?" I had moved closer to her keeping a wary eye on the corpus man on the floor, i was still not wearing a warframe so i was rather vulnerable even with my beloved shotgun. Deke gently pulled the device from the back of her neck and i turned a shade of green that dissipated quickly as soon as the needle was no longer in her flesh.



(watch her take the 200th post as well)


(i'mma take it.

(sorry guys this one is mine.





(i'mma take it.

(sorry guys this one is mine.





(RAAAAAAAAAAGH okay I give up.

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