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De Doesn't Want To Nerf.


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I can see where you're coming from, and I saw this comment coming. Well, let me explain, or not really explain: It's quite easy to buff something without making it impossible to lose.


See this: Ignis DPS 100 -> 200. Hardly gamebreaking. We can even make it easier to obtain and release a more powerful one that is harder to obtain, which would be called progression.


The point of this thread is to buff the ones that REALLY need buffing. Scythes, machetes, alert swords, and all that stuff. It also includes personal ones that I feel deserve buffing. But buffing THESE specific weapons, would not hurt the game at all, unless if DE gives each of them 10,000 base DPS (which they wouldn't).


I know what you mean by powercreep. We get more powerful. Enemies get more powerful. Then it's a loop. However, this thing can only go until something becomes an outlier, breaking the rules and boundaries. THAT'S when nerfs should apply, but since DE doesn't really dare nerf, they better not release them the first place.

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I would have hoped that each type of weapon was balanced with its counterparts (i.e. snipers of the same tier are balanced with snipers of the same tier), and that also weapon types would be relatively balanced with each other (snipers are comparable to automatic weapons in their speed at which to complete tasks, functionality, and benefits/detriments), and that melee as well became prevalent within the game through it's fleshing out of mechanics to make it more so appealing. With DE's continued growth of content, I would hope this would be a top priority between the weapon types. I would hope that this would bring about many much needed buffs to weapons that haven't had love for a while.


I agree completely that things should be closely balanced... at least close enough that by picking something you like you aren't a detriment to your group/self.  There's simply no indication that this is something they remotely care about though and it is rather disconcerting.

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