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"overcharge" Concept And Some Other Ideas.


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If you do not want to read the rest of this basically I suggest ideas that you can use a much more powerful version of your abilities but it drains your life(heals/buff from any sources cannot negate this effect), a infested enemy that reanimate corpses, and Limbo-themed weapon skins.



well, if you do want to read it...


So, let's hear a story commonly heard throughout in Warframe: you are stuck in a T4 survival, and its already past hours. The game releases its unrelentless armies of bombards and nullifiers, and your team, out of shield, health, and energy are slowly getting pushed back by the onslaught, your only choice is the extraction, but it's evident that your team will never make it.



It was time to make a choice, a sacrifice.



You close your eyes, channeling what's left of your energy, you kneel, both hands on the ground, and unleashes the full potential of your warframe. Powerful energy waves flow out of your frame into your surroundings, but there is no time- they are already breaking in. You unleashes your ability one last time. 



Chaos and destruction surges through the room. The ground trembles and shake as your frame's ability tear through your foes. Limbs fly, blood splatter as one by one they fall limp to the ground. You notices the pool of blood around you as bodies starts piling, you thought it was your enemies' until you started coughing blood, then you realizes that you are about to join your fallen adversaries.



Your frame is tearing itself up. Once the symbol of honor and beauty of the Tenno are now breaking piece-by-piece, but you didn't care. Even if your energy is completely depleted, you didn't care. Even if you start losing consciousness as you drain your life to draw energy, you didn't care. You turned your head one last time, and see your wounded friends slowly make themselves towards their Lizets.



Your friends will make it. But what of you?



You smiled, as your world turns from White, to grey, and from grey to black. Your last thought before you embraced the darkness, was of your friends, that they will be alive to live another day, to carry on your legacy. Finally, in a last gesture of triumph, you self-destruct you frame creating an powerful energy wave that knocks out all reaming foes around you,



Satisfied, you close your eyes one final time and drift into eternal sleep...



TL;DR I am suggesting an "Overcharge" system that allows you to unleash a much more powerful version your warframe's abilities at the cost of your own life.



1st idea: Overcharge


Now, I know you may be like "too op, gtfo", but I've came up with some requirements in order to use this ability,



1. Must have the mod equipped



Pretty much means that this ability will come as a mod, you can put it on if you want, so that way people who doesn't like the system aren't forced to use it it, and that it balance out the build (takes up mod slots and perhaps high polarity numbers)



2. Must have no energy left in your disposal



Pretty Straightforward, basically in order to activate it, you continuously uses your abilities even if your energy has run out. Your suits will divert everything it has left to in its power supply to allow you to use your ability, and your screen will start flashing and a sound effect will play, with a status thing show up on your hud telling you that you have overcharged your frame.



3. The cost of your own life



Well, this is the main selling point(?) of this system. As you kept using your abilities, your shields and health will starts to drain, and it's not affected by how much shield or health you have. Basically the more shield or health you have, the faster the drain rate to balance that. (well, I guess you can level up the mod to slow down the drain rate) your surrounding will slowly fades to grey, the colors will leave your frame too. Your warframe will stumble and break apart as death draws near: sparks and smoke flying out of your frame, and parts of it are breaking and falling away. Eventually, you will hear no sound, as you finally hit the ground, never to get back up again. Sound dramatic, but just kinda wants you to get that feeling that yeah, you're dying. Death in overcharge means that you cannot be revived, which means you must use your revives if you wish to fight on. And in some cases that you do survive overcharge(by stop using your abilities), your frame will take time to fixes itself, which means shield, health, energy will regenerate in a much slowly rate and energy/shield/health recharges will not increase the rate and amount in which they are regained. After Using overcharge for a large amount of times you will have a window of vulnerability (again, warframe fixes itself), which means you cannot receive any health/shield recharge from any source during that time. (No Oberon/Trinity, no recharges, no passive or other cast abilities, and no energy balls). If you went down during the window of vulnerability you can still be revived, you cannot be revived only when you used up all your health and shield during overcharge. Of course, there is a long cooldown time before you can overcharge again. Pretty restrictive, but the powers you wield while overcharged is massive.


I should mention the rate in which your shield/health is drained in overcharge is based on the numbers of time you used it, so if you only overcharged once or twice you shouldn't be having too much of a problem, but if you say that's pretty op, you can always ask DE to up the spawn rate of null and bombards huehuehuehuehue.


My point was to try to make this a high-risk, high reward system. Which means that your unleashes your abilities has a much higher base damage, bigger radius for cc , and maybe even add bonuses to your abilities like augment mods.



Bonuses (The following are just ideas for some of the frame's bonuses when using the 4th ability during overcharge. Well, if this idea didn't work out, I guess this can be implemented as augments...)



1.Excalibur: Radial Javelin, when casted, a swarm of swords appears and protects your allies (but not the caster himself), and when the duration is over will lock onto enemies and javelin them to the wall.


2. Mag: Crush, when casted, has a chance to make a gigantic tumbleweed out of enemies and thus group them together to allow further opportunities for cc attacks. Nature's force, Jack.


3. Hydroid: Tentacle Swarm, when casted, will create a number of small slime like water beings that will latch unto surrounding enemies dealing damage and confuses them


4. Oberon: Reckoning, when casted, the bubble that forms around the enemies when using the said ability will not disappear, but instead floats around Oberon or allies and deal radiation damage to those who come near


5. Loki: Radial disarm: when casted, instead of giving enemies sticks, will give them bombs that detonates after awhile. Boom.


6. Trinity: Blessing, when casted, will send a wave of energy to surrounding allies, recharging their energy/shield/ health (completely random, and of course, not the caster herself).


7. Mesa: Peacemaker, when casted, all shots fired deals explosive damage to enemies.
8. Nekros: Shadows of The Dead, when casted, MOAR phantoms! Stomps your opposition with even more phantoms, this time they are eximus and are &!$$ed.


9. Vauban: Vortex, when casted creates a stronger black hole, which have a chance to suck in enemies' projectiles and energy attack. Have a chance to disarm enemies further outside the radius by sucking in their weapons.


10.Volt: Overload, when casted, spawns energy balls around a certain radius that works like the Gineer arc traps, zappin' and sappin' with cc potential. Also have a chance to overload particular enemies' weapons (i.e. corpus) making their weapons explode in their face.


11. Mirage: Prism, When casted, if allies are near the disco ball, will have chance to gain random elemental damage, also, enemies who are hit by the disco ball but did not die from it are blinded.


12. Ash: Bladestorm, When casted, have chance to pin enemies to the ground with its hikous that will immobilizes and damage them for a certain period of time, or a smoke cloud or something that choke out enemies, idk.


13. Zephyr: Tornado, when casted, all tornados will spread out and eventually come to form a gigantic tornado that will launches all surviving enemies high into the air, and send them down in a dive bomb.


14. Saryn: Miasma, When casted, will create a poisonous cloud in the surrounding that deals poison/toxic/viral damage.


15. Rhino: Rhino Stomp, when casted, creates resounding shockwaves after the initial stomp that can further paralyzes enemies. (honestly I really can't think of one good for Rhino, if you have better idea please post it in the comments)


16. Banshee: Sound Quake, when casted, dramatically lowers surrounding enemies' armor rating, and also makes a fellow Tenno's blade weapon vibrates and thus deals more damage


17. Limbo: Cataclysm, When casted, sparks and lights will appear inside cataclysm and damage any enemies who remain in it for too long, There should be option to disable the said visual effect if it's too annoying. 


18.Ember: World on Fire, Instead of just flames shooting like geysers from the ground, multiple flaming wave should emerges at the edge of the possible radius, and will close in a circular motion and eventually explode near the caster.


19.Valkyr;Hysteria, When casted, Claws protruding out of her hands will be visually longer and deals more damage, and combos will have a chance to create a shockwave (can be 360 degrees depends on the combo move you're using) that knocks down enemies. (can't heal from killing enemies when overcharged)


20.Nyx: Absorb, When casted, damaged output will be twice of damage taken, and when released, enemies who aren't killed by the initial shockwave will have a chance to be confused and/or mutilate themselves. (The latter effect should be on her other ability, but just an idea...)


21.Nova: Molecular Prime,when casted, enemies who explodes may prime another enemy who has not been primed


22. Frost: Avalanche, when casted, snowballs created can "melt" and leave the ground slippery (lol), making enemies very easy to knock down/slips on their own/ freezes them.



2nd idea: Infested Infector



Yes, yes, I know, more dumb ideas, you guys are probably not even reading this right now, I am just putting it out there for the sake of it:


Remember when you go on a infested invasion mission and those annoying, useless corpus crewmen and moas that run around you and be like, "notice me Tenno senpai"?, well, now they can be even more useless and counter-productive, with this new enemy!



Infector enemies, like in Dead Space and those annoying manta-ray like creature that stabity-stab corpses and makes them reanimate into an enemy, Same concept, but basically with appearances of a infested desert skate/kubrow(or a whole new design), and can reanimate near-death/ dead friendly Grineers or Corpus. Reanimated near-death friendly are always stronger than the one reanimated near death, and will immediately perish in a one-hit kill if you manage to hit the infector latched on it. There are also different types of mutations:



Long-range type: as its name implies, the infector latch onto the cranium of your former ally, controlling it to shoot whatever weapon in its possession at you. Accuracy will be terrible, but a threat nonetheless.



Charger-type: Unlike your standard infested charger, this one has a hard-to penetrate growth on its chest that will take a while to shoot through, so your best bet is to hit the infector that latch onto it or its unprotected back.(Kind of sounds like the new riot-moa, now that I think of it...)



Trickster-type: I really like this idea, even though it's probably a dumb idea anyway. Trickster-type pretends to be a dead friendly until you get within its reaching distance, and then it would quickly grab you and damage you if you dont manage to get it off with melee. You can identify it from none-infector type corpses by the small infector pararsite on its body, and that it doesn't dissolves after a while.



So, how do you prevent these probably very annoying enemies?


You can just use the good'ol way of beating them to a pulp with your hammer, but....



You can revive faction allies who are close to death


1. Should be in different color (to distinguished from downed players, I personally suggest green)


2. revives is much shorter than reviving a downed player, if not it should be instant


3. Rewards should be giving to those who went through the trouble of reviving them


       a. more resources or chances to drop them


       b. A chance to spawn better friendly units (Eximus, bombard, special units ,etc.), depends on how many times you revive them, you receive standings for said faction, the more friendly you are to them, the more likely they will help you (collect resources and give them to you, gives you health, ammo, energy when you go past them, etc.)



This should open up to interactivity between factions and broaden the immersion, at least in my opinion, anyway.



3rd idea: Limbo dress-up



Uh, I guess, everyone has left at this point, but I'll keep going anyway;



I suggest we put Limbo-themed item in the game, because what will be of a magnificent, time and space-bending magician without his props?



Playing cards Hikou/Kunai skins


Simple, instead of throwing little knives, Limbo throws little cards.



Cane-style Sybaris/rifle-type weapon


I wanted it to be semi-auto/burst weapon skin, so I think Sybaris is my top choice, but basically a gun skin that makes the gun looks like a Magician's cane.


And of course, I would love to see some special idle/action animations when Limbo is using it.


If you manage to read to this point, congrats, fellow Tenno, you somehow manage to read through a dull and long list of ramblings. Let me know if these ideas are good, dumb, or if you have better suggestion.




Edited by Leoguy
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1st Idea: Sorry I cannot support this unless it is a costs you your life kind of thing. The reason is this, players have health restores and a Trinity/Oberon if that fails. Everyone would exploit the heck out of this way more than they play the p42w game now. If this skill caused you to literally get insta killed(as in no bleed out state) then yeah full support.


2nd Idea: Awesome!


3rd Idea: Even more AWESOME!

Edited by geninrising
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So you know, the overcharge for valkyr would be very Op as she heals herself by hitting enemies. I guess that should be disabled when using the overcharged Hysteria

Of course. Her frame is breaking apart while overcharged so she loses her healing ability.


1st Idea: Sorry I cannot support this unless it is a costs you your life kind of thing. The reason is this, players have health restores and a Trinity/Oberon if that fails. Everyone would exploit the heck out of this way more than they play the p42w game now. If this skill caused you to literally get insta killed(as in no bleed out state) then yeah full support.


2nd Idea: Awesome!


3rd Idea: Even more AWESOME!

Right, I should clarify that since you are essentially breaking your frame to reach more power in overcharge, which means that Heal/buff of any kind would not work for a certain amount of time until your frame "fixes" itself, which means there is a window of vulnerability before your frame reach nominal status.

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great idea and would make sense since the sentients are so powerful that the orokin that they need suicidal soldiers that are willing to fight for them, this really adds more lore that the tenno are really god warriors and why the orokin where killed off by them.

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