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[Yet Another Warframe Concept] Martyr


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If you're bored/remotely interested, here's an idea for another weird Fanframe



Another idea for an even more weird Fanframe



Feedback appreciated




Anyway, dreamt up another idea for a Fanframe. I guess I would appreciate your thoughts on this guy >__<


Shields: 100(base)

Health: 200(base, higher than Saryn and Ash by base 50 points)

Power: 100(base)

Sprint Speed: 1.3(fast, but slower than Ash and Loki)

Armour: 10(fragile)

Shield Recharge: 22.5(on par with Excalibur Prime, Mag and Rhino, lower than Ember)


Role: Beserker


An offensive and melee-orientated WARFRAME, Martyr wields his defenses and devotion as weapons. Energy is redirected to his weaponry from batteries used to sustain shielding and suit integrity.


Polarities: 4 scratch, 2 D


Ability 1

Reckoning | 25 Energy | Cost to equip: 2/3/4/5(halved by polarity)

Martyr charges his weapon with energy from his suit, strengthening his melee attacks while endangering his life. Upgrading this ability increases its damage.

For the next 3 melee attacks, Martyr will lose 10% of his maximum health on each attack. This ability may not kill Martyr, but leave him with a minimum of 1 HP. Each of these melee attacks inflict (10% of maximum health X [100% X ability rank]) points of damage, ignoring all resistances.(eg. should Martyr have 600 maximum health and rank 3 of Sacrifice, he will lose 60 points of health on each attack while inflicting (60 X 300% = 180) additional damage, applied AFTER the attack hits and ignoring all damage modifiers). Sacrifice is NOT affected by modules on the weapon(Pressure Point, Molten Impact etc).

Rank 1: (10% max HP X 1) damage | Rank 2: (10% max HP X 2) damage | Rank 3: (10% max HP X 3) damage | Rank 4: (10% max HP X 3.5 rounded up) damage

Balance notes: While stronger than Contagion, it sacrifices health and only lasts for 3 hits. It also needs a well-upgraded Vitality mod and a high-ranked Martyr frame to shine.

note note: At rank 30 with a rank 10 Vitality mod, Rank 4 Reckoning will deal 518 additional damage on each melee attack for the next 3 melee attacks!


Ability 2

Radial Thunderbolt | 25 Energy | Cost to equip: 4/5/6(halved by polarity)

Martyr manually overloads one of his shield batteries, releasing an electrifying nova that disrupts shields and paralyzes enemies for a brief duration. Upgrading this ability increases the area of effect and damage.

Martyr unleashes a radial current that halves the shield recharge rate of all enemies caught in the blast and paralyzes them for 2 seconds(NOT increased by Continuity). 50% of Martyr's current shields is immediately depleted on usage, and his shield recharge rate is reduced by 25% for the next 10 seconds while his suit repairs his damaged circuits. All enemies receive electrical damage that is (sacrificed shields X [150% X ability rank]). Resistances are calculated, making this ability limited on Infested but deadly to Corpus. (eg. Martyr uses this rank 3 ability at 500 current shields. 250 shields is spent, and (250 X 450% = 1125) electrical damage is dealt. MOAs may receive up to 4500 points of damage if they are struck at their weak point while an Infested Charger may receive as little as 7 damage.

Rank 0: (50% current shields X 150%) electrical damage, 5m radius | Rank 1: (50% current shields X 300%) electrical damage, 8m radius | Rank 2: (50% current shields X 450%) electrical damage, 14m radius

Balance notes: May seem powerful, but the 50% of shields is calculated from CURRENT value of shields and NOT maximum shield value. Getting into range to use this ability on as many targets as possible while keeping shields at a high enough amount to make this skill worth using may prove difficult.


Ability 3

Bloodluster | 50 Energy | Cost to equip: 5/6/7/8(halved by polarity)

Driven by righteous fury, Martyr leaps towards his target, slashing them down with industrial cutters powered by energy channeled from his life-support systems. Upgrading this ability improves its damage and range.

This ability must be aimed at a target enemy, and Martyr must have at least 35% health. Martyr sacrifices 25% of his maximum health to activate plasma katars that extend from above his knuckles. Dashing towards his target, Martyr delivers two savage swipes across his opponent's body. This attack ignores resistances, shields and criticals, but is strengthened by Focus.

Rank 0: 600 X 2 damage, 6m range | Rank 1: 750 X 2 damage,  7m range | Rank 2: 850X 2 damage, 8m range | Rank 3: 1000 X 2 damage, 10m range

Balance notes: While it does more damage than Excalibur's Slash Dash, it costs more energy, requires health, hits only one target and has a shorter range(Slash Dash's range goes up to 16m)

note note: With its high damage, this ability benefits very greatly from the Focus mod, which can give up to 30% additional damage!



Ability 4

Faith | 100 Energy | Cost to equip: 10/11/12/13(halved by polarity)

Martyr releases an overdrive current to inspire his fellow Tenno to fight with bravery and valour. Martyr himself gains endurance that surpasses the capacity of the other WARFRAMEs. Upgrading this ability increases its duration.

A buffing field emitted by his suit increases the movement speed of all allied WARFRAMEs by 20%, and increases their shield capacity by 30. Martyr manually overrides several safety, auto-repair and energy regulation protocols and sequences within his suit. This grants him immunity to stun and knockdowns, a +120 bonus to maximum health(and a straight boost of +120 to current health to compensate) and a +20% to melee fire rate and charge attack speed throughout the duration of this ability. On activation of Faith, Martyr's shields are completely depleted as they are used to power the buffing field. Provided he is not currently receiving damage, his shields will begin to recharge immediately.


When Faith expires, the rerouting of power currents in his armour causes Martyr to fall to one knee for 5 seconds while his suit is being restored to operational condition. His health is then immediately reset to 60% of its current maximum.

Rank 0: 15 secs | Rank 1: 25 secs | Rank 2: 35 secs | Rank 3: 45 secs



Martyr can be equipped with a Crusader helm that increases health but reduces stamina regeneration.

Health + 5% Stamina regeneration - 15%



Thought about this WARFRAME over breakfast and throughout my examination paper this morning(I can't understand Chinese anyway so w/e). Feel free to post about how this guy sucks and how lame the whole idea is.

Edited by Amistyrja
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... Feel free to post about how this guy sucks and how lame the whole idea is.

Don't temp me... though this warframe seems pretty balanced. I always like a good risk/ reward scenario, though he seems a bit too squishy to really come out of any conflicts alive. It would be more realistic to see a faster Rhino-like build. You could sorta tank while you didn't use your abilities, but with tactical and skillful deployment of your abilities, change the outcome of enemy rushes and boss battles.

      All in all, I like the design... hope you can post some pics.

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Ahh I still haven't thought much about the appearance, and I can't draw to save my life. So no pics =(


I actually kinda intended for this frame to force its users to use evasive manuevers like the aiming dodge and rolls, and blocking more often to prevent getting hit first. >____< And yes I did have "high risk/high reward" in mind when I wrote this, but I guess I missed out on the "high reward" part DX

Edited by Amistyrja
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I like it too, but yeah you'd probably end up getting yourself killed too fast :P

And I also never understood half the Chinese I learnt XD

Well I guess he'll be a tricky frame to use. We're space ninja for a reason, people should work on taking less hits instead of tanking hits!

And my Chinese is terrible I can't read for S#&amp;&#036;, but I speak a little bit DX Wish I didn't have to learn it

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I really like the idea behind this frame as well as the range of abilities. As stated before, he seems a tad too squishy. But the high speed allows to migitate that damage if you know what you are doing. This would need to be tested.


I would propose to give him the same polarities as Trinity and Rhino (2 D Slots) which would give him a very unique feel due to having tanking mods but being required to manage his health and shields as a secondary energy pool.


In any way, you have my Upvote.

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I really like the idea behind this frame as well as the range of abilities. As stated before, he seems a tad too squishy. But the high speed allows to migitate that damage if you know what you are doing. This would need to be tested.


I would propose to give him the same polarities as Trinity and Rhino (2 D Slots) which would give him a very unique feel due to having tanking mods but being required to manage his health and shields as a secondary energy pool.


In any way, you have my Upvote.

D polarities are a good idea, thanks for that ^^ Maybe I'll go bug someone to draw him =P

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I have no idea if you did it for balancing reasons, but I would like to see more connections to ability mods. I couldn't help but notice all the different times you said " doesn't work with ________",  or "isn't affected by______". I feel like if you have them you should be able to use them, plus it adds to the risk rewards, because if you have the ability mods in then you may or may not have space for the tanking mods.

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I have no idea if you did it for balancing reasons, but I would like to see more connections to ability mods. I couldn't help but notice all the different times you said " doesn't work with ________",  or "isn't affected by______". I feel like if you have them you should be able to use them, plus it adds to the risk rewards, because if you have the ability mods in then you may or may not have space for the tanking mods.

I suppose you're right. I did have balancing in mind, but in doing so I made the risk far outweigh the reward in question. Regarding the Focus mod, if people wish to specialize and use a mod slot for that, I suppose they should have the right to(was worried about Sacrifice being simply too strong). As for Sacrifice, I just thought that I needed to make it clear that the bonus damage will not increase base damage of the weapon, simply adding a fixed amount of additional damage. Think of Sacrifice as adding an additional melee hit that is immediately applied after a melee attack =)


Your feedback is appreciated though =)

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I suppose you're right. I did have balancing in mind, but in doing so I made the risk far outweigh the reward in question. Regarding the Focus mod, if people wish to specialize and use a mod slot for that, I suppose they should have the right to(was worried about Sacrifice being simply too strong). As for Sacrifice, I just thought that I needed to make it clear that the bonus damage will not increase base damage of the weapon, simply adding a fixed amount of additional damage. Think of Sacrifice as adding an additional melee hit that is immediately applied after a melee attack =)


Your feedback is appreciated though =)


and a very nice, well thought out response!  That makes more sense now.

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