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Weapon-Specific Mod Suggestion Thread


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I have one suggestions that I will add, as a starter.


Velocity Amplifier (Snipertron) - Each bullet can pass through 1/2/3/4 enemies. Each bullet will do 25% less damage per enemy. (Rare)

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Killer Instinct (Glaive) - The glaive will slightly home in on the enemy you aimed at when it is thrown (will not home in if you didn't aim at anyone), also, the first enemy it hits will take 8/16/24/32% increased damage. 

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Whirling Death [RARE] (Short Melee): Attack speed and Melee Damage increase by 10/12/14/16% with successive normal attack hits, stacking 3/4/5/6 times. This buff persists for 3 seconds.


Explanation: Landing normal attacks will stack and refresh the buff timer. All melee actions will benefit from the attack speed, but charge attacks will not benefit from the damage increase as it is Melee Damage, which does not apply to charge attacks. This can still be used to greatly increase the swing speed of your charge attacks while the buff persists.

Edited by Ion_Sig
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Bolt stabilizer- Increases boltor/bolto precision

Extreme precision- Increase snipetron/latron damage when hitting weak spots


I have one suggestions that I will add, as a starter.


Velocity Amplifier (Snipertron) - Each bullet can pass through 1/2/3/4 enemies. Each bullet will do 25% less damage per enemy. (Rare)

The puncture mod effectively does this (metal auger), it just needs a buff at the moment.

Edited by Argoms
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Slugger (Hek) - the shot is replaced with solid slugs that deal 130 damage and have no damage falloff.


Absorption (Glaive) - the glaive has a chance to take on any elemental effects it comes into contact with (enemies on fire, a cryo level, a toxic ancient). The damage is superior to a specific damage mod of the same level, but only lasts for one attack. - I don't know how doable this one is, but Dark Sector had it.

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Whirling Death [RARE] (Short Melee): Attack speed and Crit Chance increase by 8/10/12/14% with successive hits, stacking 3/4/5/6 times. Charging will discontinue this bonus.


No. We do not need more random chance in this game, and we don't really need a mod that only encourages mashing the E key. I get that people want to not just use charged attacks all the time, but what about all of the other non-charged techniques, like sliding attacks and ground slams? Do those not matter? Is the only distinction whether you press E over and over again or if you hold it?


Everyone else has some nice ideas, tossed a few upvotes around to support them. I especially like the Group Takedown one.


Argoms, I feel as if both of the ones you suggested could be made into general mods, actually, perhaps even combined. In other threads there have been discussions about changing critical damage into bonus damage against vital areas, and possibly converting critical chance mods into accuracy mods.


Edit: As for my own mod suggestion. Single Melee: Blade Whirl: Adds the multihit property when using slide attacks, additionally increases slide attack distance by 1/2/3/4/5/6 meters.

Edited by Xrylene
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Bolt-Action (Snipetron) - Reload speed is reduced by the % of ammo remaining in the clip.


Descend (Ankyros) - The damage magnitude of jump attacks is increase relative to fall height.


Unstable Ammo (Bronco) - Reloading has a chance to cause a radial burst of pellets.


Umbra (Dark Dagger) - Killing a target has a chance to blind all nearby enemys for X seconds. Chance greatly increased on stealth kills.


Parry (Pangolin Sword) - Blocking drains stamina at a lower rate and is more effective.

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Buck&Slug (Strun) - Changes the standard shot of X pellets into 1 Slug that does AP and Y Buckshot (so if X is currently 15, Y would be 2/3 so 10, you are basicly trading 5 current pellets for 1 accurate slug that does 2.5xdmg (so dmg as 2 and half pellets) that ignores armor.

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The puncture mod effectively does this (metal auger), it just needs a buff at the moment.

Until it gets a buff, this is a solid suggestion, though.


Tungsten (Grakata) - Each bullet that crits gets innate armor piercing, as well as dealing bonus 5/10/15/20% damage. (Rare)

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Shakedown (Fragor) - Jump attacks shake the ground, continuing to damage enemies for 15/30/45/60% damage per second for 3 seconds.


Ring Out (Fist/Staff) - Charge attacks send enemies flying. Enemies that collide with walls or objects are stunned for 1/1/2/2 seconds and take 25/50/75/100% extra damage.

Edited by Ion_Sig
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Air Hike - Jump 10/15/20% Higher


Showdown (Lex) - Your last bullet in every magazine isn't affected by any of your weapon mods but it does 350/400/450% damage. Guaranteed crit.


Long Reach (1h melee) - Charge and normal attacks hit 1/2/3 more enemies.

Edited by Cestus
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Overheat (Gorgon) - When low on ammo, fire rate is increased by 30/35/40/45/50% and has 30/35/40/45/50% fire damage.

It will activate when you are on your last magazine/clip.

Edited by Mustemploy
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Armour Shred (Grakata) - Every 3rd consecutive hit on the same target adds 20% more damage and 50% armor piercing damage to the next shot.


Intense Focus (Latron) - Every consecutive headshot adds 2% damage to the next shot. Stacks indefinitely but loses stacks upon missing a headshot.


Steady Hand (Burston) - Reduces recoils during 3-shot burst, but adds recoil to period after shots fired.

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Been thinking about some more ideas, gonna add them.


World Breaker (Fragor) - Changes charge-attack to an overhead smash that shakes the ground, knocking enemies back and down. Damage decreases the longer enemies are from the center of impact. Increased levels increases the AoE (and stretches damage reduction). (Rare)


Aerial Dominance (Glaive) - Increases flight speed by 25/50/75/100%. (Uncommon)


Overheat (Grakata) - Increases base magazine size by a flat 10/20/30/40 rounds and increases damage dealt by 1% for each missing ammo in magazine. (Rare)

Overheat_v2 (Grakata) - Increases damage dealt by 1.25/2.5/3.75/5% per bullet fired until stopping firing or reloading. (Rare)

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Explosive-Nanobots(Jaw Sword): enemys killed have a 12.5/25/37.5/50% of exploding on death, enemys killed by the jump attack always explode.

i think that if we have so many mods tied to a weapon we need to make them drop only by specific bosses similiar to warframe schematics

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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