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Abilities Concept: Proficiencies


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Hi there!


I have been thinking about the game SWTOR and how it has this system called advanced classes. Advanced classes are a system where say for example I choose to play as a Jedi knight, once I reach level 10 with that character, I am given the option choose an advanced class. These advanced classes are The Sentinel or The Guardian. The Sentinel Focuses on DPS whilst The Guardian Focuses on tanking. by choosing one of these classes, you are given some new abilitiesthat cater to that class.



Now what I was thinking is this could be implemented in Warframe in a similar way.


So for example let's take Trinity; she can be played as a support frame or a tank. When equip Trinity, maybe you could have the option to use either use her as a healing frame or a tank frame. When you choose an option you get some new abilities ON TOP of the ones you innately have. So say I choose to play Trinity as a tank, I will be given her innate four abilities with an accompaniment a few more which are specifically tailored to tanking; so things like growing aggro and such. However if I were to choose to play her as a healing frame then I would once again get her four abilities and then a few more abilities which are specifically tailored to healing i.e. removing status procs and etc.


Another example could be Loki. I could play him as a stealth frame or support frame. If I were to choose to play him as a stealth frame I would get his four abilities and then some abilities abilities that once again further enhance stealth capabilities i.e. removing aggro; this is just the general idea if you know what I mean.


Anyways what do you think?

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Or they just add more frames lol if i want a tank i will jump on rhino or trinity for heals etc etc. You see your idea would not happen because it also means less platinum to be made. It is better for them if they release a new frame and charge the normal 370 platinum for it.

Edit: they want us to try all frames as well hence mastery rank.

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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Ugh SWTOR ruined their progression system.

I think the ability augments might be Warframe's version of what you want. Its just so new there isn't much variety. Hopefully down the road we will have more.

Then perhaps they will remove them as individual mods like they did with the powers

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Kind of agree. But as someone said, if you want to play tank with Trinity, don't play Trinity, play Rhino. If you can tank with Trinity, why bother to have a Rhino on your team? All warframes have Niches, and this would make them cut into each others territories and almost make some frames obsolete.

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