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     Don't get me wrong, I like limbo, but a few things about him really bother me. I understand why you can't pick up things while banished or rift walking, it makes sense; you're in a different dimension, so you can't touch them. It would also be kinda overpowered if you could, because then you could just run around collecting loot and not caring about enemies you don't want to fight. But it makes no sense in cataclysm's case. You're sending an entire area with everything in it to the rift, but apparently the rift has a no items allowed policy, cause those stay in the normal dimension....which is really odd. This also wouldn't be overpowered, because other stuff can come in the rift to kill you, so its not like you can run around collecting loot from your friends kills.

     Another thing I wish would be changed about limbo is that held mission items are dropped when entering the void. Why? Wouldn't they come to the void with you? I'd understand not being able to pick them up while you're rift walking and it's in the normal dimension, but it should just come to the void with you when you rift walk. It wouldn't be overpowered either, loki has invisibility, rhino has iron skin, trinity has link and blessing, and valkyr has hysteria. because of this dropping mechanic, limbo is a horrible burden on any mission that has a held mission item like excavation, mobile defense, deception, and void sabotage. Warframes are bound to have a few missions where it's a bad idea to bring them, like a frost to survival, but no other frame can't be used in that many mission types, and my example, a frost in survival, it's not a good idea, but it IS doable, whereas a limbo in those missions, maybe the void sabotage would be ok, but he can be obnoxious to the rest of the team in the rest, and if your limbo is a troll, they can also be a theif, and steal the mission item by casting banish on anyone who picks it up before them.

     One more thing I'd like to mention about limbo is that he really needs some kind of way to protect himself with the rift, maybe rift surge also gives him a 50% damage reduction or something? Limbo players right now would probably say that this is overpowered, but it wouldn't be, according to his description, he's supposed to be dividing and conquering his enemies with the rift, but unless you have a squad to do your conquering for you, casting cataclysm usually ends up with a lot of dividing, but more dying than conquering. My point is, the only way to currently play limbo is to banish your enemies and use a finisher on them one by one, or be really, really, good at him, but I have yet to find someone who is. Anyway, back on track with my point, casting cataclysm gets you killed, unless you immediately detonate it. I don't know about anyone else, but that just seems wrong to me. What other 4th ability (commonly referred to as an ult or ultimate I might add) gets you killed? Every other ultimate causes something to happen that you wish could happen all the time. (or at least most of the time) here are some examples: All the radial damage abilities, bringing back enemies you killed to fight on your side, healing the team and giving damage resistance, making you invincible and giving you claws, making you teleport around stabbing enemies in the face, a few of these have certain situations where they shouldn't be used, but for the most part, they work out well. With cataclysm, though, you'll get shot when you cast it, and the higher the level, the worse it gets, to the point where you'll die on cast (yes, it happened to me, I casted it on a nullifier, and before I actually got control of my warframe back, I was on my back, bleeding out. You could probably call this a sharp learning curve, but the way I see it, it's just kinda broken. Another idea I thought of a while ago would be to make the insides of the cataclysm reflect bullets, or just stop them. this would work well because it would allow limbo to pick of targets with little risk, but entering the cataclysm would still most likely get him killed (similarly to how running around without invisibility in a high level mission with loki will most likely get you killed). This too would not be any more overpowered than any of the other 4th abilities, but imo put it right along with them. Just please keep in mind that it IS an ultimate and should be overpowered to an extent.

     So what does anyone else reading this, as the Warframe community, think? Do you think these changes would be enough to make limbo a fun warframe and a welcome team member....or do you support the argument I've heard a thousand times, that limbo should remain the same? If you do I just want to say, I have no problem with that, but would it hurt to imagine a mission where, similar to other frames, you aren't wondering IF you should cast, but where and when?

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I support your ideas 100% because Limbo has great potential, but it is locked behind huge skillwall, and even when mastered completely he has to run in scenarios other frames could handle easily. He just needs more buffing.

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I have to agree. Limbo has great potential, right now, unless you have a good team or just exterminate solo (Banish/Rift Walk), there's not much you can do. All of his abilities do the same thing just in different ways. I understand not being able to carry things and pick up stuff in Rift Walk, you're in a different dimension. But with Cataclysm, the whole area is in the Rift. Pods and such are in the Rift with you, enemies run into the Rift and you kill them, so why can't you pick up the item that dropped in the Rift WHEN THEY'RE IN THE RIFT WITH YOU. Doesn't make sense to me. Carrying things into and out of the Rift makes sense, but at the same time it doesn't.

I like running Limbo in excavation missions, but unless you're running maxed duration, which makes the Rift small, you can't put the cell in the extractor. You drop it before you reach it. With a small Cataclysm, you make it before it drops.

Another thing I've noticed since I've been him using him more farming cryotic, you can't kill anything while in Rift Walk, unless they're Banished or in the Cataclysm, but your Sentinel can. I thought the Sentinels were in the Rift with you, yet they can shot down enemies. Hell, I've enter Rift Walk and sat in place just watching my Carrier mow through people. Why can't I?

He has no form of CC, unless I'm doing something wrong. He needs something extra.

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From my understanding, Limbo had a bug where you couldn't get a datamass back to the real plane.  They just took it out entirely and that's what we have today.  I would love to be able to collect items or carry a datamass in the rift.

But wouldn't it be better to make it always drop in the normal plane regardless of what plane the warframe that was holding it was in? What I'm saying is, to fix the issue with it sticking in the rift, they could just make it so a rift walking player who drops the datamass by attempting to switch to their primary would drop it into the normal dimension, rather than dropping it into the rift.


I'd support the ability to pick stuff up in the rift and the rift surge giving 50% damage reduction.


Though personally I'm in the camp that thinks Rift Walk and Rift Surge should be one ability.

I've never actually heard that before, but it sounds useful. In low level missions that are full, when I can actually play limbo the way I think he should be played, I usually have all my abilities going at once, and rift surge is that one ability that I'd like to always have on,but I always forget to check it because I'm too busy camping off to the side in rift walk, sniping targets that go into my cataclysm and banishing eximus that aren't in it so I can snipe them, not to mention limbo has some annoyingly long casting animations that are ok alone, but when you cast cataclysm, then rift surge, then rift walk, it takes about 3-4 seconds iirc even with natural talent on, which I keep on at all times with him. I guess thats another thing I'd like changed, I know DE made them faster in the past, but they're still just as long as trinity's, except cataclysm won't save your life, it tend to do the opposite, but I already went through that.

    I know my rift cage idea makes 0 sense, but maybe that could be an augment at least? Idk, What do you guys think? Also, thanks for the support on my ideas. :D

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