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Dont We All Know What A F2P Game Is By Now?


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Infrared, on 07 May 2013 - 11:27 AM, said:

I still didn't get what people mean with "potato" here...

But, I agree to ComeAgian. Every game has its downsides (and it's impossible to please everyone!), but I am sure this game will continue to be awesome because the developers already proved (at least to me) they love this game as much as I (we all!?) do.

It's easy to have that perspective when you're enjoying the game and the only place you come to is here. Truth is, a lot of their recent decisions have driven a fair amount of people away and have stopped people from trying it to begin with. Warframe has established a small core player-base, but that's not enough to keep it going on the business model they have right now. So they have two choices, increase the player base, or try to monitize off the current player base harder. Right now they're leaning towards the latter, which in my experience with playing over a hundred F2P games doesn't work in the long run.

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... I have no idea why we're not trustworthy. Grand Master benefits also include name in Solar Chart, access to Design Council (and recently Council chat). They get early access to coming stuff and participate in polls that get added to the game. It is a lot of money for sure and we are always discussing ways of giving them small tokens of appreciation as we continue into the future thanks to their support.


I am not even sure what it means that we didn't trust them??? We give them information that very often leaks within few hours, and we haven't stopped sharing despite that. I cannot see how we don't trust and value them.


You are right. This proves a lot (sorry for being so "harsh") but I have two questions. 1) Why aren't Grand Masters provided with everything on the market for free (at least money-wise). 2) Have you thought of reducing the prices after you reach a budget goal ? I think that that would be pretty fair. For instance let's say that you need approx 250k to release the game (random number, it possibly is way more than that). You can say that after that certain items will be obtainable through gameplay (not only on alerts) and that colors will be for free. Also , think about my other suggestion on my previous answer.


And one last thing. For some people honesty is WAY more important than a "flawless" game. I wouldn't give 2 fucks for all the bugs in the world if I knew that the developers are doing their best and actually care about me and the time I invest on working to make the money I need to pay to support them. That is all. I know that this game can be more awesome than any other game (and I am not only talking about FTP) , and it should be. Through my criticism I am only trying to help.

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It's easy to have that perspective when you're enjoying the game and the only place you come to is here. Truth is, a lot of their recent decisions have driven a fair amount of people away and have stopped people from trying it to begin with. Warframe has established a small core player-base, but that's not enough to keep it going on the business model they have right now. So they have two choices, increase the player base, or try to monitize off the current player base harder. Right now they're leaning towards the latter, which in my experience with playing over a hundred F2P games doesn't work in the long run.

I don't see it that way. Let's use the Glaive polemic as an exemple: almost everyone disliked the alert-only way to get it (and either I did, A LOT), but it was a GREATLY ANTICIPATED weapon and everyone wanted it. What would you expect? It must be a rare item! And selling the BP for 20k credits isn't close to rare even if the resources are hard to get...

Look at TF2 and you'll see many similarities to this business model, and it is still a success.

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It's easy to have that perspective when you're enjoying the game and the only place you come to is here. Truth is, a lot of their recent decisions have driven a fair amount of people away and have stopped people from trying it to begin with. Warframe has established a small core player-base, but that's not enough to keep it going on the business model they have right now. So they have two choices, increase the player base, or try to monitize off the current player base harder. Right now they're leaning towards the latter, which in my experience with playing over a hundred F2P games doesn't work in the long run.

You do realize they are hitting new peak users every weekend right? that even despite explosive initial growth they are still gaining momentum...

Do you even pay attention to what is going on outside of what's directly in front of you before you make assertions? I'm not trying to be overly harsh but you make it sound like this game is dying when all proof is to the exact and SCREAMING opposite.

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You are right. This proves a lot (sorry for being so "harsh") but I have two questions. 1) Why aren't Grand Masters provided with everything on the market for free (at least money-wise). 2) Have you thought of reducing the prices after you reach a budget goal ? I think that that would be pretty fair. For instance let's say that you need approx 250k to release the game (random number, it possibly is way more than that). You can say that after that certain items will be obtainable through gameplay (not only on alerts) and that colors will be for free. Also , think about my other suggestion on my previous answer.


And one last thing. For some people honesty is WAY more important than a "flawless" game. I wouldn't give 2 fucks for all the bugs in the world if I knew that the developers are doing their best and actually care about me and the time I invest on working to make the money I need to pay to support them. That is all. I know that this game can be more awesome than any other game (and I am not only talking about FTP) , and it should be. Through my criticism I am only trying to help.

As a master ranked founder with over 200 hours of play under my belt I can tell you that letting me simply purchase everything instead of more or less pushing me to earn it would have greatly cheapened the experience for me. Yes, RNG is annoying but it's also very satisfying when I finally get that blueprint I've been chasing or when that alert I've been waiting for finally pops up and I get that reward.

I have never once felt like this game is tedious or super grindy because I have a friggan blast playing it and trying new combinations and exploring more and more and pushing my experience farther; aiming for higher waves on defense maps, and helping friends and clannies push as well. If I could've just farmed credits and outright purchased everything I would have stagnated in half the time, as there is more optimal ways to farm credits as there are to farm blueprints (sitting on over 700K without much to spend it on till update 8).

I guess what I am getting at here is... the experience of the game is compelling enough that the grind really shouldn't be the focus... IMO this game is best enjoyed having fun and earning stuff along the way without being in a rush to max out mastery or cut right to the most powerful gear choices and then sitting on them without exploring more. Forcing me to play the game to unlock the content has made me grow as a warframe player, learning new tricks and gaining a wealth of powerful options and loadouts to choose from. I would greatly dislike DE making everything available for credits because I would never have experienced the full course of the game that way.

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You are right. This proves a lot (sorry for being so "harsh") but I have two questions. 1) Why aren't Grand Masters provided with everything on the market for free (at least money-wise). 2) Have you thought of reducing the prices after you reach a budget goal ? I think that that would be pretty fair. For instance let's say that you need approx 250k to release the game (random number, it possibly is way more than that). You can say that after that certain items will be obtainable through gameplay (not only on alerts) and that colors will be for free. Also , think about my other suggestion on my previous answer.


And one last thing. For some people honesty is WAY more important than a "flawless" game. I wouldn't give 2 fucks for all the bugs in the world if I knew that the developers are doing their best and actually care about me and the time I invest on working to make the money I need to pay to support them. That is all. I know that this game can be more awesome than any other game (and I am not only talking about FTP) , and it should be. Through my criticism I am only trying to help.


I don't work for DE, but I can answer both of your questions.


1) The amount of platinum Masters and Grand Masters get is way more than enough to buy all of the platinum-only stuff in the Market and still have enough left over for items that come out afterwards. Essentially, they can already get everything in the game by playing the game only, at no extra cost. Implementing a system that changes the entire progression structure for a small percentage of the playerbase would be an inefficient use of time, and it would hurt DE's ability to constantly react to and fix problems that arise with the game (something that they have proven to be very good at).


2) Having the game be F2P at its core means the DE has to generate enough revenue to cover the people who don't put in any money at all (which, with most F2P games, is the majority of users). Also, how much the developers need to "release the game" is a fairly meaningless metric; the entire team at DE has salaries that need to continue to be paid so that we can continue to get high quality updates and support for the game. In other words, the budget for an evolving online game like Warframe is a moving target.

Edited by Fredlicious
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You do realize they are hitting new peak users every weekend right? that even despite explosive initial growth they are still gaining momentum...

Do you even pay attention to what is going on outside of what's directly in front of you before you make assertions? I'm not trying to be overly harsh but you make it sound like this game is dying when all proof is to the exact and SCREAMING opposite.


It could be doing much better on a better model. That's the assertion I'm making, the player base isn't bad but we have zero numbers about how many people are buying what, it's pretty silly of you to assume the game is doing great without those numbers. I said progression being locked by triple layered RNG and/or a cash shop purchase is bad, especially when there's no other way to get that progress. I also said that has turned potential players (and potential customers) off of the game. If you want to argue with that, please do so with facts and not just the fact that nearly any beta approaching a release will get increasing player numbers.

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F2P means you get to test the game out before paying for it. It's a marvelous business design that chooses to risk its future on merit rather than hype & advertising. It's like a sampler tray at a grocer or a radio single on a music album... they are only given away for free to make you feel better, more confident about your purchase.


Unfortunately too many kids are playing F2P games because they don't need a credit card to play them & can't get their parents to buy them games any more.

Edited by Qb3rt
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It could be doing much better on a better model. That's the assertion I'm making, the player base isn't bad but we have zero numbers about how many people are buying what, it's pretty silly of you to assume the game is doing great without those numbers. I said progression being locked by triple layered RNG and/or a cash shop purchase is bad, especially when there's no other way to get that progress. I also said that has turned potential players (and potential customers) off of the game. If you want to argue with that, please do so with facts and not just the fact that nearly any beta approaching a release will get increasing player numbers.

so consistently having more and more users isn't a sign that the game is growing and thriving? And don't kid yourself, "open beta" just means soft release. Keep thinking that the huge growth in membership isn't a sign of this game doing well.

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The best game is the one whose developers care the most. Money's irrelevant when it comes to the quality of an actual game.


i get what your trying to say but i dont agree with you


the better they make this game by using the gamers (Our) opinions & ideas

even let us vote on the mods we would like to see in the game

i think its brilliant how they are using their playing to improve the game

back to the point of this, as they improve & grow the gameplay & its community

they will earn more money.


That said i do believe the developers care about the game  

but without money

you wont get far in this world

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You are right. This proves a lot (sorry for being so "harsh") but I have two questions. 1) Why aren't Grand Masters provided with everything on the market for free (at least money-wise). 2) Have you thought of reducing the prices after you reach a budget goal ? I think that that would be pretty fair. For instance let's say that you need approx 250k to release the game (random number, it possibly is way more than that). You can say that after that certain items will be obtainable through gameplay (not only on alerts) and that colors will be for free. Also , think about my other suggestion on my previous answer.


And one last thing. For some people honesty is WAY more important than a "flawless" game. I wouldn't give 2 fucks for all the bugs in the world if I knew that the developers are doing their best and actually care about me and the time I invest on working to make the money I need to pay to support them. That is all. I know that this game can be more awesome than any other game (and I am not only talking about FTP) , and it should be. Through my criticism I am only trying to help.

1. I do not think that is a good idea giving all the stuff for free to master or grand master because that literally cut majority of the people an incentive to play the game. What makes the game fun to me and supported them with my money and my opinion of the next content is the quality of the game, developer who cares about their customer, and the fun element in it while adding the incentive to keep playing by crafting and collecting materials to make things. It may sound as a grind but i rarely see it that way since i enjoy the game so much that a grinding for material shouldn't really be the main focus.

2. Im sure they will have one of those days that offers discount or possibly lower the price when warframe or weapon has been out for so long but that is my assumption.

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You do realize they are hitting new peak users every weekend right? that even despite explosive initial growth they are still gaining momentum...

Do you even pay attention to what is going on outside of what's directly in front of you before you make assertions? I'm not trying to be overly harsh but you make it sound like this game is dying when all proof is to the exact and SCREAMING opposite.

Nope.  The all time peak of 21,157 steam users (and please, don't bring up that nonsense about not everyone using steam, the vast majority do and it is very indicative of how the player base is changing) has still not been passed.  Also, wait til a big name title drops.  It's certainly growing nicely still, but realistically speaking it's definitely not going to stay this way.

F2P means you get to test the game out before paying for it. It's a marvelous business design that chooses to risk its future on merit rather than hype & advertising. It's like a sampler tray at a grocer or a radio single on a music album... they are only given away for free to make you feel better, more confident about your purchase.


Unfortunately too many kids are playing F2P games because they don't need a credit card to play them & can't get their parents to buy them games any more.

This is a very naive explanation of the f2p model.  The real motivation behind the system is that companies can get players to shell out more than they would for a retail game. The idea is that a large free playing population is subsidized by a smaller paying population.  The paying players get more people to play with because of the free players and the free players get to play for free because the paying players pay out more than they would for a retail game and do so for a longer period of time. 


Especially in the case of smaller companies, it's done because it's more feasible compared to the retail model which entails higher marketing costs and having to work with a publisher.

Edited by Aggh
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I am a F2P player for a great many games, and honestly I feel like the monetization in this one is really well done.  Will likely support if I'm still playing and happen to have some $$$.

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F2P = find something to hide behind to avoid the "p2w" flag (honestly i see warframe using alerts to do that later down the road, although it's currently riding that line very dangerously with potatos, but since most people here seem to be fully ok with a game mostly controlled by an RNG i don't want to argue it)


Valve F2P = very different from a F2P

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F2P = find something to hide behind to avoid the "p2w" flag (honestly i see warframe using alerts to do that later down the road, although it's currently riding that line very dangerously with potatos, but since most people here seem to be fully ok with a game mostly controlled by an RNG i don't want to argue it)


Valve F2P = very different from a F2P


considering how powerful it is to add another 30 mod points to a weapon/frame im surprised they are even allowing players the chance to earn a cata/reactor blueprint through alerts let alone the chance to get one just for logging in every day which isn't hard at all even if you're not really playing. this is way better than them going "hey guys we have this really powerful item that can make your weapon or frame stronger buuuuut you gotta shell out some cash for it if you ever want it".

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Not gonna downvote you but I'll just wanted to say that currently a color palette costs 75 plat. Which equals $3.99; that just needs a little over 250 missed sales to break the $1000 barrier. And as the classic (and saturated classic) palettes are the most useful ones with the broadedst selection of colors... yes, you're removing thousands of dollars from DEs payroll.


I think that lower color prices might actually help with sales though, I might be wrong though as I have no insight into the sales stats.

You realize 75 plat is $5 right?
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so consistently having more and more users isn't a sign that the game is growing and thriving? And don't kid yourself, "open beta" just means soft release. Keep thinking that the huge growth in membership isn't a sign of this game doing well.


Yeah... no. I just checked the steam stats numbers and it's as Aggh said, the numbers have settled down and haven't broken 21k peak. 8k concurrent players is good, but we really have no numbers that tell us how much of the player base has even bought something, and right now the cash shop really isn't appealing, it's more of a necessity in a couple of completely game changing ways (potato/buying things that come with a potato) and entirely arbitrary in others (mod packs, colors).


The best cash shops I've seen are ones that offer really cool cosmetics, neat optional content with minor perks to having access to it, and boosts/utilities all for relatively low prices. These are also games that have pretty solid linear progression or no progression at all (eg. EQ2 and DoTA2). Honestly there are a ton of options for monetization DE has not explored that would be better than this seemingly random model they have now. You could make ranks more important but let people buy a weapon without meeting its rank, you could have BPs for all items drop *consistently* somewhere in the game but have the mats (or just one special mat) be really rare and purchasable in the shop, there are so many ways DE could do this that wouldn't lock people out of 50% of their character's potential with a cash shop purchase.


I'm predicting that if they don't change their model to a more consistent system then Warframe will drop down to a barely profitable range with a lower player base once the hype from full release dies off.

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You know, beyond a free to play game being a game that can be played without paying for, the forum seems to have no consensus on what it is. People are quick to scream false advertising if they answer any of the following questions as no: 

-Is selling a clear advantage unobtainable by unpaying customers still free to play?

-Is it free to play if you have to pay to progress after a certain point?

-Is it free to play if your access to how much you can play/have is restricted by real money, even if technically you could play it all?

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You realize 75 plat is $5 right?


do you realize that 75 plat is much better spent into potatos and slots?


honestly when the $5-10 options become better spent into something that is required to use frames/weapons in higher level content... idk it could be that i feel dirty spending only $5 to get some colors when i could have used it to avoid the crap alert rng

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You know, beyond a free to play game being a game that can be played without paying for, the forum seems to have no consensus on what it is. People are quick to scream false advertising if they answer any of the following questions as no: 

-Is selling a clear advantage unobtainable by unpaying customers still free to play?

-Is it free to play if you have to pay to progress after a certain point?

-Is it free to play if your access to how much you can play/have is restricted by real money, even if technically you could play it all?

Lets see, as far as I can tell,

1) Still free to play but a horrible design, people will leave and with good cause.

2) No, then it is just a demo. You can have pay-only areas, but, In Example, allowing levels 1-20 for free and over 20 costs money is not free to play (I believe WoW is doing something like that now).

3) The question is vague. Specific examples could create scenarios that are or are not free to play.

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Personally, I played this game about a week before I had a friend put some money into it for me. I'm going to be paying him back for some of it (Part of it was a birthday present). I got 50 bucks into this game (To get that Excalibur Prime with its almost useless polarity slot.) I personally see both sides of the F2P coin. I see what's available to me both as a paying customer and one who wants to save his cash by not paying for certain things. I just got my Glaive Blueprints. I personally enjoy some of the struggle of getting my parts and everything and crafting it. I could easily circumvent some wait time and just BUY my Glaive, but I'm saving that platinum for slots, mainly. I don't even care to buy my warframes or weapons except with creds and I don't really NEED the Reactors/Catalysts. But I will say that part of the reason I even put money into this game is the way it works. Yes, I can get that Sweet Hek for some Platinum. But I can ALSO get it via creds (Blueprints, but whatever, same thing.) This is a vast difference between a game like Combat Arms, (One I have much experience in) that is basically Pay 2 Win. Sure, you can get some kills in with a GP bought weapon, but you'll have to spend a lot of time getting back your GP for a week. But grab a permanent NX weapon, and you're good to go for your entire game experience, plus odds are, you'll have an advantage because that gun will be just plain better than its GP counterpart if it has one. 


I like the setup that Warframe has. Sure, they could offer more and different things for your frames. And odds are, they will. Cosmetic items have already showed up, like the dagger skins (which are PURE cosmetic) and cosmetic stat enhancers, such as the alternate helmets. Personally, I love Rhino, but I won't be using his alt-helmet because 1. I like keeping up. and 2. I don't really need the health boost. I'm all shields. But I may use it (when I get it crafted) if I do defense missions. And there are plenty of other things to spend Platinum on, from Potatoes to slots to weapons, etc. I like earning my gear, I like leveling my gear and I don't have any problem with doing so. I don't have any problem with leaving potatoes out of my weapons, because I don't need them right now. I'm too busy buying up and using EVERYTHING I can. And if I hadn't put money into the game, I couldn't do that. But I could still try things and then sell them back if I wanted. I want to continue to support this game and I want to keep it alive. I want to spread the joy it has given me with its gameplay. I hope to get my friends playing it. I hope that its player base grows and that this game thrives because what it has right now is unique and wonderful in my eyes. I will likely continue to support this game and eventually get up to Grand Master. Why? Because I like this game and it deserves it. 

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Personally, I played this game about a week before I had a friend put some money into it for me. I'm going to be paying him back for some of it (Part of it was a birthday present). I got 50 bucks into this game (To get that Excalibur Prime with its almost useless polarity slot.) I personally see both sides of the F2P coin. I see what's available to me both as a paying customer and one who wants to save his cash by not paying for certain things. I just got my Glaive Blueprints. I personally enjoy some of the struggle of getting my parts and everything and crafting it. I could easily circumvent some wait time and just BUY my Glaive, but I'm saving that platinum for slots, mainly. I don't even care to buy my warframes or weapons except with creds and I don't really NEED the Reactors/Catalysts. But I will say that part of the reason I even put money into this game is the way it works. Yes, I can get that Sweet Hek for some Platinum. But I can ALSO get it via creds (Blueprints, but whatever, same thing.) This is a vast difference between a game like Combat Arms, (One I have much experience in) that is basically Pay 2 Win. Sure, you can get some kills in with a GP bought weapon, but you'll have to spend a lot of time getting back your GP for a week. But grab a permanent NX weapon, and you're good to go for your entire game experience, plus odds are, you'll have an advantage because that gun will be just plain better than its GP counterpart if it has one. 


I like the setup that Warframe has. Sure, they could offer more and different things for your frames. And odds are, they will. Cosmetic items have already showed up, like the dagger skins (which are PURE cosmetic) and cosmetic stat enhancers, such as the alternate helmets. Personally, I love Rhino, but I won't be using his alt-helmet because 1. I like keeping up. and 2. I don't really need the health boost. I'm all shields. But I may use it (when I get it crafted) if I do defense missions. And there are plenty of other things to spend Platinum on, from Potatoes to slots to weapons, etc. I like earning my gear, I like leveling my gear and I don't have any problem with doing so. I don't have any problem with leaving potatoes out of my weapons, because I don't need them right now. I'm too busy buying up and using EVERYTHING I can. And if I hadn't put money into the game, I couldn't do that. But I could still try things and then sell them back if I wanted. I want to continue to support this game and I want to keep it alive. I want to spread the joy it has given me with its gameplay. I hope to get my friends playing it. I hope that its player base grows and that this game thrives because what it has right now is unique and wonderful in my eyes. I will likely continue to support this game and eventually get up to Grand Master. Why? Because I like this game and it deserves it. 


Combat arms or Nexon in general is a perfect example for how badly you can abuse these micro transactions


i have been playing Nexon's games for along time mainly maplestory & combat arms, back when nexon only had maplestory it was a great, fun & challenging game but then combat arms came along & they change their hole business model to something you most likely would compare with a casino/gambling in order to obtain the best weapons you could spend litterly thousand of dollars & left with a bunch of game and like that wasnt enough these weapons also expire 1-7-15-30-90 days then these special OP weapons you could buy renewal kits for... am just gonna stop here i could go on and on with this.


Nexon is a huge game company but i dont think its very known in Europe, thanks god for that even though they keep growing.

Not to mention their support, now i experience it in one of the most horrible ways

am not proud of this but i spend loads on money of combat arms so this one day i buy a Kill/death reset to get a beasty Kill/death ratio

in that result that i get banned 2 days after for having too high kill/death

i were in the rank top 400 players in Experince played it almost since the beta & used loads of money on the game

so i write a ticket about this first to the support staff, they respone i get is what you would call a "spam letter" or whatever simply a letter

send out to people they dont wanna deal with or what do i know, so no help to get at the support staff 

so i try at the forums to make a thread about it, dosnt take more then 15mins untill a GM (Gm's are rewarded with Nexon cash to use in the cash shop)close the thread and insult me for even bringing this to the forum

i were really shocked the way i was treathed & i have no idea how such a game concern can grow that big but i guess alot of people like to gamble their money away...



So those who still thinks that Warframe are doing a S#&$y buissness model, Think agian and check out other F2P 

warframe is doing a great setup & giving the option to litterly optain everything for free 

just not at once.

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Ok, things like colors should NOT be free.  Vanity is the #1 source for paid transactions in any f2p game.  Slots CAN be paid-only as a convenience thing, but the starting number is very low and I think a SMALL stiffen should be allotted to free players, possibly unlocked with ranks.  Easy access to potatoes is certainly a good premium, but I do think the alerts for these should have a longer timer so people have a chance if one pops up while at work.  DE should focus on adding MORE skins, but there should be NO premium-only skin with stats unobtainable otherwise.  Each skinned item with alternate stats should have ONE alert design for the raw stats, and MANY premium designs with either normal or the same modified stats.  Premium players pay for vanity, variety, customization.  Free players deserve the same potential for combat, but at a harder grind, with minimal customization.  As for other alerts, it's good that it makes things so rare.  Premium users can skip this wait and just purchase the items, quite fair.  Double affinity/credit is perfect, allowing a paid player to achieve the same results as a free player with less free time.


One thing I would like to see changed is the wait times on crafting.  This should not be an extra step imposed on free players, since they are the ones AVOIDING paying to grind the blueprint and materials.  If anything, platinum purchases should be for a "kit", containing a blueprint and all materials.  Now you have 2 separate but equal pieces to potentially pay to opt out of.  To compensate, the platinum purchases could be reduced by the rush fee, but at least it puts players on even ground.  Why would you wave the temptation of a rush fee in front of a player who already committed to not paying for the item?



Essentially, the ideal f2p model should grant the following:



Full access to the entirety of the gameplay

Full access to all combat/stat related items

Bearable playing conditions (slot restriction currently a bit too tight)



Everything free offers, plus:

Various skins and customizations

Extra items not affecting gameplay such as pets, animations, titles, accessories, etc.

Convenience fees to cut out some of the grind (platinum weapons, frames, potatoes, boosts, rush fees)

Potentially unlimited access to slots

Miscellaneous other vanity items (stat trackers, particle effects, global shout-outs, etc.)

Edited by Callback
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