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Moa Companions


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How could you not want to build a MOA and have a robotic pet?


 If you didn't know there are MOA containers around Corpus maps that you can hack, and have a MOA pet run around and fight for you.


Example: http://i.imgur.com/XhB7Nat.jpg


http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140330010648/warframe/images/6/67/MOAsDE.png (All MOA'S)


 We could have a smaller version of a MOA, their are multiple types, MOA Companions can work a lot like Kubrow's and they'll follow you around the map doing their moves, and let's take an extra step here and have RIDE-ABLE MOA'S!

(Maybe not but it'd be funny)


Example: http://new1.fjcdn.com/comments/There+are+ways+around+that+_07a3373f1b9dee917536a1c2f4560968.jpg


 Their can be multiple MOA skins allowing many customization options, maybe this can be involved w/ the Update involving Riot MOA?


I think MOA's look kool.

Edited by Karukiku
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