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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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This. Seriously, exactly this.


Getting sick of this "uhh, you got brainwashed by the media" - sorry, but there ways things look. If someone says "Sword" you think of a bladed thingy that you can hold in your hands. If someone says "Ball" you dont think of Black Holes. If someone says Dragon, you shouldnt think of a goddamn infested seahorse-anteater.


We had an awesome design gifted to us by Endrian. Gz DE, you are "creative". And worse than a single dude with a pen.

Edited by Kasseopea
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A bit of exaggeration on my side...


The core is that streamlined designs sell the best. Remember Brakk? Remember how many people cried about it's ugliness and rather wanted to have that less detailed and less animated brick called Detron? I don't trust people on things like that anymore.


I admit, I expected another design as well, but oh my god are people having a jam about hating on Chroma because they don't get their Smaugframe. That's the sad part of the story. The people won't give the artist any freedom.

I bet he would have made everyone happy if he just had that helmet with an opened Jaw and some sort of a face (as far as Tenno have that) and a gundam like mech with dragon features which you get in every anime, but do we really want that?

Yes, the brakk was ugly. But it is such a brutal weapon that the ugliness became its trademark. 

Brutality encompassed.


EDIT: Mistake #1, thinking everyone that wants a different design wants a smaugframe. 


The artist can have his artistic freedom.....if he doesn't make it ugly and actually goes along with a recognizable theme.

Edited by Invalid_Infinity
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This. Seriously, exactly this.


Getting sick of this "uhh, you got brainwashed by the media" - sorry, but there ways things look. If someone says "Sword" you think of a bladed thingy that you can hold in your hands. If someone says "Ball" you dont think of Black Holes. If someone says Dragon, you shouldnt think of a goddamn infested seahorse-anteater.


We had an awesome design gifted to us by Endrian. Gz DE, you are "creative". And worse than a single dude with a pen.

"If someone says Dragon, you shouldn't think of a goddamn infested seahorse-anteater."to be fair if someone says dragon out loud I'm going to think of


Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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Buddy... a middle ground? Are we entertaining that possibility? I mean the place between cliche and stretching the theme to the brink of bursting. Don't tell me it cannot be done. Also, if I despise anything it's this attitude that everything has to be new and original even if it looks ridiculous... there's no pride in that, you're still catering to someone, it's just the minority this time. And let me tell you something... the wisdom that came with age. Sometimes... the majority is a majority... get this... for a reason! Really!

Majority of people frowns on killing people and stealing stuff. Wouldn't call that a bad thing though. Aaaand don't tell me this is a hyperbole... it is, but you did the same thing multiple times so we're even.

Originality for originality's sake. Man, we just need a gimmick we need something different... and you end up with something that is indeed different but actually worse. I grew really warry of this thinking... I guess that's why old people turn conservative? But I digress.

Lastly, I'm not saying that this is the case with the design. I'm not saying that the designer indeed purposefully (if anything maybe accidentally) did that. Maybe they were just trying to incorporate too many themes into one thing or maybe there's a completely different reason and they very well might stand by their design (good for them). And I still appreaciate their work even if I don't see their particular vision.

But it's people defending the design with... "Well, at least it's unique (used often as euphemistic insult btw). You lot just want a cliche, this is much better." Now this isn't a counterargument. This is circle-jerk. "You can't possibly understand."

Wehn I say Chroma is ugly to me(I don't like it)... that is at least honest. When you say you like it. It's honest. When you say you like it because it's unique. That's still honest. BUT when you say that others are wrong for disliking it for being unique... or that unique is always better than cliche... that is not honest and the argument stops being about the design and starts being about inflating your ego.

So... you're not wrong for liking it. When you point out that this and that is a dragon feature... I can debate you on that to some extent (this is always gonna be subjective in the end). But I'm not attacking your right to like it.

Also, I do reserve the right to mock the design with pictures and gifs and comparisons. Mocking the d esign doesn't mean I mock the people liking it, I do it cause it's funny. You can mock the product without mocking the fanbase... though many people fail to understand that... hence the fanboi is born.

So yeah... I don't like the design. Do you like the design? Good for you! No argument there. Now... when we discuss the dragon-like features. I can kinda debate you on that... can't I? I mean... you like it, I get it. But... really? Whiskers? That? Common... (jk)

Maybe I left the impression of a die hard fan of chroma, but it's more like I defend it from people who think exactly the opposite of what you told me.

It's not that it has to be new and unique no matter what. It is the opposite what I'm talking about.

It's not about liking it or not. It's that people try to find facts where no facts are.

There are similarities for both dragon or sea horse if you search for them. Heck, at this rate even Zephyr could look like a dragon.

This whole majority you are talking about isn't sane anymore with polls that are infected by a hyped up community. There was a thread titled like this: Poll, what is the ugliest warfame? (Chrome included!)... What should stem from this?

Surprise, since it's cool bashing Chroma at the moment, Chroma came on top, even after oh so immersion breaking Limbo.

I was rather disappointed too when I saw first pictures. But mostly because it didn't meet MY expectations (I like dragons and had distinctive ideas about the outcome) and that is the problem. I can look past that and still see quality in what DE went for, respecting their choice, the artist behind that concept, even if it maybe doesn't fit my taste exactly.

If you speak of age and wisdom, you should know that it can't always go your way and viable variants can/must be accepted sometimes.

Now there are people trying to tell that that there are facts hidden behind subjective opinions and similarities that can go both ways.

It's true that the media did a good job in establishing a distinctive dragon look. However I can find some of those elements in Chroma. Others can't. Middle way?

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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No one understands that to make a new frame u have to be true to the lore, which Chroma is. Look at Oberon, he was supposed to be a deer, hes not. he has to look oddly misformed.

Look at Frost. He looks like Virgil 2.0 (the proper, DMC3 one). Or Saryn? Deformed - maybe. Ugly? Not by a chance.


This one looks like Lephantis' head smacked on a Vauban.

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No one understands that to make a new frame u have to be true to the lore, which Chroma is. Look at Oberon, he was supposed to be a deer, hes not. he has to look oddly misformed.

pretty sure they weren't going for malformed warframes when they make them 0_0


@kass "Look at Frost. He looks like Virgil 2.0 (the proper, DMC3 one)" tumblr_n43iwcVjpg1qgp5xio1_400.gif No just. . No

Edit:cats can be such jerks

Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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@kass "Look at Frost. He looks like Virgil 2.0 (the proper, DMC3 one)"No just. . No

Edit:cats can be such jerks

What part of my statement was the "no" for exactly?

Also, the gifs are getting annoying. Though they are still quite nice^^

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What part of my statement was the "no" for exactly?

Also, the gifs are getting annoying. Though they are still quite nice^^

"the gifs are getting annoying" only thing that keeps me going


"What part of my statement was the "no" for exactly?" Vergil looks nothing like frost @_@ that's like saying frost and thinking of a beetle XD

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"the gifs are getting annoying" only thing that keeps me going


"What part of my statement was the "no" for exactly?" Vergil looks nothing like frost @_@ that's like saying frost and thinking of a beetle XD

Uhm...i mainly meant the coat/clothes. (Also the noble animation looks rather fitting)


Besides - do you actually LIKE the new Chroma design as in "Woah, its the Dragon Warframe as it should be" or are you merely accepting it?

Edited by Kasseopea
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This. Seriously, exactly this.


Getting sick of this "uhh, you got brainwashed by the media" - sorry, but there ways things look. If someone says "Sword" you think of a bladed thingy that you can hold in your hands. If someone says "Ball" you dont think of Black Holes. If someone says Dragon, you shouldnt think of a goddamn infested seahorse-anteater.


We had an awesome design gifted to us by Endrian. Gz DE, you are "creative". And worse than a single dude with a pen.

Oh really?

Sword = Katana, Flamberge, Estoc,...

Dragon = ?

From middleaged paintings to Disney's Toothless. What shall it be?

Opinions, opinions...

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Uhm...i mainly meant the coat/clothes. (Also the noble animation looks rather fitting)


Besides - do you actually LIKE the new Chroma design as in "Woah, its the Dragon Warframe as it should be" or are you merely accepting it?

"Uhm...i mainly meant the coat/clothes. (Also the noble animation looks rather fitting)"mmmm not quite Vergil.gif

"Besides - do you actually LIKE the new Chroma design as in "Woah, its the Dragon Warframe as it should be" or are you merely accepting it?"well it's kinda like yay we didn't get a rhino look alike with horns.

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No one understands that to make a new frame u have to be true to the lore, which Chroma is. Look at Oberon, he was supposed to be a deer, hes not. he has to look oddly misformed.

Question; WHAT LORE?!

"Uhm...i mainly meant the coat/clothes. (Also the noble animation looks rather fitting)"mmmm not quite Vergil.gif

"Besides - do you actually LIKE the new Chroma design as in "Woah, its the Dragon Warframe as it should be" or are you merely accepting it?"well it's kinda like yay we didn't get a rhino look alike with horns.

Hm, all of this.

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Oh really?

Sword = Katana, Flamberge, Estoc,...

Dragon = ?

From middleaged paintings to Disney's Toothless. What shall it be?

Opinions, opinions...

Yeah, so? Katana, Flamberge, Estoc - sharp metal blade on a handle. Its not a shield, its not a chair, its not a potato.


Dragons have 4 classifications:

Western Dragon - Your typical "save the princess" dragon. 4 Legs, 2 wings. Your Smaug, Touthless or Charizard.

Eastern Dragon - The flying snake-thingies with beards and no wings. Cosplayed sometimes by a bunch of duded under one costume. Your Gyrados.

Leviathan - water dragon, which are looking like this in case your were going for the seahorse argument:x_80311dc6.jpg

And finally feathered dragons. Your quetzalcoatl or Rayquaza.


I meant this one (he sure as fck is more similar to Frost than Chroma to a dragon of any sort):



Edited by Kasseopea
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This. Seriously, exactly this.


Getting sick of this "uhh, you got brainwashed by the media" - sorry, but there ways things look. If someone says "Sword" you think of a bladed thingy that you can hold in your hands. If someone says "Ball" you dont think of Black Holes. If someone says Dragon, you shouldnt think of a goddamn infested seahorse-anteater.


We had an awesome design gifted to us by Endrian. Gz DE, you are "creative". And worse than a single dude with a pen.


And if they had put one that was like Endrian's concept in the game, you'd be saying "GJ DE you are the most uncreative game designer ever why'd you rip off a fan concept".


Also, these are all swords:







Dragons are the same way.

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And if they had put one that was like Endrian's concept in the game, you'd be saying "GJ DE you are the most uncreative game designer ever why'd you rip off a fan concept".


Also, these are all swords:







Dragons are the same way.

I would not tell DE they have a lack of creativity if they did that. I would congratulate Endrian on getting his concept into the game. 

I am a supporter of programs that integrate what the community makes into the game, similar to the program used in Planetside 2. 


I see nothing wrong with it. It benefits the community and it takes a bit of the pressure off the art teams. Am I angry that this is not the case now? No, I am not. It is what it is.


It all comes down to how DE would have told the community that it was going to implement a fan concept into the game.

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I would not tell DE they have a lack of creativity if they did that. I would congratulate Endrian on getting his concept into the game. 

I am a supporter of programs that integrate what the community makes into the game, similar to the program used in Planetside 2. 


I see nothing wrong with it. It benefits the community and it takes a bit of the pressure off the art teams. Am I angry that this is not the case now? No, I am not. It is what it is.


It all comes down to how DE would have told the community that it was going to implement a fan concept into the game.


Oh, please. Don't be silly. You know as well as I do that no matter which route they took with this frame, the forums were going to go crazy. 


And we know how they implement fan concepts into the game...this should not have been a surprise. 

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Oh, please. Don't be silly. You know as well as I do that no matter which route they took with this frame, the forums were going to go crazy. 


And we know how they implement fan concepts into the game...this should not have been a surprise. 

Well I can't disagree with that. Shame on me for being naive. 

I am one of those people that dislikes the design of chroma too.

It was not a surprise but I had hoped that something had been learned from the last fan concept by both DE and the Community. I was wrong. 


Nothing will be made better until DE actually decides to communicate more with the players rather than just use twitch streams as a stopgap. 

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I feel as thought the top snout( i think it is, im not really sure wherehis face is) is what is really pissing people off.


Personally i like it, its alot better than clowns and magicians. 


I also agree that no matter where DE went with this the community would be one sided either way. The typical adolescent gamers would want a dragon similar to that of like hell Ao Kuang, in design anyways.


I like this, it touches a tradition that not alot of people are familiar with, and once they stop raging for 6 minutes and actually research the design and actually LOOK AT IT, theyll realize its a very decent representaion of an Eastern dragon. 


For me its just the snout, or so i think, i cant seem to find its face.

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