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Not A Cobra's Big Suggestion List.


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This is going to be a frequently updated list of suggestions my friends and I come up with, ranging from minor tweaks to major ideas.
As such, anyone interested in supporting these ideas should check back semi regularly for suggestions.
You should also check This Thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/44925-gb-and-cobras-weapon-conestoga/
For weapon suggestions and changes.
Finally, this will contain ideas regarding multiple areas of the game, not just gameplay, but it's easier to put them all in one thread than scatter many minor threads throughout all the feedback sections.

This post has finally reached maximum size, so I will be creating a new thread Here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/52912-not-a-cobras-big-suggestion-thread-mk-ii-check-reguarly-for-updates/
Any new edits and ideas will be placed in the new thread.

Special Edition Update 8 Edit:
Since update 8 has brought with it a lot of changes, my 13th edit is going to be a revision of the ideas in light of the newest update.
Underneath each of my ideas, where applicable, I will add a "UPDATE 8" Addition in bold.
Those of you who frequent this thread, feel free to take a look.

Without further ado;
Grineer Rollers:
I know, I know, everyone says it,
but look, everyone hates these things. They're just... argh.
Now I get that this is their purpose, but they have very high health and mobility for their ability to stagger.
Jumping over them doesn't help, nor does attempting to spam what little AoE we get in this game such as jump attacks or high spread weapons.

They need one of several possible solutions;
Make them less frequent, a rare enemy that comes in a pack of 2 or 3, but as infrequently as other Grineer special units like napalm launchers.
Decrease their health so a glancing shot, a long range jump attack, or a pistol shot or two is able to destroy them. They're hard enough to hit as it is, one annoying enemy should not take a full clip of ammo in addition to being a tough target.
Slow them down, simple enough.
Make them "jump" from further away. At the moment, they're at your feet until the last second, then they hop just high enough to stop you jumping over them. By making them jump from further away and reach a higher point when they do, it makes them an easier target and gives us more time to react to them. It also means we can judge their trajectory and move accordingly, because dodging them is frustratingly difficult at present.
Give them a self destruct timer; After a short delay or perhaps after jumping once, they continue their normal behavior for a few seconds, then explode. This still punishes players who can't avoid or kill them by giving a burst of damage, but stops a single Grineer roller almost single handedly stunlocking a team during an inopportune moment.

The addition of Grineer scorpions has shown us how a well designed disruptive unit can be implemented, While they are annoying and require attention the moment they appear, they still have viable couner play.
Rollers don't seem to have been adressed, though they do seem less frequent now.

Enemy projectiles:
As it stands, it's possible to shoot things like a bombard's rockets out of mid air, or detonate a mine osprey before it drops it's mine.
As the game expands, no doubt more enemies with explosive projectiles will be developed and introduced, so before they do, a nice function would be to add the ability to damage enemies with their own explosives;
Shooting a bombards rocket can literally have it blow up in his face, dealing minor damage.
Destroying a mine osprey mid deployment drops the live mine into a group of it's corpus friends.
Perhaps even leading Latchers to jump back onto their Grineer creators?

While not essential, this adds a little more interaction and strategy into the game, which is nice.

Platinum Rush:
As almost everyone agrees, the price to rush foundry projects with platinum is a little over the top.
But I'm not terribly bothered by that,
what I would like to suggest is that as the time to complete decreases, as does the cost.

If a 12 hour project costs 30 platinum, then 8 hours in, the remaining time should only cost 10 platinum, 15 tops. Not the full amount.

This might actually increase the use of platinum for this purpose, as players are more likely to spend a little platinum to accelerate the last couple of hours (having crafted something overnight) and get straight back into the game, than they might be spending a large amount skipping the craft altogether.

Windows are fun:
yeah, people can abuse them, but it's fun...
problem is, later on in the game, it loses it's... feel.
Previously, one could use it to lock a room full of enemies, wait a minute or so, then walk in and collect rewards.
Or accidentally break a window and face a very threatening situation encouraging the use of a cypher for a quick security hack to avoid a quicker death.

But with enemies and Warframes alike possessing thousands of points of shield, the steady trickle of damage from an open window completely loses its edge.

Perhaps buff windows to do a percentage of health/shield over time, not a flat amount. Or allow it to ignore shields altogether, such that it really poses a risk for players.

While we're on the topic, more destructible terrain, traps and alternate styles of gameplay would be nice; Shoot the supports of some machine to have it drop onto the Grineer below it, switch a fan on when faced with a dozen Grineer in a vent and watch them get sucked in, drop an elevator onto an unsuspecting gunner,
These sort of moments, while no doubt infrequent, add a little cheap fun to the game which can keep players interested.

So the void regions seem to have included a large number of obstacles, traps and new forms of environmental hazards.

But so far... none of them appear to be interact-able.
I saw a "Turret" in one of the void levels, and since it didn't try to attack me, I thought "Oh wow, maybe there's some way to mount the turret and blast the room with it"
Alas, no. The environments seem to be quite repetitive and barely noticeable.
Once again, a great opportunity wasted.
Perhaps allow players to utilize the traps found in these regions to help fight the Corrupted?

Primary weapons are a little limited;
At the moment we have; a rifle, a different rifle, a different rifle, a shotgun or two, a sniper, oh and the bow that EVERYONE crafts.
I'm exaggerating a little, but the point is, the primary weapon options are very limited, not just in number, but flexibility.
Why not add some unusual ideas, to offer a suggestion or two;

Mini seeker rockets: right clicking opens a scope which allows the user to target up to 5 enemies, or the same enemy 5 times, then fire to release a swarm of rockets which independently seek out these targets. Firing off the hip simply fires them in a straight line, dealing moderate damage.

Drain Leash: Holding the fire button drains a portion of the enemies health or shield, slowly filling a bar. Right clicking releases this bar to refill the shield of a friendly target or, if no ally is targeted, yourself. A nice weapon for trinity to possess.

Accelerator: Increases movement, melee, jump, shield regen and sprint speeds. Allowing one to focus more on melee and direct combat but sacrificing most ranged damage, great for Warframes like Saryn whose base movement speeds are low, or who rely on melee attacks.

EDIT: Full list of our compiled weapon ideas can be found here

These are some of the simpler ideas I've had, I'll no doubt have more, but the point is; there is flexibility in primary weapons beyond simply changing the damage and firerate of an assault rifle.

Still nothing new on the weapon front... we got a couple of reskins of existing weapons....
Secondary weapons are a touch plain;
While we're on the subject of weapon monotony, why not add some variety in secondary weapons too?
Lots of games allow one to sacrifice a side arm for a utility device, these could include;

A grappling hook. An omni ammo box the whole team can use once in a round. An extractor which increases the credits, ammo and crafting mats found inside storage containers and enemies. A device which decreases the sound of footsteps, and hides the user from security cameras. A device which alerts enemies, making them more likely to attack the holder rather than his or her allies.

EDIT: Full list of our compiled weapon ideas can be found here

We got ONE new style of weapon... Woo!
No seriously, the kunai are cool, and a step in the right direction.
I'd like to see some more variations and options for secondary weapons.

A crushing inconsistency:
As you know, Crush is Mag's ultimate power, magnetizing and crushing enemies in an AoE.
One would think, consequently, that armored enemies, those who would be more easily and powerfully magnetized would suffer higher damage, however crush's damage is reduced substantially by Armour.
While this is a very minor gripe, it would actually be nice to see crush's base damage dropped considerably, but have it increase with enemy armour, doing the least damage to infested, and the most to the heavily robotic Grineer support units.

The draining Disruptors:
Probably something that annoys a lot of players, finally reach full energy, ready for a group of infested to surround you for a brilliant ult.... then a disruptor walks around a corner, knocks you over instantly, and drains all your energy and shield in a single strike before you can get back up.
While I know this is their only real strength, perhaps change it such that a disruptor will only drain your energy after your shield is depleted.
Thus they still fulfill their role, but it allows players one extra hit before losing all that hard earned energy.

Ode to a bullet sponge:
Bosses in the later parts of the game don't seem to be hard because they are strategically difficult, they're only hard because they take a trillion damage and kill you in a couple of attacks.
While this isn't a bad thing, and is the whole basis by which a lot of scarily popular games were based -coughwowcough- It would still be nice to see a couple of bosses that rely on the timing and strategy of players.
Take jackal; In order to hurt him you had to shoot one of his legs until he fell, the blast his torso when his shield dropped.
Granted, he too was a bullet sponge, but the same principle could be applied;
Perhaps a boss with 2 or 3 weak spots each with very quickly regenerating shields.
Once all weak spots were destroyed, most easily done by 3 players attacking them independently (but still possible in a solo match) the boss could be quickly dispatched having been made vulnerable.
Or a boss where half the team must kite the boss while the other half hack or a defend a computer terminal which in turn uploads a virus to the bosses nigh impenetrable super suit.

Granted, both of these are quite cliche, but there's nothing wrong with that, and it adds a little more variety to the game.

Hey, what do you know, they finally added a boss that requires strategy.

I very much aprove, but again, it'd be nice to see a few more, especially in any future planets.

The story beyond the game:
There are a few of us, the lame boring clerical ones, who really enjoy getting into the dry lore of a story.
I know you've mentioned in the past that you're going to add lore nodes and similar to the game for players to collect.
But, it would be nice if there was a large... repository of information for the game, a mythos of the Warframe universe that obsessive fans could go an swoon over, and argue semantics about.

There are many fans of the game, some more talented than others, who would no doubt gladly volunteer their ideas to help write it, and in time a small section of the Warframe team may go into adding detail and explanation behind some of the more interesting aspects of Warframe's mystery; like what sort of car accident our lotus correspondent was in that caused her nose to become so disfigured.

Several games that have become quite popular put a lot of detail into their background, much of which never actually made it into the games, but which allowed those players who were intrigued to get more involved.

For some reason this update created a whole bunch of new places for additional lore and reason, without actually elaborating on any of it...

in true Warframe style, it seems to be "Shrouded in mystery" as an excuse to avoid actually writing any lore...
I get that it's a theme, and it can work... but it doesn't hurt to elaborate a little bit, instead of leaving mystery for mystery's sake.

The grand finale, a little too drawn out:
This may just be me, but when I've completed an objective (Less so for escort missions, more for destruction, boss fight or mobile defense missions), I don't want to have to complete the entire dungeon a second time in order to find the exit.
It's a balancing act, when people kill a boss, they want to be about ready to leave straight away, their health is low, their ammo more so, and the idea of losing it all because you got a lot more fusion moas in the next room than you expected and being forced to kill the boss again is infuriating.
That said, finding a hostage... then walking one room out and reaching the exit kinda makes you feel a little superfluous.

What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that the "escape" after completing a mission needs to be normalized, then reduced for some missions, while lengthened for others.

Alerts are awesome:
I think most of us love alerts, and the apps for phone and PC that allow players to track alerts while living their lives is a great way of keeping players interested without having to sit staring at a computer hoping to get rifle amp this time.

One thing I would like to suggest, though, is that alerts that drop a specific artifact could happen twice in a 24 hour period, that way players from other countries are less likely to miss the artifact due to time zone differences.

Other than that, I think alerts are great and just thought I'd mention it, this is a feedback section after all.

It's not quite update 8, but I actually like the idea of Vauban, a Warframe attainable exclusively from alerts. it encourages players to make themselves available for the alerts.

However, it seems like decent alerts in general are becoming less frequent... I'm seeing fewer artifacts (aside from scavenger), weapon BPs, potatoes and custom headgear... Perhaps it's just my imagination, but it's a depressing trend if it's going to be the norm.

Wall running, jumping and puzzles, oh my:
I feel like there is a wasted opportunity here.
No doubt you wanted to avoid making players master the trickier techniques of wall running and jumping, but there is a lot of potential for some really interesting level design based around these abilities.
Platforms that one can only reach by wall running a distance, jumping to a different wall and continuing.
Broken elevators that require wall jumping to climb
Defense mission vantage points that don't have a stair case leading up to them.

It's probably many will not like this idea, but it would still add something to the game, even if it were simply optional shortcuts for the acrobatically inclined playerbase.
There is already a little of this in the game, particularly in Grineer levels, but a little more focus could be really enjoyable.

Doesn't really need to be said, but the void is on a really nice track.
I would LOVE to see a void key that takes you to a "Gauntlet" mission. instead of exterminate or what have you.
A really difficult obstacle course, possibly timed.

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel... dull:
The game could use some more... impacting music.
If a ship is going to explode in 5 minutes, it'd be nice to get some more intense music going, same for boss fights or during times of great stress.
For those who have played left 4 dead, you'll recall the game had a nice feature whereby music would get more intense as larger numbers of zombies spawned, with special music added for some of the more dangerous zombie types.
While I'm not saying copy this premise, a similar idea would not be unwelcome and would add a lot for the atmosphere in this game.

Is it just me or is there new music now?
nothing exciting, but I think I've heard some BGM I'm not familiar with.

Your friendly neighborhood Stalker:
What's with this guy?
Is he unfinished? He comes, and win or lose, he leaves without any real impact.
Is he going to get a unique drop in the future, or unlock a secret mission?
Either of those would be nice, as it stands, he's just a particularly annoying setback.

So it seems like the stalker went through a big overhaul, lots of new stuff, unique drops, he has a purpose now.
But I, like everyone, am curious to see where they take it from here?
A stalker faction? A boss fight in future? I'm looking forward to finding out.

Things that go bump in mid flight:
On a few infested ships, I've had some unusually "Scary" levels.
flashing lights, huge regions of darkness with very low visibility.
No enemies in sight...
There was even a bug for a while that caused the screen to go completely black as it loaded tiles unexpectedly, which seems to have been fixed, but accidentally provided a truly freaky experience.
The normal high intensity gameplay leaves Warframe without the possibility of suspense, aside from anticipation.
It's hard to be scared of an unknown threat when you've killed 60 of them in the last 2 rooms.

But the potential is there for, perhaps, a stalker central level, or a stealthy boss fight.
heck, even a boss which teleports your allies away and ambushes each of you alone, as you struggle to meet back together again.

part of what would make it work is the stark contrast to the normal game, it'd be a very nice addition to add just one or two fright inducing levels.

A little wording gone rworng:
Some of the mods have slightly ambiguous descriptions, the one that instantly comes to mind being things like "2.5% melee stun".
What does this actually mean? I can guess, sure, but some might not.
It would be nicer for such things to read "2.5% chance to stun enemies for 1 second" for example.

Likewise, other minor things aren't mentioned which new players may really like knowing; For example, buying a weapon or sentinel or Warframe with platinum automatically installs an Orokin catalyst, reactor or both.
For me, this actually made the difference between buying my sentinel and crafting it, and I doubt I'm alone.
It'd be worth mentioning little perks like this.


Pick on someone your own size:
Sentinels are quite weak, defensively, compared players who dodge incoming fire, find cover and have more health. This is fine, but in some missions they can die nearly instantly.
It would be nice to have a mod, even one with a high cost, that decreases the aggro generation of sentinels, decreasing the frequency of attacks made against them.

Grineer with their finger on the button:
Many of you will have noticed that the nanosecond you get spotted, a Grineer will sprint to the nearest terminal, activating it the moment it makes contact.
While it is possible to stop them before they reach the computer, it would be nice to add even just a half a second delay so you know when somebody is running for cover, or running for a switch, and can react accordingly.
Stealth at the moment is virtually impossible, even for the Warframes with invisibility, a little boost for them would be great.


1+3 = 2? :
So most people will use duplicate mods to upgrade one another, but one thing that happens to the clumsy or distracted is accidentally reversing a fusion, that is;
Instead of using your unranked point strike, you sacrifice your rank 3 point strike to bring your rank 0 up to rank 1 and a bit, losing the large number of mods and credits sacrificed to buff the former in the first place.
while it is the player's fault, a nice fix would just be to adjust the code such that the order in which one fuses duplicate mods doesn't change the value of those mods.

So with catalysts, reactors and forma, the available mod points on a weapon is reaching the point where underclocking mods is no longer worth the effort it takes, Thus, the above suggestion is all the more reasonable.

And then he killed everyone ever:
For some reason that I can't quite work out, certain missions and times within those missions cause the enemy spawn rate to go bananas.
Instead of 3-5 enemies per room, maybe 10 in a big wave, you sit in the same room for up to 10 minutes killing dozens and dozens of enemies.
This is the sort of thing that's causing people to run through levels, except when you're tied to a hostage, you're in for some strife.
I just completed an alert where I had to kill nearly 200 enemies, in a solo mission, all with a hostage tagging along.

I think spawn rates need to be capped to a maximum number of enemies spawned per minute, and normalized such that you don't have levels where a grand total of 3 enemies spawn in 10 mins of running around, nor swarms like the ones mentioned.
But it does open up the possibility for my next suggestion:

An Alarming idea:
Already we have lockdowns which can be instigated by random non-infested enemies, why not allow different alerts to be started.
For example, corpus could activate local security, causing the Moa constructors to begin spawning moas and deploying ceiling turrets.
Or the Grineer could set off an attack alarm, causing drastically increased spawn rate until a control panel is hacked.
These could be combined with lockdowns to actually add some truly intense gameplay without just turning enemies into hyper accurate, huge damage bullet sponges.

A Clip on my shoulder:
Ammo pickups, especially for weapons like the twin viper or gorgon with large clip size and fire rate, are quite small.
Picking up 20 ammo per box for the twin vipers, around half a clip with some modding, is just not enough given the number of bullets needed to kill late game enemies.
Perhaps change it slightly such that ammo pickups are either a percentage of max ammo, or equal to a single clip of ammo, rather than a flat number of shots.



Peter Piper Picked a Pack of......:
So currently, when you open a storage locker, or break open a container, a veritable shower of gifts spray out on you, some more useful than others.
As you're sitting there trying to sort out what you've picked up, you're helped by a display under the screen showing the various pickups, ammo, credits, health, etc.
The problem, here, is that often it won't show all the pickups, so you sit there, waiting for them to tick through, not knowing whether you just picked up the last 12 alloy plates you needed, or your 15,000th nano spore.
Perhaps adjust it to show either a small image of any material pickups you find, or simply display the names of items picked up, one above another, instead of cycling through them.

It's raining creds, alleluia:
Related to the above, opening a container usually releases a swarm of credits, ranging from a value of 1-100 (I believe).
While this is nice, a credit frenzy lasting for several seconds may award relatively few credits, where picking up 2 of those large green ones can cash in at almost 200.
Perhaps make a set number, even just single, credits drop from opening such containers, but each with a randomly generated value.
There's still the same number of credits at present, and equally random, but with a less arbitrary volume of pickups.

misnomer alert!:
So I've found a lot of the alerts have intriguing names, while being relatively ordinary quests with the generic +2000 credits reward.
Others have uninteresting names like "enemy intel located" and yet have on occasion rewarded rare non-standard headgear.
Perhaps adjust the title of alerts slightly such that certain names correspond to the value of the reward, names such as "Artifact hunter located" should award an artifact, or "Orokin artifact detected" awarding rare blueprints and so on.

Heck, sometimes the names of the mission aren't even relevant to the mission, "Enemy spy" ended up with me doing a sabotage mission.



An Orokin Oracle:
Many people have wanted some more ways to level up and improve once you've hit 30.
Players who have a lot of time on their hands.

So what if;
Upon reaching level 30, a slot opens up for a "reverse engineered catalyst/reactor" (RE Reactor/Catalyst)
A reverse engineered catalyst/reactor comes from the current blueprints; That is, if you craft it, it's not an authentic Orokin artifact, it's a reverse engineered one.

Once crafted, and equipped, the reverse engineered catalyst/reactor can be leveled up with affinity given to it's respective slot, that is, Warframe XP will upgrade an RE Reactor.
As the artifact levels up, it grants additional mod points, equaling a current Orokin Reactor/Catalyst once it reaches it's max level.

Thus, players have more to do once they've finished leveling, alert missions awarding these artifacts no longer devalue the cash shop.
And players with a lot of money, but not so much time, can simply buy the original version, doubling the default slots at all levels.

Hey, if forma can do it, why not this too?

You reach thirty, and you can either find and craft a reverse engineered catalyst to double your mod slots, or craft or find a forma to add a polarity slot. (The former of course only being usable once)


Saving the day... or a few seconds of it:
So a lot of people find that switching mods out of one weapon one by one, switching weapons, painstakingly re-modding, then playing with the new weapon, only to do the same a few minutes later is a huge pain in the neck.
What if we were able to save mod "Presets" whereby you equip mods as you see fit, save the configuration, and then, in future, all you have to do is click on this configuration and if the mods are available, it will automatically place the mods in their templated slots.
This could be combined with a "Removal all mods" button that instantly unequips all mods on a given weapon.
So a player could unequip all mods with the press of a button, reequip them on the new weapon with another button and be good to go.

In addition, an easier, simpler idea;
Let us right click to remove mods instead of having to click and drag every time.

Platinum Rush 2.0!:
What if one was able to invest platinum into a project, say for example at a rate of 2 platinum per hour, higher if necessary.
So let's say you have a 12 hour project, you're going to head to bed and you want it to be done by the time you get up;
So you rush it 4 hours, get a good 8 hours sleep and you've got the item in the morning.

This also allows players to fast forward as much or as little of a build as they like.

That said, items like warframes which take 3 days to build could have a static rush cost, that way they're always going to take 3 days, or leave you out of pocket.

Quite similar to my earlier suggestion, just fleshed out a little.



Something's wrong, a heavy unit is...oh it's you:
So a lot of people have been talking a long time about how and when stealth is going to become useful and fun.
And one idea that hasn't been said nearly often enough is;
Why not allow stealth to provide players with optional, enjoyable objectives.
The example that I can't shake because of the fun it would be is thus:

A corpus mission, Lotus informs your group of a Hyena class robot and a construction crew.
Your mission being to wipe them all out. (Typical exterminate mission, with an assassinate at the end)
However, being spotted and setting off the alarm at any point in the mission causes the hyena robots to be activated, making the mission substantially more difficult.
Not fun you think?
Well, if you manage to get to the hyenas without being detected once, lotus allows you to re-program and take control of them, allowing you to spend the remainder of the mission exterminating corpus as a hyena, complete with rockets, machine gun and shockwave attack.

While this exact mission may never come to pass, the idea that stealth could provide bonus objectives, rather than being mandatory, or just another strategy could actually make the game better.
It doesn't force players to stealth, but it rewards those that can do it well.



The lotus effect:
So many of the players play warframe on mute
But far outnumbering them are the players who just mute lotus, hearing the same phrase several times in a mission, several missions an hour, several hours a day starts to wear you out.

So, given that it's well established people mute her, and even for those who don't;
It would be very useful for the text box that displays next to lotus when she speaks (Often showing simple things like "Get to extraction" or "Find the artifact"

Should be updated such that it displays other warnings like "Ship entering lockdown" and "The objective has changed; Locate the hostage" or "Additional objective acquired: Destroy the reactor"
Just very simple, straight to the point messages,
So that those who read it, play the game muted, or just zone out and don't hear it when she speaks have a way of keeping up with what the mission is doing.

Critical mission objectives shouldn't just be an audial warning anyway, a visual display would help everyone.



Andele' Andele'. Yee-ha!:
So I've found a lot that I've gotten use to games with a...
I guess you can call it a "Smart sprint" function.
Such that once you start sprinting, you maintain a sprinting speed without holding down the button.
If you hit a wall, or turn sharply, or drop down, or fire a weapon, etc etc then you return to normal speed.
But until then, you don't have to hold down the button to keep moving at high speed, rather it assumes you want to keep moving quickly until you tell the game otherwise.

I would like warframe to have such a function, allow a tap of the sprint button to allow us to run until we stop holding forward, or change direction, or attack, or are attacked and so on.
Short of that, an option to "Toggle sprint" in the menu would be nice, much like toggle crouch.

I guess it's a matter of personal taste, and it's quite hard to explain this function to those who haven't played a game that contains it, but once you have, holding the button down for extended periods of time becomes uncomfortable.

The big, the bad, and the skullcrushingly big:
Most games in the same vein as warframe have your typical swarm enemies (lancers, chargers, moas etc), you're Priority targets (Fusion moas, ancients, bombards etc), Minibosses and really threatening enemies (?) and of course bosses (Assassination targets).
As you can see, we're lacking the miniboss enemy.
Nothing poses an actual threat to groups prior to meeting with a boss (Not that they pose a real threat, but I'm saving that for another, big, suggestion). It's just a tedious trek through the same rooms with the same hoards of enemies, occasionally being swarmed and knocked over and having your sentinel explode before somebody hits their ult and the room is empty.
I want some stalker-esque randomly attacking miniboss type enemies.
Some simple suggestions would be;
A tendril that bursts from the walls of infested ships, dealing high damage to tenno that get near it, and hurling toxic blobs (like Golem). Would have high health, and be large enough to block off a door, forcing players to fight it before moving on. Could even come in pairs.
A grineer support unit, like commanders or bombards or heavy gunners THAT ACTUALLY POSES A THREAT. seriously, the heavy gunners especially do less damage end game than the lancers do. All that would be needed here is a damage buff for each of them.
A Corpus lockdown room, security camera detects Tenno, and locks down the room. several Gatling turrets (Possibly as many as 8?) Deploy from the roof, and the room is placed in a vacuum (Like smashing a window). Players must defeat all turrets before the room opens.
All of these not only add difficulty and a new way of playing, but help stop runners and the like going off on their own. I doubt a runner is going to enjoy being *@##$slapped by a tentacle 2 minutes ahead of the group.

A long lost ancient Orokin artifact of mystery... the GPS:
This game has huge layouts with multiple players able to be separated across sprawling dungeons carrying portions of several simultaneous objectives....
And the best indicator I can get for where they are is "Back that way"
This game needs to have a map function that displays rooms that have been discovered, the location of players, the location of the objective (Even if it only displays it on a black background since the room probably hasn't been explored yet, but it gives you an idea of the direction you're headed) and the extraction point.
It'd also be possible to colour code rooms, red still has enemies, white is clear, yellow is in lockdown.

It would also be Excellent to add a distance measure to map markers, such that you know whether the data packet is in the next room, or half a dungeon away. This is especially useful for split paths.
Finally, having a map and markers displaying distance opens up additional opportunities for multiple simultaneous objectives, or assassinations, which leads me into my next suggestion.

Make like a banana and complete objectives independently:
At present, aside from running through things, most objectives are most efficiently completed as a group.
But I would LOVE to see some levels where the fastest method of progression is to split up, complete separate objectives and meet back up again.
Imagine data terminal missions where instead of each terminal being in a straight line progression, you enter a room with 4 exits and a terminal at the end of each.
This opens up whole new areas of development for gameplay and enemy design.
It also allows things like stealth to become more of an option;
these paths could be completed by stealthily avoiding enemies, wall running over rooms and avoiding detection.
And all without worrying about some drongo running in all guns blazing and ruining it.
As mentioned, more enemies could be developed, ones that become a lot more threatening alone than in a group.
And the map mentioned previously could allow players to easily find their companions should such an enemy appear to them.

Stamina? I 'ardly know 'a'!:
So I'd say most of the player base, by now, knows that you can move at 80-90% of sprint speed at all times without ever losing much stamina by sliding, jumping, air kicking, sliding, repeat.
Stamina barely depletes in combat, and even wall running, sprinting and jumping only have minor tolls on stamina, in turn leading to minor annoyance if stamina runs out in an inopportune moment.
So, I wonder, what else can stamina be used for?
I'd like for it to become a more important aspect of gameplay.
Heck, nyx' alternate helmet gives 25% more stamina, not even remotely worth the 5% lost shield.
Some more functions could be added to drain stamina; reduced recoil from weapons like the snipetron, or increased firerate for semi automatic weapons.
Several people have mentioned the possibility of a weapon which allows you to wield your melee weapon as a primary, replacing left and right click with melee and block respectively to better focus on melee gameplay, and I can say if a few features were added to that, it could DEFINITELY benefit from increased stamina.

But as it is, stamina needs... something. Either running out needs to be more crippling, or better yet, there needs to be more reasons to keep it high.




It would be nice if waypoints placed by different players within a game had different colours, this helps to distinguish who's doing what and is especially useful if one player is marking things like alloy plates so everyone knows the difference. It would also be handy as the game is built upon and different objective types are created, particularly if, say, one player needs help, it helps to know which player that is as well as where they are.
Furthermore, While marking enemies or modules comes up with the word "Enemy" or "Module" under the waypoint, but it would be nice if module, enemy and player waypoints were a different symbol as well, simple ones like triangles for mods, X's for enemies and the lotus symbol for a tenno.
Lastly, make targeting such things easier, as it stands you have to target the dead centre of a mod in order to mark it as a "Module" waypoint. This is hard , especially across the room or in the middle of combat. Allowing the whole area around a mod to be included in the receptive radius would be nice.

Sentinel HUD:
It's hard to keep track of your sentinel's shield, health and energy in combat, the latter two being virtually impossible to know at any time.
A nice little thing to add underneath your normal status bar would be just a little bar showing your sentinel's health, shield and energy, and possibly the cooldown on it's crowd dispersion or ghost.
It would be simple and would make keeping your sentinel alive a little easier.

Multiplayer Hud:
The only way, presently, to view a teammates status is too look right at them without anything in the way.
This presents multiple problems, particularly for healer classes (Atm, only trinity) and will severely interfere if raid bosses or big group fights are ever introduced.
I suggest quite a simple hud on the side that displays the health and shield of teammates, their name, their health and a microphone/speaker symbol to indicate whether or not they are using voice chat, as presently there is no way of knowing.
In addition, it would be nice if it were possible to have a toggle option to allow a similar display visible over player's heads in combat, such that at a glance you know who is who, where they are and how they're doing.

Boss HUD:
Again, this is mainly a feature which will come in handy if stronger bosses, raid bosses or additional end game content gets added;
Once a boss fight has been initiated, it would be good if all players could have a little display showing the health and shield of the boss, it's not vital but again it would certainly be helpful and not too difficult to add.

Mission HUD:
It would be nice just to have a little portion of the HUD dedicated to displaying the current objective. It's not thrillingly vital, and I've mentioned a better idea in the past (Just have a box when lotus speaks that shows visibly what she's saying) But having, say, a "Capture the target" written somewhere up the top couldn't hurt.

Weapon HUD:
Simple really, in addition to showing your primary weapon, clip and ammo the HUD should show (just underneath and slightly dimmed out) the remaining clip and ammo of your secondary weapon. This just helps keep track of whether your weapon is reloaded, how much ammo it has, etc. Again, not vital, but neither does it hurt.

Toggle Abilities:
Not exactly HUD related, but still something that really should be added. Some abilities with persistent effects (Saryn's contagion, ember's overheat, possibly even volt's speed and any others that are added in future) don't really work so well as a burst of energy followed by a short duration. It would be great if these abilities were instead on a toggle, draining energy per second while active, costing the same energy, but without needing to be reactivated each time it expires.



Game on the go:
So a lot of people have been complaining about missing alerts due to being at work or school or what have you.
Since there is already a warframe app, it would be quite simple for players to be able to sign up for app alerts
People signed into the app will be able to participate in one alert a day via the phone app, completing some trivial task for the lotus, perhaps "hack into an corpus network" or something similar.
Basically, complete a simple minigame, and receive the alert reward in game the next time you log in.
Granted, it would need to have some limitation, otherwise everyone would use it instead of playing. Additionally, it would have to log you out of the online account such that you can't claim the alert reward both the normal way and on the app.

It does sound a little... less straight forward and sensible that my other suggestions, but I do feel for the people who miss alerts, and some method to assist them, aside from making alerts last 12 hours, would be nice.

Some say the levels are full of fire, some say of ice:
Most of you, by now, would have played a frost or fire level.
One caused by "Ice" or a "Malfunctioning cryocore" the other by the ship "Self destructing" or being "severely damaged".
At the moment, these are nothing if not a tad annoying, the latter being barely a nuisance even at lower levels.

I would like to see these 2 conditions actually effect the level, change the environment and gameplay accordingly. Possibly even adding an entirely new challenge to a level. For example;
Ice Level: Frozen doors that require an alternate route to bypass.
Ice Level: Build ups of ice that can be climbed, leading to secret or normally inaccessible areas like ventilation ducts.
Ice Level: Broken pipes carrying sub-zero gasses which slow or freeze any enemies or warframes that walk through them.
Fire level: Air locks leading to rooms with severe damage, causing a vacuum (Similar to a broken window)
Fire level: Areas of destroyed ship, or sections in the process of being destroyed that require wall running, sprinting and quick reflexes to progress through.
Fire level: Greater chances of encountering 2 factions in the same ship.

In addition, at present, if one starts a frozen mission, rather than having your shield halved, it's possible just to quit and restart the mission, and resuming it as a non-iced level.
perhaps instead, especially if these changes were added, some of those side missions (the ones not necessary to unlock all locations on a given planet) are always set as either a fire or ice mission.
That way people who want 100% completion, or the extra play style available in these missions can enjoy them, and those who don't or can't, don't have to.

Update 8:
So there is now a mod that decreases the effect of ice levels...

to a maximum of 12%... for 9 mod points.
REALLY!? Who the frick would use that?
Like, MAYBE it would be useful for pvp, but even that's a stretch.
If ice levels had more of an effect and more ice related features, this could be very useful.
(And I know there's a fire one too, but at least some enemies use fire elemental attacks)


EDIT 10.

No, not Minigun, a mini-gun:
So most people have noticed the big changes applied to the market place, very few weapons are purchasable with credits now, Those that have blueprints require CRAZY volumes of crafting materials, placing them quite squarely beyond the realms of availability for new players.
Thus, I propose the introduction of a new series of low level weapons designed to be downgrades to the current weapons.
Exclusively viable at low levels.
These weapons could be set, or perhaps capped, at level 15, allowing players to get a feel for which weapons they like, what playstyle they enjoy, and which mods go well together.
These weapons would have a low (5-15 thousand credits) cost, and would allow players to get into and enjoy the game before while they gather the resources to buy the next tier of weaponry, or work on upgrading melee and secondary weapons first.

GuerillaBiscuits: "What if they were rental weapons, rather than viable low level weapons? You buy them and they last for 12-24 hours. That way you can make them even cheaper, while still encouraging players to start buying the other weapons"

Either way, rental or purchased, the it wouldn't hurt the game to have some tier 0 weapons, especially with the changes to the weapon shop.


EDIT 11.

This section will, in time, probably need it's own thread (Much like my weapon ideas did)
But for now;
Bosses in the game are a little repetitive and bland, lots of bullet sponges with crazy damage and not much strategy.
So; some ideas:

Boss 1. SD:M305 Robot.
Faction: Grineer or the rumored 4th faction.
Splits up the party into 4 separate paths, meeting only in the middle.
Each path has it's own complications (enemies, jumping/wall running puzzles, possibly even stealth elements).
While in their own sections, players can either run back to the centre as fast as possible, or locate and complete a bonus objective to weaken the boss.
Boss resembles a large robot with a variety of weapons, including strong melee/mid range punches, frequent add spawning, a seeking rocket launcher, a rotating laser beam and a Gatling turret.
However, completing any of the optional objectives removes one of these powers, removing power to the laser, de-activating the add teleporters, sabotaging the rocket conveyor belt and disarming the Gatling turret.
Thus making the boss fight substantially easier.

Boss 2. Infested ship/ Hive Controller.
Faction: Infested.
Boss changes an entire infested level, large damage to the ship leads to fires and vacuums in multiple locations.
More threatening, however, is that long, bladed tentacles can rupture the walls and attack the tenno.
They cannot be killed, but concentrated fire will cause them to retreat back into the ship.
Once the group has reached the centre, they find themselves in the "Navigation room" found in some sabotage missions. However where the navigational terminal sits, instead is a large fleshy mass that seems to be incorporated into the ship itself.
Players must attack a "Weak spot" when it appears, possibly the ship's own core, which is providing energy to the creature.
Overloading this core causes the creature to explode, in doing so causing the ship to become unstable (Leading to a dangerous timed escape)
The fight has multiple facets; tentacles can appear from the walls or directly out of the creature which must be avoided or focused down as before. In addition, the boss creates small infested adds which behave similarly to crawlers, but with a slight ranged "Spit" staggering players.
Finally, after each time the weakpoint is damaged, the boss releases a pulse of energy, severely damaging players caught by it.

Boss 3. EMOA Mk1
Faction: Corpus
Level is quite small and linear with large numbers of security cameras and turrets, as well as a support cast of the usual suspects (moas, crewmen, drones).
However, these all disappear upon entering the boss room.
Boss room resembles a very large arena containing obvious construction equipment as well as mechanisms obviously designed to distribute power from generators above.
Boss is a seriously oversized moa, creating small (I'm talking... around the width of an average jump attack range) shockwaves as it walks, making even being under it dangerous.
It is equipped with 2 rapid fire lasers independently targeting up to 2 party members, as well as slow moving electric projectiles that drain 50 energy and 300 shield of anyone in the blast radius.
The giant moa has an impenetrable shield, rendering all player attacks useless.
Players must hack nearby consoles which deploy the power lines mentioned earlier, the boss must then be lead to the sparking powerline.
Upon connecting with it, the bosses shield and weapons short circuit, making it vulnerable to fire. However, the power surge rapidly increases it's movement speed, forcing players to quickly move away, and focus fire for a short time.
After taking enough damage, the boss reboots, coming to a complete stop and quickly regenerating it's shield. While the boss is invulnerable at this time, it gives players a chance to reload, heal, recharge shields and reposition before the next skirmish.
After 3-4 of these attacks, the moa drops, and players are able to extract "Experimental core" (the objective of the mission) and proceed to extraction.


EDIT 12.

The Dojo Drama:
So I thought I'd weigh in with my own thoughts on this whole dojo builing resource "Small clan #@*&$@y" mess that the forums are awash with currently.
It seems as though those of us who don't want to be in a group with hundreds of virtually anonymous strangers are getting the short end of the stick, with resource costs and values being so completely out of the realm of possibility that the possibility of having a dojo and access to all parts of the game is virtually non existent.
I realize that these players have the option to join a larger clan, but that shouldn't be a reason to shaft half the player base.
DE could nerf everything but shotguns into the dirt, then say "Hey, you have the choice to use a shotgun, if you don't want to, then you'll have to deal with it" and that wouldn't be okay, so why is this issue not being addressed?

But I'll leave the debates and the "Whys" to other threads, this is about suggestions to improve the game.
What if it were possible to lock in the size of your clan dojo in advance, each size having a different max player cap, and resource costs respective of that size.
That is;
Each clan size has it's own name;
Unit; max 5 people
Squad; max 10 people.
Team; Max 20 people.
Vanguard; Max 50 people.
Warband; Max 150 people.
Guild; Max 300 people.
Army; No maximum.

Each of these sizes has differing resource costs, with a unit having (perhaps?) 20% of the current costs of all materials (Thus 1 forma for corridors, 3 for larger rooms, a lot more reasonable for a group of 5 players).
This allows smaller groups to still enjoy and participate in the game, at the cost of greater individual cost.
That is to say, the larger guilds have a better Resource:Player ratio, but have more players to spread this cost across. (This also allows given players within larger groups to contribute more than their share, if they have the means to do so).

I want to stress that this means that larger guilds while having a larger TOTAL resource cost, still result in a smaller cost for each player within that group. Thus, it's still beneficial to join a larger guild, and is still the most efficient way of enjoying the perks of a dojo.
That said, those with the will to spend a little more have the option to join, or create, a smaller guild and put in more work and effort to achieve this.

When a guild is created, it's size would be set in advance by the creator, he/she would choose the number of players they would like to have and costs would be adjusted accordingly.
However, should they reach the cap and still desire additional players, they have the option to purchase a "Cadre increase" at a considerable platinum cost, increasing the max players.
In addition to a platinum cost, rooms would become unusable until additional resources had been added to bring their costs in line with those of the larger player cap.
In so doing, Smaller clans again become viable and yet still have the possibility and room to grow without inconveniencing people too extraneously.

EDIT 13 A:
Various additions in light of update 8.
EDIT 13 B:
Various grammatical and spelling changes

And that, as they say, is that....

For now.
Check back later for any more suggestions.
Feed back on this feedback is appreciated, particularly from anyone who can do anything about it.

Edited by NotaCobra
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copy the text to a Word document. you should be able to fix the word colors, font, etc. and then copy the fixed version onto the forums.

Thanks, and fixed.

That's probably what caused the problem initially.

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This list is highly accurate. You might want to use the rich text editor to fix the colour.


Additions and acknowledgements:


Rollers: we take out nervos and end up with 100s of the rollers. No one should be needing to kill more than 2 of these at any one time. Plus they appear way too often now.


Music: there needs to be that action-based variety. It's always the same music at the moment.


Wallrunning and the like: There is already a lot of this there in regards to hidden areas and shortcuts. One shortcut thats needs skill is on the corpus level with the elevators and a bridge in the middle where you can cross the large gap wallrunning.


A LOT of things mentioned are already being worked on and are a bit moot but nonetheless still important. Remember it's still beta and a lot of stuff is just placeholders.

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+3 new ideas;



1+3 = 2? :

So most people will use duplicate mods to upgrade one another, but one thing that happens to the clumsy or distracted is accidentally reversing a fusion, that is;

Instead of using your unranked point strike, you sacrifice your rank 3 point strike to bring your rank 0 up to rank 1 and a bit, losing the large number of mods and credits sacrificed to buff the former in the first place.

while it is the player's fault, a nice fix would just be to adjust the code such that the order in which one fuses duplicate mods doesn't change the value of those mods.




And then he killed everyone ever:

For some reason that I can't quite work out, certain missions and times within those missions cause the enemy spawn rate to go bananas.

Instead of 3-5 enemies per room, maybe 10 in a big wave, you sit in the same room for up to 10 minutes killing dozens and dozens of enemies.

This is the sort of thing that's causing people to run through levels, except when you're tied to a hostage, you're in for some strife.

I just completed an alert where I had to kill nearly 200 enemies, in a solo mission, all with a hostage tagging along.


I think spawn rates need to be capped to a maximum number of enemies spawned per minute, and normalized such that you don't have levels where a grand total of 3 enemies spawn in 10 mins of running around, nor swarms like the ones mentioned.

But it does open up the possibility for my next suggestion:




An Alarming idea:

Already we have lockdowns which can be instigated by random non-infested enemies, why not allow different alerts to be started.

For example, corpus could activate local security, causing the Moa constructors to begin spawning moas and deploying ceiling turrets.

Or the Grineer could set off an attack alarm, causing drastically increased spawn rate until a control pannel is hacked.

These could be combined with lockdowns to actually add some truly intense gameplay without just turning enemies into hyper accurate, huge damage bullet sponges.



A Clip on my shoulder:
Ammo pickups, especially for weapons like the twin viper or gorgon with large clip size and fire rate, are quite small.

Picking up 20 ammo per box for the twin vipers, around half a clip with some modding, is just not enough given the number of bullets needed to kill late game enemies.

Perhaps change it slightly such that ammo pickups are either a percentage of max ammo, or equal to a single clip of ammo, rather than a flat number of shots.

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Peter Piper Picked a Pack of......:

So currently, when you open a storage locker, or break open a container, a veritable shower of gifts spray out on you, some more useful than others.

As you're sitting there trying to sort out what you've picked up, you're helped by a display under the screen showing the various pickups, ammo, redits, health, etc.

The problem, here, is that often it won't show all the pickups, so you sit there, waiting for them to tick through, not knowing whether you just picked up the last 12 alloy plates you needed, or your 15,000th nano spore.

Perhaps adjust it to show either a small image of any material pickups you find, or simply display the names of items picked up, one above another, instead of cycling through them.



It's raining creds, alleluia:

Related to the above, opening a container usually releases a swarm of credits, ranging from a value of 1-100 (I believe).

While this is nice, a credit frenzy lasting for several seconds may award relatively few credits, where picking up 2 of those large green ones can cash in at almost 200.

Perhaps make a set number, even just single, credits drop from opening such containers, but each with a randomly generated value.

There's still the same number of credits at present, and equally random, but with a less arbitrary volume of pickups.




misnomer alert!:

So I've found a lot of the alerts have intriguing names, while being relatively ordinary quests with the generic +2000 credits reward.

Others have uninteresting names like "enemy intel located" and yet have on occaision rewarded rare non-standard headgear.

Perhaps adjust the title of alerts slightly such that certain names correspond to the value of the reward, names such as "Artifact hunter located" should award an artefact, or "Orikin artifact detected" awarding rare blueprints and so on.


Heck, sometimes the names of the mission aren't even relevant to the mission, "Enemy spy" ended up with me doing a sabotage mission.

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An Orokin Oracle:

Many people have wanted some more ways to level up and improve once you've hit 30.

Players who have a lot of time on their hands.


So what if;

Upon reaching level 30, a slot opens up for a "reverse engineered catalyst/reactor" (RE Reactor/Catalyst)

A reverse engineered catalyst/reactor comes from the current blueprints; That is, if you craft it, it's not an authentic orokin artifact, it's a reverse engineered one.


Once crafted, and equipped, the reverse engineered catalyst/reactor can be levelled up with affinity given to it's respective slot, that is, warframe XP will upgrade an RE Reactor.

As the artifact levels up, it grants additional mod points, equalling a current Orokin Reactor/Catalyst once it reaches it's max level.


Thus, players have more to do once they've finished levelling, alert missions awarding these artifacts no longer devalue the cash shop.

And players with a lot of money, but not so much time, can simply buy the original version, doubling the default slots at all levels.

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I disagree on your ammo ideas. OP We don't need percentage drops, just buy ammo boxes or use the ones you get from daily rewards. That is what they exist for.


Also on the catalyst idea. No, there is nothing besides time stopping you from doubling your mod capacity then. Potatoes are supposed to be rare, your  idea would hand them out to everyone. Basically you're saying "let me level my weapon to 60"

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I disagree on your ammo ideas. OP We don't need percentage drops, just buy ammo boxes or use the ones you get from daily rewards. That is what they exist for.


Also on the catalyst idea. No, there is nothing besides time stopping you from doubling your mod capacity then. Potatoes are supposed to be rare, your  idea would hand them out to everyone. Basically you're saying "let me level my weapon to 60"


My idea doesn't even make them more common...

How does that let everyone have them?

If anything, it makes them even more difficult to earn.



Where did I even come CLOSE to suggesting they'd become more common?

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Wholy cow, that was a wall of text, tho I agree with all of them, tho I love the:


Windows are fun
The story beyond the game
Alerts are awesome
Grineer with their finger on the button
An Alarming idea
A Clip on my shoulder
Peter Piper Picked a Pack of......
An Orokin Oracle
Not only for the names, but just because of the sure idea and thought put into the suggestions, plus I'd love to see these happen.
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My idea doesn't even make them more common...

How does that let everyone have them?

If anything, it makes them even more difficult to earn.



Where did I even come CLOSE to suggesting they'd become more common?


Where would you suggest getting the blueprints for the reverse engineered catalyst?


Buying it for credits from the market?


Essentially that just lets you level your frame or weapon to 60.


Which essentially gives out reactors or catalysts for free. Why would I buy one when I can do the same thing for free?


Do you ever rush any of your foundry projects? Why not? Because you can just wait the time and do it for free. Same goes here.


The rarity of the effect is gone.


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Where would you suggest getting the blueprints for the reverse engineered catalyst?


Buying it for credits from the market?


Essentially that just lets you level your frame or weapon to 60.


Which essentially gives out reactors or catalysts for free. Why would I buy one when I can do the same thing for free?


Do you ever rush any of your foundry projects? Why not? Because you can just wait the time and do it for free. Same goes here.


The rarity of the effect is gone.


You can already get blueprints from Rare alert missions and the 7+ daily award.


I never said there would be any way of getting blueprints Aside from those that already exists.


Don't put words into my mouth, and then disagree with the words that I never said.

You're essentially having an argument with yourself.

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Saving the day... or a few seconds of it:

So a lot of people find that switching mods out of one weapon one by one, switching weapons, paintstakingly re-modding, then playing with the new weapon, only to do the same a few minutes later is a huge pain in the neck.

What if we were able to save mod "Presets" whereby you equip mods as you see fit, save the configuration, and then, in future, all you have to do is click on this configuration and if the mods are available, it will automatically place the mods in their templated slots.

This could be combined with a "Removal all mods" button that instantly unequips all mods on a given weapon.

So a player could uniquip all mods with the press of a button, reequip them on the new weapon with another button and be good to go.


In addition, an easier, simpler idea;

Let us right click to remove mods instead of having to click and drag every time.




Platinum Rush 2.0!:

What if one was able to invest platinum into a project, say for example at a rate of 2 platinum per hour, higher if necesary.

So let's say you have a 12 hour project, you're going to head to bed and you want it to be done by the time you get up;

So you rush it 4 hours, get a good 8 hours sleep and you've got the item in the morning.


This also allows players to fast forward as much or as little of a build as they like.


That said, items like warframes which take 3 days to build could have a static rush cost, that way they're always going to take 3 days, or leave you out of pocket.


Quite similar to my earlier suggestion, just fleshed out a little.

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<p>I wish I could upvote more than once.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I agree with most everything you posted.  I will say that the weapon ideas were probably my favorite.  I imagine coding the grappling hook could be a nightmare, but I would spend $5-10 on that in a heartbeat.</p>

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You can already get blueprints from Rare alert missions and the 7+ daily award.


I never said there would be any way of getting blueprints Aside from those that already exists.


Don't put words into my mouth, and then disagree with the words that I never said.

You're essentially having an argument with yourself.


You're not reading.




Is that spelled out simply enough for you?


If you would get them from the alerts then what is the point? Its the same as the potatoes we already have.


If you would be able to readily purchase them then you have a free "level my weapon to 60" option.


In which case potatoes are only a quicker way to get there and just like foundry projects no one is going to spend platinum to speed that process because you can just do it for free.

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You're not reading.





You can already get blueprints from Rare alert missions and the 7+ daily award.




And you think I'M not reading.



And as to your comment saying "if you get it the same way you currently do what's the point"


The point is exactly what I said in the beggining;

People want more to do once they hit 30.

Plus, it makes the cash shop version more valuable.


It means those with time have more to do with their time, and those with money get better value for money.


Instead of everyone having fully maxed out stuff pretty much the moment they hit 30

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Something's wrong, a heavy unit is...oh it's you:

So a lot of people have been talking a long time about how and when stealth is going to become useful and fun.

And one idea that hasn't been said nearly often enough is;

Why not allow stealth to provide players with optional, enjoyable objectives.

The example that I can't shake because of the fun it would be is thus:


A corpus mission, Lotus informs your group of a Hyena class robot and a construction crew.

Your mission being to wipe them all out. (Typical exterminate mission, with an assasinate at the end)

However, being spotted and setting off the alarm at any point in the mission causes the hyena robots to be activated, making the mission substantially more difficult.

Not fun you think?

Well, if you manage to get to the hyenas without being detected once, lotus allows you to re-program and take control of them, allowing you to spend the remainder of the mission exterminating corpus as a hyena, complete with rockets, machine gun and shockwave attack.


While this exact mission may never come to pass, the idea that stealth could provide bonus objectives, rather than being mandatory, or just another strategy could actually make the game better.

It doesn't force players to stealth, but it rewards those that can do it well.

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The lotus effect:

So many of the players play warframe on mute

But far outnumbering them are the players who just mute lotus, hearing the same phrase several times in a mission, several missions an hour, several hours a day starts to wear you out.


So, given that it's well established people mute her, and even for those who don't;

It would be very useful for the text box that displays next to lotus when she speaks (Often showing simple things like "Get to extraction" or "Find the artifact"


Should be updated such that it displays other warnings like "Ship entering lockdown" and "The objective has changed; Locate the hostage" or "Additional objective acquired: Destroy the reactor"

Just very simple, straight to the point messages,

So that those who read it, play the game muted, or just zone out and don't hear it when she speaks have a way of keeping up with what the mission is doing.


Critical mission objectives shouldn't just be an audial warning anyway, a visual display would help everyone.

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Hoooly crap wall o text, but good read.  I'll get back to some more, but things off the top of my head.


1) about breaking windows does that actually damage health?  I've only ever run out of shields once, and when I did, I noticed my health wasn't going down at all.  Was I experiencing a bug?

2) Definitely agree with needing more wallrunning/whatever in the game.  Partly the fact that the game doesn't require you to do it much, and when it does, it's just a single wall run(except in one situation where youhave to climb an elevator shaft).  It's also that the mechanics themselves are a bit limited.  It's possible to go from one type of wallrun to another, but very limited by the placement of walls.  I'd like see something like, when you jump off a wall, you jump in the direction you're facing rather than at a set angle.  This would allow much more fluid movement. 

I'd also think it would be cool to have mission types that are entirely about movement and getting to hard to reach places.


"Broken elevators that require wall jumping to climb

Defence mission vantage points that don't have a stair case leading up to them.

Those both already exist.  >_>  The shaft occurs in two different corpus defense maps I know of.  One is particularly important because sometimes enemies spawn up top and you can't finish the wave unless you know how to wall run up.
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Those both already exist.  >_>  The shaft occurs in two different corpus defense maps I know of.  One is particularly important because sometimes enemies spawn up top and you can't finish the wave unless you know how to wall run up.


Yeah, I specifically mentioned them for that reason.

I want more things like that, I was listing examples already in the game so players would know what I was talking about.

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Yeah, I specifically mentioned them for that reason.

I want more things like that, I was listing examples already in the game so players would know what I was talking about.

Ah, though you were listing examples of things you thought should be implemented.  Got it.

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Was definitely thinking of something more based on free running, perhaps in a more fast paced environment where speed and whatnot are important, with fewer, perhaps weaker enemies around, there to be killed between runs or mid run or something, aimed more at disrupting than actually causing damage.

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And you think I'M not reading.



And as to your comment saying "if you get it the same way you currently do what's the point"


The point is exactly what I said in the beggining;

People want more to do once they hit 30.

Plus, it makes the cash shop version more valuable.


It means those with time have more to do with their time, and those with money get better value for money.


Instead of everyone having fully maxed out stuff pretty much the moment they hit 30


I thought you were referring to regular potatoes. It is clear to me there was just a disconnect in understanding what the other meant. I get it now.


But seriously. How... Pointless.


For players who don't have time or money you'd just tease them by giving them a reverse engineered potato. They'd just wish they got the other one. The ones with money would likewise be disapointed. I'm not sure how many people you're pleasing vs how many you are annoying.


Also IMO not worth the time to program it since we already have the same rank 60 effect through regular potatoes. Why spend time programming something for a minority of players with so much time on their hands that they are essentially done? Especially ones with no intention of contributing monetarily towards the game.


lose - win with developers losing.

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