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More Randomization For Mooks


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So I was playing through an infested mission when I for some reason noticed that, despite being a virulent plague that turn you into a horrible monstrosity, the infestation is pretty consistent in how it makes you look. So I started wondering "well why don't they just make it so there's some randomness to how the units look so they don't all look identical" and then I figured "well, it might be too much work and adding that randomizer might be impractical, they might not even know how!" and then I remembered that the Grineer mooks totally have that degree of randomness to them. We've all seen it, so why not take that same attribute and apply it the Infested and Corpus mooks? Maybe even the higher level enemies too? I dunno.

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A couple of livestreams ago they showed some concept art for random modular details for enemies, pretty much exactly what you're suggesting.

Ah, neat. I've been meaning to actually watch the livestreams. I should probably do it so I know whether these things are happening.

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