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[Forum Game] Let's Make A Developing Warframe Story!


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"Hey 44 I got the chicken wings you wan-OH LOTUS WHAT IS THAT!?" says hydroid "that is your freind and you are next!" Simaris says as his eyes turn red and he chases after hydroid.


"EEEMBERRR HELP MEEEEE!" screams hydroid as he runs ino the woman's bathroom trying to find ember.

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such was the site that hydroid simply killed him self by bashing his head in a toilet bowl. once simarius entered the room he found hydroid dead on the floor "Well that was easy..." he remarked as he picked him up.


then he saw ember.


his scream was so loud and legendary that it broke the toilet block of the galleon it was on, taking ember with it.


then after it flouted off into space a single grneer janitor came to clean the bathrooms. "ALRIGHT WHO HAS BEEN EATING CHILI AGAIN!?" he shouted very upset about the lack of bathrooms on the ship.



"Anyone got some toilet paper? anyone...." said ember as she flouted away in the blood soaked toilets.

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Then a rift into an alternate dimension opened up releasing a bunch of different types Excaliburs from different universes.


Mexicalibur walked up to Mesa and attempted to hit on her. Excalvinbur was embarrassed to see this event while Excaliburn tried to cheer him up. The six sided Hexacalibur looked around the room and took Volt's burrito. Puncalibur joked at Volt saying," Shocking, isn't it?" Specscalibur shouted about his specs on his new PC, Rubilacxe was walking backwards, Exhalibut flopped around, Textcalibur was going through puberty, Sexcailbur showed off his mussels, Ecxlibaur suffered from dyslexia, two Excaliburs walked into a Excalibar, Nyxcalibur was confused why she was never shown again, Dexcalibur is waiting for the next anniversary, ExCaliforniaBur wanted to go surfing, someone wanted a Excaliburrito, Excaliborn became the chosen one, T-Rexcailbur gave out a mighty roar, ....

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All the Excaliburs, as well as Volt and Mesa, heard the raging cries of a thousand enraged Tenno aboard an approaching ship.

They turned around to the rift, and discovered Excalibur Prime had walked through wearing a crown stamped with the words "Founders Only".

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