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[Guide] Warframe On Linux With Wine



Alright, so after much acclaim from the Subreddit, I decided to post my walkthrough on how to get this game running somewhat decently under the newest Wine (Development 1.5.29). The direct link to it is http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dnnoj/warframe_on_linux/.


Alright, so first thing. I did this in Arch Linux, so your mileage will very depending on what distro you use. I've read good reports for Ubuntu working pretty easily, and other distros not so much. I would like feedback on what extra steps you would have to do to get it to work if mine didn't work for you.


Step one, Install Wine (I recommend Dev, but Stable may work) and, if your Package Manager doesn't package it together, winetricks. http://www.winehq.org/ for wine, and https://code.google.com/p/winetricks/ for winetricks. Optionally, create a prefix for Warframe so you don't clutter up the default one.


Step two, run winetricks d3dx9 xact (or /path/to/winetricks.sh d3dx9 xact if the package manager didn't install it). This will install the bare minimum DirectX9 and XAudio2 DLL's needed by most games. (You can omit d3dx9 for directx9, but that's usually overkill)


Step three, Download the Warframe.msi and put it somewhere you'll remember. I have mine on my Desktop.


Step four, open a terminal where the Warframe.msi file is at and run wine msiexec /i Warframe.msi. This will start the launcher. (You can optionally run wine msiexec /i /path/to/Warframe.msi)


After this step, the Launcher Window should open up. If it doesn't, try installing 'lib32-openal', 'lib32-libxml2', 'lib32-mpg123', 'lib32-giflib', 'lib32-libpng', and 'lib32-gnutls'. These are common compatibility libs most Wine programs need, so it wouldn't be to awful to install them all. These are also the names Arch Linux gives these packages, so you may need to Google around for the correct names for your Distro.


This is a (incomplete) list of Package names per DIstro. (Thanks Morcant!)

Arch             Ubuntulib32-openal     libopenal1lib32-libxml2    libxml2lib32-mpg123     libmpg123lib32-giflib     libgif4lib32-libpng     libpng12-0lib32-gnutls     libgnutls26

On a 64-bit system with multiarch, it may be necessary to use e.g. 'sudo apt-get install libgnutls26:i386' to install the 32-bit packages.


Step five, after the launcher opens up, DISABLE 64BIT IN THE LAUNCHER SETTINGS. It currently does NOT work right, and you're going to have a bad time.


Step six, Hopefully the launcher will be complaining about not being able to find Launcher.exe in your AppData path ($WINE_PREFIX/drive_c/users/<your username>/Local Settings/Application Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe). It is there, but you need to move it over manually. CD into the directory and run mv Launcher.exe.tmp Launcher.exe. Click Retry on the launcher, and it should greet you with the login prompt. Enter your login information, and hopefully you will see the Licensing conditions. If so, congrats! Enjoy playing Warframe on a non-Microsoft system!


There is a chance that you will get the error that dreaded me for almost two weeks, the Could not log in: Could not find Server error. I have no clue why this error is there, but it fixed itself by compiling and installing https://github.com/madewokherd/wine-mono (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wine-mono/ for you Arch Linux users). It takes quite a bit of time to compile (I have an A10-5800K, and it took around 30 minutes to compile and install). MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A LOT OF SPACE IN /tmp, IT WILL TAKE A LOT JUST TO COMPILE IT!


If that doesn't fix it, Try compiling Wine from source. it's a long shot, but it may work (and it has worked for some people).




If your sound doesn't work (and it doesn't complain about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), try modprobing snd_seq. It may not of been loaded.


If your sound doesn't work (and it's complaining about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), run winetricks --force xact_jun2010. It may of not installed correctly the first time.


If the preprocess crashes when first starting the Launcher, run the launcher (or Warframe.msi) in the terminal. It fixes this error for me.




Hopefully this guide helps you!

Edited by HACKhalo2
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37 minutes ago, JohnTheGreen said:

I posted the solution, but since this thread is marked as a question for some reason, as soon as the solution got upvoted it was moved to the first page (Go look! It's there!)


Someone said the specific version of vcrun needed was vcrun2012

That actually makes sense. I did go back a few pages but I actually didn't even think to check the first page. I find this upvoting and downvoting thing quite confusing sometimes, still have to get used to it.

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49 minutes ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

Edit 2: It keeps giving me the error "command 'wine vcredist_x86.exe' returned status 180.  Aborting." What do I do now? I tried downloading all the new ones and the same thing happened.

Do you have msxml3 under your Libraries? - If so, could you change it to "builtin, native" and try installing vcrun again?

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1 hour ago, CountrifiedSoul said:

I find this upvoting and downvoting thing quite confusing sometimes, still have to get used to it.

It works great for sorting out good question answers from bad ones, but pretty terrible if you're trying to have a conversation.

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1 hour ago, julespetrikov said:

Do you have msxml3 under your Libraries? - If so, could you change it to "builtin, native" and try installing vcrun again?

I don't have an msxml3 actually, but everything else is builtin and native except for the d3dx9 stuff which is just native.

Edit: I added one as builtin and native but it's still not working.

It says this now afterwards:

err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:advapi:DecryptFileW (L"C:\\users\\user1\\Temp\\{33d1fd90-4274-48a1-9bc1-97e33d9c2d6f}\\", 00000000): stub

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1 hour ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

I don't have an msxml3 actually, but everything else is builtin and native except for the d3dx9 stuff which is just native.

Edit: I added one as builtin and native but it's still not working.

Have you used winetricks to add msxml3, or added yourself? It should be "native" by default when added via winetricks. - If you didn't have msxml3 before, change it to native only and try to install again; but to be safe, you probably should just delete the msxml3 implementation under your libraries and use wintericks to install it.

Simply using "winetricks msxml3" should work out of the box. - if not, a clean wine prefix might be needed.

Hope this helps.

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3 hours ago, julespetrikov said:

Simply using "winetricks msxml3" should work out of the box. - if not, a clean wine prefix might be needed.

It simply took me to the website, where I downloaded msxml3.msi. What should I do with it?

Edit: I'm installing it right now

Edit 2: After installing it, nothing seems to have happened. It's not showing up in libraries.

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17 hours ago, Prototype_X9 said:

I posted the solution earlier.


mfc42, vcrun 2003-2015

If you get a shasum mismatch, download the files via the official Windows site

Screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/524i9zqpr/

Using the same setup as I last posted, I installed msxml3, mfc42, vcrun2005-2013 (2003 and 2015 weren't listing in PoL).

The game now gets past loading screen and made it past the log-in and intro video.  At the character select/creation screen, I clicked the maximize button on the window and it crashed, no surprise, but it seems the game will work now.   Thanks.

Now to start playing...   will update or edit if I have any issues.

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In addition to the old or previous requirements, and any winetricks needed before, the new winetricks required are as follows:

-vcrun 2012

Additionally, a player said msxml3 was needed, however I was able to run perfectly fine with all versions of vcrun files installed. Needs further testing, if anyone wants to.

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18 hours ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

It simply took me to the website, where I downloaded msxml3.msi. What should I do with it?


That actually shouldn't be the case. You really might need a clean wineprefix. If you have data on your .wine, backup them and use winetricks to delete all the data, then create a new wineprefix. - You also might want to use,



to create a new wineprefix, so you won't have to deal with 64-bit compatibility issues. Also, using this same comman with winetricks;


WINEARCH=win32 winetricks

would help you install components in 32-bit. But before trying to install msxml3, try to install vcrun components and try out the game like that. Because It actually shouldn't ask for msxml3, it should work out of the box. - So I also would advice you to use WINEARCH=win32 to play the game, or start the Steam if you're using Steam to play Warframe.

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Hi everyone, I'm fairly new here, but I've created another guide, seeing as the initial guide here is 3 years old. I'm not sure how to post another thread, but I've posted my guide on reddit. Hope it helps out. I run Arch Linux for anyone who's wondering. As for the winetricks debate, on a fresh install i only needed the following:
d3dx9 ie8 xact corefonts vcrun2012

ie8 provides wininet. Additionally you will need to go to winecfg and in libraries add rasapi32, set it to built in, and set wininet to built in. There are a lot more tweaking/performance tips in my guide:


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3 hours ago, julespetrikov said:

That actually shouldn't be the case. You really might need a clean wineprefix. If you have data on your .wine, backup them and use winetricks to delete all the data, then create a new wineprefix.

Thanks, but I'm not sure what you mean by data. I don't have anything worth keeping on wine (I can reinstall warframe if need be) so I'll just go ahead and remake a new wineprefix. 

Edit: I clicked "Select the default wineprefix" and then "Delete ALL DATA AND APPLICATIONS INSIDE THIS WINEPREFIX", but I'm not sure what to do now. Is it automatically created? What do I do now?

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2 hours ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

Edit: I clicked "Select the default wineprefix" and then "Delete ALL DATA AND APPLICATIONS INSIDE THIS WINEPREFIX", but I'm not sure what to do now. Is it automatically created? What do I do now?

On the next run of any application related to wine, the wine will automatically create a new prefix and install necessary components. I would suggest you to use;


WINEARCH=win32 winetricks

in order the create a 32-bit wineprefix and automatically run winetricks, so you could install d3dx9, vcrun2012 and xact for Warframe. - and no, you shouldn't need to re-install Warframe, that would be a waste of time. I assume you already have Warframe outside of your .wine folder.

After everything is in place, I would advice to always use WINEARCH=win32 while running an application like Steam or Warframe Launcher, since 64-bit wine could pretty much break things.

Sorry if I don't reply quick enough.

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On 3/14/2016 at 4:35 PM, TheDarkFenrir said:

apparently theres a tutorial out now that may help this too. http://gloriouseggroll.tv/2016-arch-linux-wine-staging-1-9-5-warframe/


Well for arch linux or manjaro users.


Also it appears VC2012 is needed now.


I was so about to post the link too... caught me by surprise... it's already posted in here Lol!

I hope you guys sub him and like the vid, I believe he deserves it, do you!?

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On 3/14/2016 at 7:35 PM, TheDarkFenrir said:

apparently theres a tutorial out now that may help this too. http://gloriouseggroll.tv/2016-arch-linux-wine-staging-1-9-5-warframe/


Well for arch linux or manjaro users.


Also it appears VC2012 is needed now.

I run arch but it should work for most popular distros. the wine setup is the same despite what distro you're on. as far as smoothing out screen tearing all youd need is compton and nvidia proprietary drivers (for nvidia) - which most distros provide

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On 3/14/2016 at 11:36 PM, julespetrikov said:

On the next run of any application related to wine, the wine will automatically create a new prefix and install necessary components. I would suggest you to use;

in order the create a 32-bit wineprefix and automatically run winetricks, so you could install d3dx9, vcrun2012 and xact for Warframe. - and no, you shouldn't need to re-install Warframe, that would be a waste of time. I assume you already have Warframe outside of your .wine folder.

After everything is in place, I would advice to always use WINEARCH=win32 while running an application like Steam or Warframe Launcher, since 64-bit wine could pretty much break things.

Sorry if I don't reply quick enough.

It's alright, I usually have other things to do anyways. But whenever I try to run that command, it comes up with this error: 

    wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string

I'm  not sure why this happens and I'm kinda stuck here, so I've taken to playing Unturned and Hotline Miami ($2.49 sale oh bby) until I figure something out :P

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20 hours ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

It's alright, I usually have other things to do anyways. But whenever I try to run that command, it comes up with this error: 

    wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string

It seems like wine wasn't able to create a new prefix. Let's try it like this - could you please manually delete .wine, ..cache/wine .cache/winetricks and then try the above steps? It should just download wine gecko and setup a new prefix, then you would be able to install d3dx9, xact and vcrun2012 via winetricks; so it should be possible for you to play Warframe without a problem.

Also, I have to say this "Question" layout is infuriating. - Sort by Date seems not being saved. Or perhaps it's because I had to login again. Still weird.

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Well technically but as you have probably experienced in your struggles that doesn't always work so well. Not to mention the time and money it would take you are almost better just buying a copy of W10 or 7 or something like that. And Vm's at least when I tried it didn't really like to see my Gpu and the sound was kinda meh cuz of drivers. 

Idk just post it if it works for you cuz that would be great for some people in the community. 

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On 5/10/2013 at 10:57 AM, KiritoAsuna said:

Sorry for the amount of questions but what do i change  if i have the msi on my desktop?

Thanks for the help :)

Ok you want to right click on it then hit run. However if that does not work then follow the many links you find here and one of them should work.

I hope this helps.

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On 3/17/2016 at 2:36 PM, julespetrikov said:

It seems like wine wasn't able to create a new prefix. Let's try it like this - could you please manually delete .wine, ..cache/wine .cache/winetricks and then try the above steps? It should just download wine gecko and setup a new prefix, then you would be able to install d3dx9, xact and vcrun2012 via winetricks; so it should be possible for you to play Warframe without a problem.

I don't understand where these .cache files are, when I search for them they don't show up. I've deleted my entire .wine folder as far as I know but I am once again lost. :P

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3 hours ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

I don't understand where these .cache files are, when I search for them they don't show up. I've deleted my entire .wine folder as far as I know but I am once again lost. :P

If you can't find them, they're probably gone. Does deleting your .wine and running wine again give the same error as before?

  • Make sure you don't have .wine or .cache/wine
  • Type WINEARCH=win32 winetricks so you can get a 32-bit wine prefix
  • Install d3dx9, xact and vcrun2012
  • If you're using Steam, always use WINEARCH=win32 wine Steam.exe to launch it up
  • World Domination

It should work this way, without a problem.

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10 hours ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

I don't understand where these .cache files are, when I search for them they don't show up. I've deleted my entire .wine folder as far as I know but I am once again lost. :P

Ok tell me what tutorial you are looking at. 

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On 3/19/2016 at 0:18 AM, julespetrikov said:

If you can't find them, they're probably gone. Does deleting your .wine and running wine again give the same error as before?

  • Make sure you don't have .wine or .cache/wine
  • Type WINEARCH=win32 winetricks so you can get a 32-bit wine prefix
  • Install d3dx9, xact and vcrun2012
  • If you're using Steam, always use WINEARCH=win32 wine Steam.exe to launch it up
  • World Domination

It should work this way, without a problem.

I can't seem to find vcrun2012 by doing this, I think it's because when I obtained a winetricks update I saved it to my desktop, not where it was supposed to be. What should I do to get the updated version of winetricks to where it should be, or otherwise make the "WINEARCH=win32 winetricks" command use the updated winetricks instead of the old one?

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