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Techniques For Handling The Stalker...



OK, let me just say that I absolutely love the Stalker and while I enjoy the challenge now and then lately its just been showing up when I am leveling up a new frame or weapons...  I know it is coincidence, but still... :(


Anyhow, since I don't always enjoy running and leaving loot behind I swear the darn thing knows when I'm doing a solo and he just shows up when I am at my lowest.  Needless to say, the balance of the encounters have not been in my favor except for the small number of times that I jumped to a place he could not reach me, or the other times I nailed him with fully modded shotgun to the face.  I don't think I ever managed to outright kill the guy since he just curls up and disappears.


A few times he came after me while in in a match with a full team and that is always easier and fun because I let everyone know he was after me and everyone took a few pot shots at him. Hilarious.


Anyway, does anyone have any good tricks or techniques to share on how to handle him in a "private" solo game while sporting lower level frames and/or equipment.  Lately, this skeaky dude has been sucking a few revives out of me and I would like to slow this kind of bleeding a bit instead of just dropping after a few shots of his.  :D




Edited by Just3ven
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I use Frost for my solo runs and that seems to help. The last two times I faced him were at lvl 18 and 30, so it seems pretty reliable. I wait for his speech then I snow globe. This will slow his slash dash down and make it an easy dodge. After that, I back up to the far end of globe, wait for him to exit and freeze him. Then I shoot a lot. When he unfreezes, he seems to want to stay in place and shoot back. Globe protects you and then he sits down and calls it a day.

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Thanks for the feedback folks.  As I expected many of the suggestions contain references to skills and powers that are specific to a given kit and that's all good stuff.


While on this note about kit specific skills:

Something impressive happened yesterday while in a defense mission (Xini).  I had my low level Nyx fully specced for her fourth power (Maxed out absorb, maxed streamline, focus, glass cannon) and the stalker appeared again.  This time I just triggered Absorb and in a matter of seconds after the blast the stalker just gave up and left.  That was the fastest stalker exit I had ever seen.  :D

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He did kill my Excal twice before, but never had issues with him using Ash or Loki. Just use Smoke Screen/Invisibility and unload full auto in his face.

with excalibur and enough energy you can oneshot the stalker with your ult... i got the prime (a potato was built in), so i got all skills maxed, maxed energy, cost reduction and damage. With that i use to have always enough energy to use the ult 1-2 times, thats about 2600 Damage while invulnerable. I think he got something like 1000 HP on lvl 70.


A question from me: is the stalker-level bound on the mastery-rank? he is never lower than that for me, doesnt matter if i'm on mars or pluto

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Use a Shade sentinel, certain frames have ways to help, Loki/Ash have invisibility, Frost/Rhino have snowglobe/ironskin, Trinity has life link. 


The rest of ya are just out of luck for easy ways to deal with him, I'd say let shade stealth you and get a good solid clip of headshots in before he has time to react.

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I usually try and dupe enemies into fighting him for me if I don't have my usual gear (i.e. fully-modded maxrank 'frame + Hek/etc.), if I can find any. Banshee's Sonar power can make a nice weakspot on him for you to light up as well - I managed to send him home in a R8 Banshee with an unmodded R3 Boltor on the Corpus Outpost set. Whilst under the effect of the ice/cryo half-total-shields envirohazard.


Still pretty close though.

Edited by Arcalane
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