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It's The Women's Turn, Please.


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I came in this thread hoping to see people state which female warframe they wanted released as a prime next, instead I get debates on sexism, feminism and people arguing all over. I did learn some stuff I guess, but guise, srsly?

On the topic (is there even one anymore?)

I'd like to see Ember prime as the next prime one cause she's my fav Warframe :3

You know you want to see her next as well! DON'T DENY IT! :333


My preference is Mag Prime, followed by Saryn Prime. Mag Prime would be excellent, assuming they stuck with bubbleface instead of paper-clip bunny-rabbit alt-helm. Which I have no reason to assume they wouldnt, so.... awesome!

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I just hope they implement gender choice for our Warframes soon. They're definitely leaning towards it now.

If only to prevent threads like this one from ever happening again, it would be a smart move on their part. XD

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A better solution would just be to have the choice of a male or female version of each frame. For example, they add a female version of Volt, or Ash, or something.


This has been suggested time and time again in the thousands of other threads on this topic. 


DE is aware of the issue (only a drunken chimpanzee couldn't be after all the threads about this) - but their stance still is, that for now, gender switches may be an option in the future, but that's all they're saying. 


That's an improvement from their original statement along the lines of - 'we want all frames to be unique and their implied gender is a part of this'. I think Nyx in particular was a bit of a olive branch to the community, to illustrate that they were willing to consider simple gender switches at some point. 

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So your beef is with my casual acceptance of the gender binary? I agree that there's more to gender than just male/female, but that's getting pretty far out there for a third-person shooter. I do admire your progressiveness, though, and wish you all the best.


It all comes around full circle to the first page really, I'd love to see more -content-. Stealth, action, weapons, frames, enemies, planets, everything this game has to offer.


Right now, in game, the primes are unattainable other than meeting certain criteria. Being a founder for the Excalibur (medium frame, as in, health, energy, shields, move speed...) and the Frost by having participated in the event (heavy frame, slow moving, high health, shields, lower base energy.)


Using a bit of (maybe flawed) logic, I'd bet the next frame is going to be a light weight frame. Many frames fall under that category, Loki, Ash, Mag, Banshee (I believe, I haven't been lucky enough to find all pieces for a Banshee yet). Right now, there is a very vocal amount of people claiming for Ash to be next. That doesn't means it will be the next prime, but if it is, it's not because Ash is male, but because its unique gameplay tends to attract the most amongst players (and really, its not even that good of a frame, Shuriken is badbadbad... Smoke Screen if alright, Teleport is situational and Bladestorm bugs constantly).


I'd side with you 100% Celestiae, if you came around and said "next prime, please make it a (insert role here)." <:\

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If I read your last few posts correctly, you came here to tell me what I meant and what I want, to twist my words into straw-man parodies to knock down, and to rephrase my posts into foolishly-simple sounding parodies of themselves. The sheer smug condescension which drips off your posts has been most irritating. By cloaking this in what looks -- at a glance -- like reasonable debate you clad your abuse, mansplaining, and derailment in the disguise of intellectualism.


This is basic derailing 101, and I've seen it before. And the saddening part is, it plays very well in this sort of environment.


First, the title of the OP does assert that DE is being discriminatory by not giving women "a turn", second, as you have explained yourself you want more female primes/frames because you're female and that aids in immersion for you, third you assumed I'm male just because I disagree with you, fourth, you used an incredibly sexist term "mansplaining" to belittle my position and marginalize me as a person if I am male. I have not said or done anything sexist or derogatory toward you.


I have not derailed the topic, I asked you if it was your assertion that DE is being discriminatory against women, because that's how you've presented the thread, and that's the impression you have given in the thread, and that's what I disagree with. If you didn't think DE was neglecting the inclusion of female warframes, this thread would not have a purpose. So be clear, do you think DE is discriminating or do you not? 

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Now, I don't really think gender matters at all, but fairness has been mentioned. Now, this is not my opinion, but wouldn't it be possible to make the point that since there are more male players, there should also be more male frames?


I just don't think the fairness argument makes any sense here, not only because of above point, but also because a lot of male players like to play female frames, and there are certainly also females, that like to play male frames. As long as there is some choice for everyone, we should be happy.


OP's question is still valid, though. I suppose the next prime frame will be a caster, because we currently have an allrounder and a tank. Could be Ember.

Edited by zagibu
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I have not derailed the topic, I asked you if it was your assertion that DE is being discriminatory against women, because that's how you've presented the thread, and that's the impression you have given in the thread, and that's what I disagree with.


You disagree with a straw man question of your own creation. Good for you. I don't owe you an answer to it, and you should stop trying to pin it on me.

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Trying to use logic with a third-wave feminist, kaizoku? Best of luck, and Godspeed.


"Look at me, I know feminist terminology! I must know what I'm talking about!"


Helps if you use it right.

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This thread is just BS.


The last 2 frames where females. Even though all the tennos look the same and there is no difference in male-female stuff in warframe.

Yet, Still asking for more female warframes ?



Then again, all the players in warframe are GIRLs (you know what it means) and


The suit just makes you look like female,inside it is a guy actually :)

Edited by Zyfe3rX
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Why are there no LGBT Warframes? If we're going to complain about the gender, might as well complain about sexual orientation too.

That's a derailing tactic. If you genuinely think LGBT inclusion is a problem, then make a thread for it. I might even post in it. This thread is not about that.





Edit: I accidentally a word. XD

Edited by Celestiae
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Why are there no LGBT Warframes? If we're going to complain about the gender, might as well complain about sexual orientation too.


This is mostly false, because there's no sexual orientation relevance in Warframe. Gender IS relevant, because there are two genders already. No sexual orientation is implied in any of the frames, which makes it a non issue.


That said, trans issues are largely gender related, and I could get behind that.


This thread is just BS.


The last 2 frames where females. Even though all the tennos look the same and there is no difference in male-female stuff in warframe.

Yet, Still asking for more female warframes ?



Then again, all the players in warframe are GIRLs (you know what it means) and


The suit just makes you look like female,inside it is a guy actually :)


This is a post which is really disgusting to me in ways I have a hard time explaining.

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You disagree with a straw man question of your own creation. Good for you. I don't owe you an answer to it, and you should stop trying to pin it on me.


Your entire premise asserts that female frames are under-represented. If that's true then DE is discriminating and you have a reason to be as upset as you are.


They aren't discriminating, the content for the game isn't even finished, and they have set a precedent of releasing a good number of both male and female frames. You don't have a good reason for asking DE for more female frames because you don't have a good reason to believe they aren't already working on one.


The only person that has been blatantly sexist in this thread is you. You're not a feminist, you're not egalitarian, and you're just dodging your original assertion by harassing the people that question your position. There is nothing further to be gained from discussing this with you, or discussing this topic at all because DE, in all likelyhood and precedent, are already working on female primes and concepts for more female frames.

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Your entire premise asserts that female frames are under-represented. If that's true then DE is discriminating and you have a reason to be as upset as you are.


I'm not upset. It's quite rude of you to tell me that I am. I am done with you as well. Let's not speak to each other again.

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I interpreted OP as saying what she personally would like to see next, which got sidetracked and railroaded into sexism and other such stuff, and which will now mire this entire discussion in utter bullS#&$ because IT ISN'T EVEN WHAT THE ORIGINAL POINT WAS.


Am I Nostradamus or some S#&amp;&#036;? Guys?

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I rather we have both gender versions of each frame available.


It helps immersion for me as a guy to not have a female character and I do believe the same goes for female gamers out there if they are not forced to play as a male.


It makes you wonder if you are even controlling one Tenno (yourself) or at least 2 Tennos when you switch between frames currently that are of different genders.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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Am I Nostradamus or some S#&$? Guys?


The thread's title, while certaily comical in nature I want to believe, can be misinterpreted very easily so I can understand where some people are coming from.


The title clearly reads "It's the women's turn, please." so it is very easy for many people to assume that the OP actually believed that males had their turn already, while that is clearly not the case, neither males or females ever had turns on warframe creation,as they just get created. Why should we have turns in the first place since the devs are clearly looking into the balance between the genders of the Warframes?


In the end it is just an other pointless thread with not much to add compared to the plethora of similar ones on this forum. It's fine, DE knows, they are working on it, give them time.


@OP: I'm not trying to offend anyone, just decided to drop in and state what I personaly think, in my case, I don't realy mind how new warframes are implemented or in which turn, despite actually wanting to see an Ember prime, mainly cause I like that Warframe, gender unrelated.


I do believe, though, that the title could possibly mislead people, just keep an eye on that in the future and have fun in game c:


EDIT: Also goodnight to everyone :3

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@OP: I'm not trying to offend anyone, just decided to drop in and state what I personaly think, in my case, I don't realy mind how new warframes are implemented or in which turn, despite actually wanting to see an Ember prime, mainly cause I like that Warframe, gender unrelated.


I do believe, though, that the title could possibly mislead people, just keep an eye on that in the future and have fun in game c:


EDIT: Also goodnight to everyone :3

Hey, as long as you're not telling me I'm being hysterical, we're chill. =D


Yeah, this thread was intended to be way, WAY more casual and non-confrontational than it turned out. More like "dear DE, more female toons please" and somehow it went. . . eeeeeh. You know how it is, words on a screen not conveying tone of voice and all that. The world will still be here tomorrow.

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I'd like to ask that this thread be locked. I have full confidence DE is already giving women "a turn" and as such this discussion has no purpose.

It's not your thread. Glad to see you're still trying to find new ways to silence me, though. It makes me feel loved. <3




edit: and that "last word" PM you sent me was just adorable too.

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