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Deth Star Clan Looking For New(B) Recruits!


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Deth Star is a (currently) 65 member Storm Clan. It was started by myself (EmperorBanana) and my friend (EmperorSmith). We have a large Alliance [with emblem], a Teamspeak, a clan emblem, and a friendly bunch of people. We are looking for new members to fill our ranks, or pre-existing smaller clans to merge into us. If this is of any appeal to you, keep reading!


[Note: We've had a couple of Shadow Clans merge into us before, and they are still with us even today. If you desire a larger group to play with but want your clan mates to stay together, I only need to speak to one person from the clan as it's assumed you'll join as a unit.]



Things we would like to see in our applicants:


★ We do not allow abusive behavior toward other members. Profanity is common in our chats, so it's best to only apply if you are okay with those types of things. If you're a nice person, we'll like you!


★ While many of us make jokes, blatant bigotry is not allowed. Our clan consists of people from many countries, with many skin colors, and many religions. Our members are not uptight, but we're not hateful to each other either. It's okay to make jokes, but if someone feels like you're crossing a line you should avoid it in the future.


★ We are here to help you, not babysit you. Chronic AFKing in missions, begging for free stuff, leeching, or treating clan chat like your personal trade chat are not allowed. Trading is obviously allowed amongst members, but keep it fair and personal. We're a clan, a family, not strangers in trade chat. WTB/WTS/WTT are very impersonal, so avoid using those in clan. [Ripping off clan or alliance mates will get you kicked.]


★ We love our active members! Members who occasionally have duties that call them Away from Keyboard are still allowed to join. (Ex: Truck Drivers, Military, College Students) If you feel like you may routinely be taking breaks due to career or real life, or you will occasionally be away for longer durations you may request to be set to our Imperial Reserves Rank.


★ We not only love our new and returning members, we prefer them. Yes, of course any rank player is welcome, but we started this clan with a goal of educating players who desire to learn more about the intricacy of the game. We've also found that eager learners make great teammates, and as many veteran players are usually set in their ways, new or returning players tend to fit in more cohesively. We're not here to indoctrinate you with our meta, but we do have our own way of doing things and if you enjoy having clan strategies, clan metas, or clan builds this is something we can offer you.


What we have to offer to applicants:


★ A Teamspeak 3 server that is available to use 24/7. You may bring friends from any game or place to the Teamspeak to hang out with you, and use it no matter what game you are playing or even if you're not currently playing any game at all. The Teamspeak is free for your use so long as you're a member of our clan.


A friendly clan whose sole goal is to help you.


A Steam Group with forums dedicated to Warframe, Primary, Secondary, Melee, and Pet builds. You may even request specific builds to be posted or post some yourself.


★ Guides on the Steam Group to answer any questions about Mod Selection, Warframe picking, or Building. You can even ask for guides for specific game modes or frames, or even post or ask about other games that we play.


★ Helpful Officers and Warlords.


★ A dojo with full amenities and research.


★ A group of close, respectful, friendly people who are very approachable. You'll never have to be afraid of ridicule or disrespect, and any such situations can be reported to an Officer or Warlord and will be dealt with promptly. We frequently have debates and discussions, but we prefer to keep an open mind.



If this sounds like the type of clan you'd enjoy being a part of, please contact EmperorSmith or EmperorBanana in game or post the following information on this thread:


1. What is your IGN [in game name]?

2. What mastery rank are you, if any?

3. Approximately how long have you been playing?

4. Do you have teamspeak, or would you be willing to download and use it to communicate with us?


Make sure if you post here that you are currently not in a clan so that invites may be sent if you're approved.





Edited by EmperorBanana
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