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Another Synoid Gammacor Post


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the synoid gammacor obviously needed a nerf, however, this change made my favorite weapon unusuable. I would much rather you just lowered the damage. The most exciting thing about the synoid gammacor was the sustainable fire that NO OTHER BEAM WEAPONS HAD. Now i run out of ammo in no time even if i'm simply tapping the fire button on enemies heads. Utter BS if you ask me, just lower the damage.


inb4 feed me your tears

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I think they went a little overboard with 7.5x ammo consumption ._.


Im totally agree with this...


I don't mind they nerf it but making the gun totally unusable is ridiculous.

Even my ammo mutation can't keep up with the ammo draining.


If they trying to make the ammo drain like the amprex... I don't mind. Just don't make it drain like tossing a whole ammo box at the enemy.


They totally broke the gun. They not nerfing the gun but nuke the gun...


And the reason i use it cuz it give good ammo and magnetic and energy restore (The most important thing i need)... Now they broke it. I can't even use it in T4 for long. Just have to move on using Rakta Ballistica.

Edited by blAcE_
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Have you even tested it since the patch?  Its ridiculous.  I didn't realize at first, have fire rate mods on mine and was out of ammo in seconds.  Did the Synoid Gamacore need to be re balanced.  Yes.  Did it need to get hit with the nerf hammer so hard i don't think ill pick it up again unless they fix it.  No.

Edited by Torall
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So I was testing the Synoid change...


At first I hardly noticed the difference, then I had to use it on a more than run here kill that run.


Synoid is dead.


I don't care that it's DPS is still awesome. It's one real feature: great ammo economy for a good damage short range beam in accurate form is gone. you could nerf the dps to the HikouP or Despair I would still use it. Accurate short range economic DPS would remain. Now all it is a short range Twin Vipers. Yawn.


The Synoid could go into the Void T4 well; NOT BECAUSE IT WAS OP! But because it was accurate and ammo efficient. Lower DPS would not effect that quality so much as the now ammo consumption rate. In the Void that 7.5x ammo eating directly equals DPB (Damage Per Bullet) DIVIDED by 7.5. This puts the overall value of the gun radically lower than the standard Gammacor (Seriously, I ran the numbers the Synoid has much lower damage per bullet than the standard).


That not a 'nerf' that's a nuclear jackhammer.

Edited by Achronus
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