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Anti-Rush Mechanisms & Fun Level Attributions


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"Caution, if you keep this pace up, your fellow Tenno may be unable to assist you if your downed." - Fan Transcribe of a line that the Lotus could use when warning rushers.


The Definition of a Rusher in the world of Warframe; Someone who goes out of his or her way to either 'speedrun' in an online match to complete the mission faster, or intentionally leave players behind/straggling to grieve them.

'Rushing', is often seen as a playstyle in more competitive clans/communities, but online, it does little more than upset your fellow players in a match, because everyone has their own pace to how they handle a situation, with rushing players making things like sniping, long range engagements, the execution of strategies or even stealth, either impossible or highly impractical.

Anti-Rush Mechanisms should only be applied in either Online or Private Mode games, as both their lore, and nature, are suited to being an encouragement of teamplay, and designed to destabilize four-man Tenno cell movements.


Anti-Rush Mechanisms




Stasis Gates: Remember those metal detector like rooms that bottleneck you in both Corpus Outposts and Ships, well how about we activate those gates in 2-4 Player sessions to Reduce Speed by 500% and Sap Stamina & Energy. The idea is that players will have to circumnavigate these gates or risk getting snagged and sapped... Think of them like speed traps.


Speed-sensitive Cameras & Bola Turrets: Should a camera detect you travelling over the average speed, it's turrets will attempt to fire a Bola at you, this fast-moving device moves at projectile speed, and upon latching onto you, will ensnare your legs, both stunning you and reducing your speed to a walk until you roll away. 




Snaggers: Think of these as the little brother to the Roller, the Snagger's sole goal is to be spawned into the same room as a lone player moving over a certain speed, and pursue them, think of it like a rollerball dispenser in Half Life 2, when the Snagger catches up with it's target (Which it should be adequately speedy enough to do so), it acts like a less-deadly version of the Neuro, sapping energy and stamina and "clinging" to the player, slowing their speed to a walk. Snaggers are slightly smaller than Rollers, do not attach to the actual player, so they can turn around and shoot them off. (By which time, their role in slowing a rusher should be fulfilled)


Speed Gates & Crisis Response Team: Undetectable by normal means, when a Tenno charges through the first "Speed Gate", a hidden timer is activated, where if they cross the room in less than fifteen seconds, they are effectively locked in the next room on a timed lockdown for approximately a minute, while a small Grineer task force is also deployed to the room via a service elevator to try and dispatch them. This team will consist of at least two shotgunners, a Seeker, and a Heavy Gunner. This Seeker can also deploy Snaggers ontop of it's usual arsenal.




Barnacles: Another Half Life 2 inspiration. Barnacles are spawned randomly around the mission, and drop a thin tendril that will ensnare a Tenno instantly upon contact, bringing up a "Struggle" puzzle, where you have to enter a randomized movement combo to get free. All the while the Barnacle will try to pull you up to it's carapace, where if it succeeds, it instantly spits a carcinogenic substance onto you and drops you to the floor, leaving you in a "Revive" state. Any other Tenno in the room can shoot the Barnacle (Which has the average health of a Charger) to either A; Kill it, or B; make it release the trapped Tenno. Barnacles also gurgle disgustingly, as an audio notification.


Razor Flora: A typical "The floor is lava" type scenario, Razor Flora is almost indistinguishable from it's typically cosmetic level counterparts, however, when 'tripped', Razor Flora will stagger you, depending on how fast you were moving, from nothing (crouch-walking), to attack-stagger (walking) to full knockdowns (sprinting and sliding). Razor Flora also emits a low, 'hissing' sound when a Tenno is near, which is it's only distinguishable penchant.

Edited by Mattyrogue
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-1 Since you can´t downvote now .(just jokin :P)

But where you see Rushers ? Right just in boss-areas , because someone need fast some Neurale-Sensors or is farming a boss (Second one is mostly a thing u can´t do alone) . 

All your ideas Isolate or descriminate the people you call "Rusher".

And secondly these changes would not only annoy Rusher . The barnacles would make me crazy like grineer-rollers do now . 

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Interesting ideas as hazards, but once again, we beat the dead horse of rushers vs slow pacers. I've been advocating the whole deal for the past week and, well... just... wear the other person's shoes for a change and try to understand their perspective.


Besides that, the traps are indeed interesting. some would argue that rollers + some of those traps would be infuriating. I could also see a few of these making solo nothing short of a Sisyphean nightmare.

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-1 Since you can´t downvote now .(just jokin :P)

But where you see Rushers ? Right just in boss-areas , because someone need fast some Neurale-Sensors or is farming a boss (Second one is mostly a thing u can´t do alone) . 

All your ideas Isolate or descriminate the people you call "Rusher".

And secondly these changes would not only annoy Rusher . The barnacles would make me crazy like grineer-rollers do now . 


I have no intention of discriminating against or branding people, what I am simply trying to do is suggest new mechanics that would further enhance the ideas of teamplay and sticking together (after all, if all four people charge into a CRT Room, then it's gonna be an absolute doddle for them, if a loner rushes in, well, they can either try to take out the foes or wait for the rest of his team to rush in to assist them). 




Interesting ideas as hazards, but once again, we beat the dead horse of rushers vs slow pacers. I've been advocating the whole deal for the past week and, well... just... wear the other person's shoes for a change and try to understand their perspective.


Besides that, the traps are indeed interesting. some would argue that rollers + some of those traps would be infuriating. I could also see a few of these making solo nothing short of a Sisyphean nightmare.



Ah, didn't really realise that the subject was a 'dead horse', just that quite a few of my friends have a tendency of blitzkrieging the entire damn level while I'm still two rooms back trying to mop up that one damn Heavy Gunner they left alone. And well, I have tried rushing myself, it's just undermining to the overall quality of the game... I mean yeah sure, the sights get same-ish after a while and the enemies are varying degrees of difficulty, but when you join an online game with the explicit role of rushing on ahead of everyone, and sitting at the objective while everyone has to wade through the tides of Infected/Corpus/Grineer you left behind, you have to ask yourself this; "What am I doing. Am I grieving someone for my own enjoyment, or do I simply just want to get things done, either way, if this is how I play, shouldn't I be Solo'ing it)


And well, if you read the post fully, you'd realise that their designed to only be activated during Team Play, like the Neuros.

Edited by Mattyrogue
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But seriously, this is like the 4th thread that's practically just copy-pasta of it's former self. All in just the last 12 hours. Look OP, I'm not saying you do or don't have a point. Heck your post even seems well thought out, so good job. Just that this is getting beat to death on here and you're in for a flame fest. Seriously, there are 2 other ACTIVE threads talking about this exact same thing right now. Just sayin'.

Edited by Aramahn
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