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Something To Make Raids Easier To Organize : Player Numbers


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Hey guys 


so the raid mission.  One of the  gripes I had with the mission is that there is no easy way to strategize.


The UI doesn't alllow it very much so here's the idea.


The addition of player numbers and colors for the direction command.


Player being Red, 2,blue , 3 yellow , and 4 green etc....same as in local multiplayer console games like halo or smash bros.


+ The direction command instead of being white would be of the same color as the one who used it.


For instance P1 shows a mod ; the icon instead of being black and white is black and red.

So  when P2  points towards a direction , it's blue and black and different rom P1's indicator.


I think this will allow us to strategize better + give us the possibility to have some leader roles.




Edited by Deidaku
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the first time I ran a raid with a group I was following along but there were waypoints being thrown up every 30 sec and i had no idea what i was doing or what was going on in my squad. Colouring the waypoints or even designating shapes would be a great help to squad mechanics

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the first time I ran a raid with a group I was following along but there were waypoints being thrown up every 30 sec and i had no idea what i was doing or what was going on in my squad. Colouring the waypoints or even designating shapes would be a great help to squad mechanics

my thoughts exactly.


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