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{Suggestion} Physical Build Combo Elements


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I don't know if there is ever going to be any enhancements to physical builds ie, more options for physical crit and status builds rather than the end game constant of only rainbow element builds.


I personally prefer the physical builds over elemental builds personally but you cannot deny they are completely inferior late game, due to lack of mods to truly enhance their innate abilities or critical compatible weapons across all weapon platforms.

I'd really like to see more physical crit builds or viable physical status builds like mass bleeds or lay down some rapid fire wep with puncture to keep everyone dancing/staggered.

I've noticed a handful of weapons include 0% crit but decent to high status chances, but I maybe wrong but last I checked there are none that are zero status chances but high crit.

I'd just like to see more variety end-game rather than "use these three elements vs this faction, these three vs this one, and finally these three for the last. 

Perhaps more mods of double physical mods like Rending Strike (across all weapon platforms).
Mods with options of one physical damage mod with crit chance, crit damage, or status.

They already scale worse than the elemental mods so maybe invent some combo physical elements once a certain "threshold" has been hit - so not every weapon in the game is affected, only those you've officially enhanced the physical elements to?


Hypothetical duo physical combos: 
Slash + Impact = "Shrapnel" (aoe bleed proc - good vs infested)
Slash + Puncture = "Pierce/Shred/Impale" (piercing straight shot with bleed proc - good vs grineer)
Impact + Puncture = "Suppressing fire/Battering" (An enhanced version of the puncture stagger, small aoe push back that causes body impact/collision damage and potential knock down if three or more units collide - good vs corpus.)

Currently almost every weapon end game is almost built exactly the same regardless of their fun mechanic and potential variances.

Perhaps then potentially fun unique mechanic mods like Hollow point will get some more play.\



In addition to more critical compatible weapons and better/more options to crit build mods - Hypothetical duo physical combos: 

Slash + Impact = "Shrapnel" (aoe bleed proc - good vs infested)
Slash + Puncture = "Pierce/Shred/Impale" (piercing straight shot with bleed proc - good vs grineer)
Impact + Puncture = "Suppressing fire/Battering" (An enhanced version of the puncture stagger, small aoe push back that causes body impact/collision damage and potential knock down if three or more units collide - good vs corpus.)

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