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Loki And Nova Are Too Op. They Must Be Nerfed


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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

I like dull missions c:

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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

Ohh my god I read the title and had heart attack ....Ohh my lord Trinity runnn they are after you next!!!!!!

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Where the hell is SquirmyBurrito.

-eats popcorn-

Make Invis a toggle ability would make it even stronger than before. You can have BOTH a Disarm and Invis build in one go. Plus when using invis you have to run away before the timer ends so you can recast it safely. Make it a drain per second and you just off and on anytime

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Where the hell is SquirmyBurrito.

-eats popcorn-

Make Invis a toggle ability would make it even stronger than before. You can have BOTH a Disarm and Invis build in one go. Plus when using invis you have to run away before the timer ends so you can recast it safely. Make it a drain per second and you just off and on anytime

Shh! Don't tell them that. I'm hoping they'll try to nerf Ash by giving him the Itzal's teleport instead of his melee teleport.

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It never ceases to amuse me when Founders who think they know everything because they have a badge start preaching to others about how the game should be run, when they barely understand the meta and don't grind at all because they just waste money buying things outright.


"I don't understand the true utility of this thing, but I know it rapes full stop on Jupiter, so it must be too powerful."


Stop talking. Nova combined with Loki is no more overpowered than Limbo with Mesa, or Frost with Vauban. This just in, teamwork and intelligently combining powers is strong as hell in literally every game that features it.


You're only crying about these two because you don't like them personally. Or possibly because you are too stupid to differentiate what is actually broken versus what is merely potent.


It's a good thing the "design council" is a complete joke and DE mostly ignores their forums these days. If some of you had your way, everything good in the game would go the way of Ember and Excalibur, and we'd have a bunch of trash frames with not one power between them worth using. We might as well just make Warframe a game of floating guns that chase down Grineer. That'll shut you up, at least until you start whining about the guns.


I know your opinions are worthless, because if you actually gave a damn about the balance of the game, you'd be demanding that the hilariously underpowered frames like Excalibur, Ember, and Oberon get buffed. But no. You don't want to buff things. You don't actually care about balance. You just want the vindictive satisfaction of taking away other people's toys because you don't like them. You won't demand that melee be buffed, you'll just cry that all guns should be nerfed. 


Please go and stay go.


Hate on founders. Check.

Overgeneralization. Check.

Baseless accusation. Check.


I only agree that Council really is a joke at times.

However Nova was Council frame. How does that mesh with your reality?

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Hate on founders. Check.

Overgeneralization. Check.

Baseless accusation. Check.


I only agree that Council really is a joke at times.

However Nova was Council frame. How does that mesh with your reality?

Nice Strawman. For someone who accuses me of having my own reality, you certainly seem to live in one that isn't connected to logic or rationality. 


I'll let you in on a secret.


I don't have to mesh it with my reality, because I don't hold the opinions you're assigning me. Amazing how that works, isn't it?


Stop talking. You're an embarrassment. 

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Nice Strawman. For someone who accuses me of having my own reality, you certainly seem to live in one that isn't connected to logic or rationality. 


I'll let you in on a secret.


I don't have to mesh it with my reality, because I don't hold the opinions you're assigning me. Amazing how that works, isn't it?


Stop talking. You're an embarrassment. 

He is a grand master and you're not even a master. Remember that next time.

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He is a grand master and you're not even a master. Remember that next time.

So we're not supposed to have opinions because someone has a fancy symbol? Yea-no. LordRaine, and the rest of us, have opinions and have the freedom to share them on these Forums, thank you very much.


These frames aren't OP, move off of low level missions and then you'll see why.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Nice Strawman. For someone who accuses me of having my own reality, you certainly seem to live in one that isn't connected to logic or rationality. 


I'll let you in on a secret.


I don't have to mesh it with my reality, because I don't hold the opinions you're assigning me. Amazing how that works, isn't it?


Stop talking. You're an embarrassment. 

Whoa, the hate is real.


The ones you insulted voted on the abilities this awesome frame has. Must be a joke then.

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... What does that even mean? What do titles have to do with this?

Nothing. It is a joke that references the fact that Grand Masters have been known to tell other people that they don't matter because they aren't Grand Masters, and dismiss them and what they say out of hand.


And some of them wonder why people don't like them.


Whoa, the hate is real.


The ones you insulted voted on the abilities this awesome frame has. Must be a joke then.

I've only insulted one person in this thread.


Your ability to Strawman is amazing. By all means, keep assigning me positions I haven't taken and telling me who I was actually addressing with my comments. I'd love to hear more about how you project onto others as part of your insecurities. It's enlightening.

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@LordRaine: Design Council is a joke. That's what you said and at this point you literally spoke to everyone.


As far as my english goes, 'you' doesn't differentiate between plural and singular.


You didn't call any name, no quote at all. You wall of text was completely unrelated and was just hate for the sake of it.


We were beyond a point were it was simply about Loki and Nova. Of course only nerfing won't make the game flourish. You had to bring that up again in a toxic post with geralized accusations to fuel the hate train against people with a @(*()$ symbol.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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To bring things back on topic, OP these powers are not "OP". They have scale ability and versatility, they are effective throughout content.


That's not a bad thing. All our powers should be scale able and have versatility (in WarFrame it's through CC/Utility), to ensure that each frame is competent throughout content, rather than just a few good frames.


Buff up the lackluster frames to be good, and leave the versatile and scale able frames as they are (maybe a few tweaks to the abilities that don't have scale ability), and voila, we all get toys that we all love and can use throughout content.

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I think OP doesn't participate anymore. :D

Even so, the rest of my post still stands. If our powers were as versatile and scale able as Lokis' and Novas' powers, we could see variety of many frames being considered for Raid level missions and otherwise. Not to mention we could see more diverse usability of powers if each power within a WarFrames kit had scale ability and individuality.


Look at Lokis' kit for example. A player could decide to go full Invisibility for stealth play or mass CC for team through Radial Disarm or solo play also, while still having useful tools like Switch Teleport and Decoy for support of either play style, or for enemy diversion and redirection play styles on their own. Each power within Lokis' kit is viable by itself, but can also synergize well together. In that retrospect, he's a very versatile frame who can stand on his own, or support his team. His powers are not dependent on one another, but they can be used in conjunction with one another for some devastating results on the battlefield.


If all our frames had this level of versatility and usability, it would be incredible to see and wonderful to have on the battlefield.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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@LordRaine: Design Council is a joke. That's what you said and at this point you literally spoke to everyone.

It is a joke. No one takes it seriously, not even the Founders. That's not an insult to anyone.


DE just recently asked the DC for ideas on a new female Warframe. I'll wager whatever you want that 99% of the submissions can be categorized amongst the following:


1.) Stupid looking non-Warframes that look and sound like something off of DeviantArt

2.) Something blatantly referencing an anime or manga that is currently popular

3.) Something wildly over-elaborate that DE would never do in a million years

4.) Something that is obviously someone's fetish (i.e. gothic maid frame)

5.) Something that is clearly someone's OC (donut steel)

6.) A female version of an already existing male frame

7.) A female version of Stalker and/or something ridiculously edgy


You want to know how I would beat absolutely every other submission if I were a member of the Design Council?


I'd do what DE should have done in the first place, and just give Keith Thompson a $30 commission to sketch a female Warframe with a design and theme of his choice, and submit that as my proposal.


And then the Stalker wannabe wins anyway, just like how the edgelord Infested scissor whip won over the pnumetic Grineer drill arms not so long ago. The second one is clearly the better weapon, and yet it lost because the majority of the voting power on the DC comes from the sort of people who probably aren't old enough to drink, color all their frames black and red, and think the Red Veil are the coolest thing ever.


That's why it's a joke. That's why the Design Council is a joke to literally everybody. It's not even insulting. It's a parody of itself at this point. 


You didn't call any name, no quote at all. You wall of text was completely unrelated and was just hate for the sake of it.

There was only one Grand Master who contradicted me before I posted. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who the post was directed at.


For someone who admits that English is not their first language and that they do not have as firm a grasp of it as some, you sure do infer a lot without paying attention to the things you should.

Edited by LordRaine
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It is a joke. No one takes it seriously, not even the Founders. That's not an insult to anyone.


DE just recently asked the DC for ideas on a new female Warframe. I'll wager whatever you want that 99% of the submissions can be categorized amongst the following:


1.) Stupid looking non-Warframes that look and sound like something off of DeviantArt

2.) Something blatantly referencing an anime or manga that is currently popular

3.) Something wildly over-elaborate that DE would never do in a million years

4.) Something that is obviously someone's fetish (i.e. gothic maid frame)

5.) Something that is clearly someone's OC (donut steel)

6.) A female version of an already existing male frame

7.) A female version of Stalker and/or something ridiculously edgy


You want to know how I would beat absolutely every other submission if I were a member of the Design Council?


I'd do what DE should have done in the first place, and just give Keith Thompson a $30 commission to sketch a female Warframe with a design and theme of his choice, and submit that as my proposal.


And then the Stalker wannabe wins anyway, just like how the edgelord Infested scissor whip won over the pnumetic Grineer drill arms not so long ago. The second one is clearly the better weapon, and yet it lost because the majority of the voting power on the DC comes from the sort of people who probably aren't old enough to drink, color all their frames black and red, and think the Red Veil are the coolest thing ever.


That's why it's a joke. That's why the Design Council is a joke to literally everybody. It's not even insulting. It's a parody of itself at this point. 


There was only one Grand Master who contradicted me before I posted. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who the post was directed at.


For someone who admits that English is not their first language and that they do not have as firm a grasp of it as some, you sure do infer a lot without paying attention to the things you should.



Hold it there a bit. I may not be an expert in english but you clearly overgeneralized against founders.


But that aside, if you really think my last post before your rather toxic rant derserved this, then do me a favor and tell me why. I'm actively playing for over two years and a lot has changed over the time and this was my perceived view of how things evolved.


Regarding founders, as I already said, I agree partly. We are just a bunch of people who paid money. That doesn't really give people skills to judge about game features. Although there is not much going on and even if you are in design council, if you disagree, it gets pretty much drowned.

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Oh, I forgot one. My bad.


8.) A female frame based off of an animal. Bonus points if it's a wolf, cat, dragon, bird, or tiger.


Hold it there a bit. I may not be an expert in english but you clearly overgeneralized against founders.
No, I didn't, but if you're this dead set on believing it, there's nothing I can say that will change your mind. Enjoy your Strawman. You 'win.'
I'll even give you a gold star for using a
on top of everything else. Good thing we aren't playing the drinking game for this. It's too early for me to be doing shots.
Edited by LordRaine
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Oh, I forgot one. My bad.


8.) A female frame based off of an animal. Bonus points if it's a wolf, cat, dragon, bird, or tiger.



No, I didn't, but if you're this dead set on believing it, there's nothing I can say that will change your mind. Enjoy your Strawman. You 'win.'
I'll even give you a gold star for using a
on top of everything else. Good thing we aren't playing the drinking game for this. It's too early for me to be doing shots.



Ok, if stands like this, then your post was BS, because I second main Loki, so it has nothing to do with not liking him.

Beeing a founder or not didn't motivate me to lecture others or anything like that and picking on that was unnecessary and just fueling hate.


Then you refuse to tell me, what exactly motivated you to do this rant when I'm pretty much sure, my last post before yours wasn't that bad. It didn't even involve nerfing nova/loki.


Thanks for nothing I guess.

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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.


Lol, I take it you weren't around in the dark days of Iron Skin invincibility, Trinity God mode, Vauban's catch 'em all Bastille and Frost duration based easy mode Snow Globe or before the MP changes? The damn thing would go through walls and and wipe out everything in the room instantaneously.


Warframe's biggest problem is it originally existed with a level cap on the enemies, this was changed to allow for infinitely scaling enemies on endless missions. The original frames from that period were not buffed to account for that and so we end up where we are now, older frames lagging seriously behind in utility for CC, damage buff, damage debuffs and avoiding damage. Throw in the ridiculous cheesy hit scan weapons and bleed procs with shield ignoring status effects and there's the problem. 


You could nerf Nova's MP damage into the ground and it would still be one of the best utility powers in the game, slow, damage debuff and damage buff with a range of 30+meters. Plus she has AMD which has the best DPS in the game and can drop over a million damage. So what was your point that she needs a nerf?


The Augment system seems to be a good way of improving the utility of frames like Ice wave impedance, or Rhino's charge. it'll be interesting to how they still address the larger issues of Ember's powers and why the hell the nerfed Radial blind and super jump.  

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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