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Speed Running: Why?


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Speed Runs can be efficient but at the same time we can't really do much about them because you know it's how they play the game.


After reading a few replies all i can say is the people who say Speed Runners are jerks are no better, we have to learn to live with these things and treat everyone as equal.

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Because by only soloing and never really playing for a team never teaches you to play in a team.


You are way overstating the gameplay complexity of a full squad mate.


Especially when the bulk of the playerbase has one strategy which consists of - "Get someone to be Trinity - Spam Powers and Kamikaze!"


After reading a few replies all i can say is the people who say Speed Runners are jerks are no better, we have to learn to live with these things and treat everyone as equal.


That comment was in response to the kneejerk hostility to the OP from most speed advocates in this thread.


I will always question the idea that getting way out in front and expecting everyone else to follow suit is an example of "good teamwork" - whenever I don't solo I will always try & wait for the last in line - otherwise, why bother in the first place?


Efficiency is very questionable also - for example - you spend a half hour doing speedy Alad V runs & get nothing but alloy plate & fieldron samples. Then spend the same time on a leisurely Master Thief Exterminate run - and walk off with 5/6 Neural Sensors?


So, which was a more productive half hour?

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@MumblesMcPhatty: I was actually referring to the only real team work requiring content in the game currently, namely raids. We will see a lot of whining how difficult and impossible and 'nerf this op content' in the future...

On the other hand, I see we are on the same side and speak the same language about speed running and teamplay in the game. +1 for that. ;)

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In my own opinion, speed running is not a problem.


The players DOING it to screw other players is the problem. But watching rushers try to do it in the Raid is HILARIOUS! (No, I am not a nice person sometimes)


If the group is set for it, and says it is a rushing group, I have no problem with rushing. If it is a group of people who rush to the end and leave me to fight all of the bad guys in an exterminate while spamming 'faster faster faster' or insults... THOSE I have a problem with.


Or the guy who runs to the end and leaves a low ranked Ember to fight a Manic or Stalker alone just so he can use voice chat to spout racists slurs. HIM I have a problem with. (I went back to help the Ember and was called several nasty names because I wanted to help the team instead of running fast. **** him. I stood just outside the exit area and made him wait for the timer to count down. He got upset with that and I enjoyed every second of it.)

Edited by Kalenath
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