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Newest Hotfix Locked Out Anyone?


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Ok so, I was able to log back in but it somehow reverted to an older password I had, even though I reset it.. This update was all kinds of fck'd up account-wise. I'm gonna take more precautions in case they mess up again with hotfixes. This en devour almost made me panic.

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Same thing is happening to me but it keeps telling me that it doesn't recognize my password so I changed it but it won't send the reset to my email. So I kept doing it over and over again. Finally, it was sent but then when I put in a new password it said unknown account. I guess the hotfix really broke the game this time. 

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When launching from launcher the Warframe window appears, filled grey, hangs there for a few seconds, then crash reporter opens.


Verify download cache didn't help.

Optimize download cache didn't help.

Deactivating 64bit didn't help.


Sending bug reports freezes for half a minute, then reports it's successfully done, click next and it says no connection could be made. But it has been like this for months...

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Dont do anything just wait for DEV team to report all issues fixed fiddling with the launcher verify cache and optimize option while they're fixing stuff may only hurt  your install
Also if you want to pass trough the crash issue after hitting PLAY button click on the COG "options" and check window mode

I hope i still have the same amount of time remaining on my boosters before the hotfix...

Edited by xlSpecktralx
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I'm getting a crash while the game attempt to launch as well. Verified game cash, 6gb redownload, and it still cant get through the launch sequence. I am using an AMD processor, but was not affected by past AMD post update problems.

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okay, i can log into forums now...but game still crashes at startup

You can change your screen mode to the window mode and proceed to the login screen, but *sadly* server will not recognize your login/pass.

So lets wait for the hotfix... for the hotfix.

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Also crashing after pressing Play on the launcher, already verified, optimized and turned off 64-bit mode, nothing worked.


Started right after the hotfix, like with everyone around here.

Edited by MobyTheDuck
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Also crashing after pressing Play on the launcher, already verified, optimized and turned off 64-bit mode, nothing worked.


Started right after the hotfix, like with everyone around here.


Disabling fullscreen in launcher works for me.

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