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  1. Question: Will enemies that are immune completely immune to status effect like Deimos infected with Viral, will get these immunities removed? And its been a while since I used gas, not because the lack of visuals, but because I remember it became completely useless after a certain point due the lack of damage, no armor strip and no CC. I think there is little point on using Gas if you can just use Heat.
  2. A little lesson in patch history: This is due the Torid Incarnon. The Torid Incarnon charges from direct hits with the projectile, since it can't headshot. Due a programming quirk, the projectiles were also charging incarnon from hitting dead bodies or enemies right after they died, making it super easy to get a full charge. Since this was an unplanned feature, DE nerfed the Torid Incarnon by removing the quirk of charging from hitting corpses. THIS IS WHERE THE STINKY BEGAN. Since DE went Scorched Earth and removed the charge from hitting corpses from ALL WEAPONS, weapons that were balanced around the fact of having multishot got kneecapped. Because of how the programming works now, the incarnon only takes into accounts shots that hit while the enemy is "alive". Since all programming is linear, the fraction of a 1/1000th of a second the enemy is considered "dead" by the game code, ALL REMAINING BULLETS NO LONGER COUNT. If your shotgun has 20 pellets and 1 kills the enemy, the other 19 won't count for increasing Incarnon. Since the shotguns were balanced around multishot, it means that you will always charge a fraction of a pixel, specially on lower level missions (pretty much anything before Steel Path and beyond). This also affected equipping multishot on your weapons. This is the EXACT same problem that broke stealth multipliers YEARS ago. Enemies can notice and become alert if the weapon with multishot doesn't kills them in the first bullet, even if all bullets virtually hit them at the same time, because the code will make the enemy become "alert" between the lines of code and thus will cause the stealth multiplier to break. Since DE works in cycles, Incarnons are not on the scope and this blunder will likely go unnoticed for months to years.
  3. For a while now, I have noticed that some Access Controllers, the panels you need to destroy to start the minigame to open the secret sentient lab door, are not taking any kind of damage. I have tried with hitscan, explosions and melee, nothing seems to affect it.
  4. Knockback/knockdown counts as an effect for Negate. Unless you are talking about the cold field, which used to be a thing that caused a cold proc before the self-damage removal.
  5. You are distorting words and not getting what I am saying. I just want to have a reason to play with all challenges. 50 vosfor is not a reward, it should be changed to something worth the trouble, because as it is, there is no reason to just do a full elite run this week then ignore it for the foreseeable future. And either way you don't need to get all the weekly rewards, so I don't see what is the problem here. Missing one notch on the weekly check list won't destroy your enjoyment. (If it does, you should take a break)
  6. 70 vosfor is roughly 4 Steel Path arcanes, so about 20 minutes of Steel Path missions. Restricting yourself that much with all the negatives, loadout, Elite mode and high level enemies for just 70 vosfor, when each Arcane pack costs 200 is insane. This is by FAR the slowest and hardest way to get arcanes in the game. And don't even say "oh the vosfor is just a bonus", when Vosfor is the FIRST and the LAST reward for playing with all challenges on! Many other rewards would be better. One umbra forma as the final reward? A random pack of arcanes? Pathos clamps? Adding an extra 0 on these numbers so we get 200 and 500 vosfor instead? A pack with 3 shards, one of each color?
  7. While Duviri/Circuit Steel Path can be excused due the bigger pool of choices and getting stronger due decrees, Elite Archimedea boils purely to "get lucky with a good loadout and less strict negatives" I got 3 frames highly dependent of energy. My negatives are "no operator", thus no armor strip against these level 400 enemies, or zenurik energy regen and "enemies drain energy from up close", while the current stage has "enemies are invincible unless up close". No energy means I can't build up overguard or keep skills up. Enemies draining my energy aside the invincible enemies that also drain energy means I can't do anything. I lost this week's "lottery" and now depend of other players that won the "lottery" to carry me through elite.
  8. Dante farm is easy. Stupidly easy. And rewarding too! 20-30 minutes of Armatus gives you enough pity tokens to buy almost all of Dante or one entire weapon. Even if the drop rates aren't great, the flow of the mission goes so fast that you can actually farm at a decent rate and even end with a bunch of relics. Meanwhile, Tyana Pass is a boring, soul crushing, slow grind, having to wait for waves to start and having to constantly collect crystals so you get a somewhat acceptable amount of pity tokens. Faster waves, more tokens, anything!
  9. I have noticed that it happens if you change from "normal" to "steel path" bounties. The normal bounties all become rank 1 bounties and steel path bounties all become rank 2. So as long you don't try playing Steel Path or change back and forth the bounties, you should be fine. You have to leave and return to the Anatomica to reset the bounty standing.
  10. This problem also happens with hair colors, oranges and browns all turn red.
  11. Just did a Cavia bounty with the new disruption node. At the time, the bounty gave 4k standing, but upon extracting, I was rewarded only 1k. I first I thought it was some glitch on my end, but I have noticed that if you change the bounty from "Normal" to "Steel Path", ALL bounties change to rank 1 or rank 2. This will stay until you reload the Anatomica
  12. Do the tutorials if the game prompts you. Then check the Returning Player thread and the Public Handbook.
  13. It seems Whispers broke the pathfinding logic of many things related to walls (hilarious in hindsight), which explains stuff like enemies walking towards walls, enemies not being able to walk around obstacles/stairs/certain rooms, objectives spawning too far due not accounting for walls and enemies spawning too far away from killzones.
  14. You need a flowchart to understand the cross-save trade permissions.
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