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Ж~The Lost Seraph Alliance~Ж Жthe Biggest Alliance With No Interest In Solar Rail Wars + Pvp In Generalж


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We've returned back to full strength and beyond.


The Past

We are a very old alliance that used to be filled with incredibly overzealous, jolly, and kind players who used to do Solar Rail Wars and were very good at it too. We were like pirates almost.


At first we just started it out just for fun but then it got really ugly as those who took it way too seriously started joining us.


After some time I then was demanded to remove clans who didn't contribute or help fight in the Solar Rail War by a certain clan warlord whose clan has now long fallen apart. I refused to do so and stood up for the others instead. No one should be forced to do anything they don't want to do, it was not what our alliance was about....but he wouldn't go down quietly so in the end I had to humiliate and destroy him before forcibly removing him and his clan along with some of the other toxic parasitic clans and I should of done so sooner too. o -o


We no longer have any interest in Dark Sectors, but we can make Conclave an exception as long as there is discipline, as we have experienced the toxicity it can produce in our players and the parasites that it attracts when there is much success. We need to remind ourselves what's more important than winning and crushing the opposition is each other. Your fellow comrades and friends in the alliance.


After removing and humiliating the parasites I went inactive for a year, and the alliance died. But during that time the rest of the remaining toxic players left, along with those who wanted an active alliance or clans, all that was left when I returned were just the loyal players, the players who don't care, and the inactives of course, but that was months ago~


The Present

Now our alliance is built around sharing information and helping each other out as well as enlightening new players and new clans who join the fold. Just remember to stay positive about things and see the cup as half full instead of half empty like much of those here on the forums.


Our alliance consists of 37 clans. One Moon Clan and the rest are Mountains and Storm clans with a handful of Shadows and Ghosts.


We Are Non-PvP

We have seen first hand the worst it can bring out in good people and the kind of negativity it could bring so we are staying away from it. You could ask what are the benefits in being in an alliance and I will tell you it will be the same as being in a clan but without the dojo and with more information and a overall higher quality group of people to play with.



Returning Clans & Members

I didn't forget about you guys.


Our older clans and clan members of the alliance have been returning lately, so if you were once in this alliance but left because it was inactive, you are always welcomed to come back and see some familiar names and faces again. Long as you aren't one of the toxic ones though~


We Love New Players & New Clans

If you are a clan whose interested in Solar Rail Wars you are free to join and fight for a Dark Sector but don't expect the alliance to have your back.


But really though no pressure at all you are not required to do anything for the alliance but do try to help out if someone needs it, especially if people are helping you out when you need it. It's the right thing to do after all.











We Die Hard




Man Evolved

we are the boos


Knights who say xINI


Clan of the Morning Star


Sages of the Shadow

Darkwreath Brethren

Yu Tsun

Demons of Seraphim


Impending Doom


Tribunal Enigma

Confused Reinforcements

Angel Kings

House Nine


Black Dagger Brotherhood


Flight 777



Shadow of Doubt



How To Join

Just add and PM me in-game or message my Inbox here in order to join.


There will be no interview required and remember:

"Knowledge is power to see all your choices before you, for there is always a choice. Discipline is ultimate power because it allows you to make all the right ones with clarity and calm. Good and Bad experiences can lead to positive change and growth."


A mouth full of a quote I know. o    -o



For more songs check my profile. ;O



Also just a heads up we may not be able to fit Mountains or Storm clans anymore due to the max limit being 5000 then it became 3000 and now it's 4000 members per an alliance which means:


3 Moon Clans rather than 4 since 4 Moon clans is not allowed.


12 Mountain Clans


64 Storm Clans


166 Shadow Clans


and of course 400 Ghost Clans......



So we can probably still fit a lot of Ghosts, Shadows, and Storms and probably like 1 more Mountain Clan, but it's first come first serve, so we'll have to see if we will still have enough room for you.

Edited by Zarozian
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I'm guessing you don't take 1-man ghost clans because it's 9 slots wasted? I just can't seem to let go of my fully upgraded&researched dojo... 

Yeah this is why we recruit new players before they make their own clans lol....

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xX Outer-Heaven Xx  ,clan we wish to join your alliance we are very active and very sharing !! thank you



I love everything about you guys so far by reading all of that. I would love to join and support you guys as much as i can. send a invite whenever to me :)




Oh mai a god.......



You guys realize I don't check here as much right? Q ^Q


You should of messaged my inbox or something! >.<

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If you guys have room for a 28 member storm clan, Id like to add Conqueror to your roster ^_^ We were created with the intent of helping new players learn how to get by and show them how the game works while giving them the confidence to lead others. I myself am nearly a walking codex, so helping in the information department wont be an issue. My members have no interest in rails as we have a complete dojo with 99% of the research done. And pvp is only a moderate interest for the mod collection. I can be contacted in game most days and commonly evenings, eastern time.

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