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Fanframe: Void - Non-Healing Support Warframe (Updated Image! 5/27/13)


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FanFrame: “Void.”

Concept: Support 'Frame without being a healer. The idea was to create a WarFrame with limited offensive capacity, but an asset to the rest of the team. Although powers can also be used for solo play, the Void excels in keeping others from taking excessive damage and tying up enemies so that they can be polished off by more offensive 'Frames.

Old Image! (With Scythe)

Description: Meant to be very slender and dark, the Void has a very 'deathly' image to him. Tubing on the chest look similar to a ribcage and the sloped, horned helm is similar to a stags head – a symbolism closely tied to pagan imagery, but also to Eastern traditions. The rest of the form is smooth, but plated in the same raised, chitinous armor of other Tenno, but fairly simplistic in the front. In the back (not pictured) there are four emitter devices that glow a dark purple in color.

Most obvious is the halo of black and purple energy that follows the Tenno as pictured. Although this could be much smaller, the idea is that the Halo grows and spins and sometimes explodes according to the power used. Perhaps it is no more than the size of a dinner plate normally, but the picture is there for a referance.


1) Ring Toss: The Tenno throws the halo as it expands, cutting down enemies in it's narrow, lobbing arc before it returns to the other side of the Tenno and resumes it's place on the Void's back.

2) Shell: The ring expands to a thin circle and lands on the floor, moving up. The Void and any other Tenno in the ring gain a small boost to their damage reduction.

3) Launch Trap: The ring lands on the floor and explodes upwards, launching enemies far, far upwards. In narrow corridors they would come down pretty quickly, but in large open spaces, the enemy can be thrown huge distances, giving the squad time to regroup and recoup.

4) Null Field: The Void surrounds itself and it's squad in a dome of crackling energy. Enemy fire is reflected, but not the Tenno inside. While using power, Void cannot attack but can move.

Let me know what you guys think!

Edited by SilverBones
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.......Are you kidding me?

If I could swear on this forum i would be using so many to re-inforce HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS CONCEPT!

Bravo dude

Lots of thought, great design, great idea and well executed, if this gets implamented I would gladdly donate more money to the company to help this frame going

Three things though, the sythe needs to be made too (it kind of completes it's look and would be a cool addition to the current weps, we have axes and hammers, bring in the sythe!)

Launch trap should automaically target an enemy and launch that enemy and others in it's immediate location (area of effect would obviously be worked on)

Lastly Shell seems like it should create a defense bonus to all players within a certain radius giving a damage resistance boost like you said, but without having the ring fly around everywhere (could become very graphic intensive), instead it could quite literally just create a radiating circle like those annoying walker things and whoever it touches gets a def boost and any enemy it touches could get a slight defense reduction or knock down

Either way I would definitely buy this warframe if it was ever introduced, great concept dude ^^

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This is a fairly solid idea. I'd love to see it expanded.

I agree that the frame feels much more female, especially because of how slender he/she is. The organic nature of the upper armor feels like it fits better than the lower half though, which feels more rigid and plate-like. If you were to go with the female approach, I would give her a grim, torn waist-cloak to emphasize the devlish feel the frame gives. (Like the one you have implied, just wrapping more around to the sides and front of the frame).

I think your skill concepts are extremely strong and give a good push towards cooperative play. However, being a support, for balance reasons I think damaging abilities should be limited, so maybe replacing the damage of Ring Toss with a stun or some other type of debuff/buff to allies would be better. Just some thoughts.

Also dat scythe. Make it happen lol.

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If that is the case, then maybe i little more shoulder/upper chest rigidness and definition could help. Maybe make the shoulders a bit bigger or more armored, not by a lot, just enough to give him a slightly more muscular look. Doesn't need to go all pro wrestler mode, just to make the silouhette a bit more aggressive.

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The coloured concept is even better...

As for it being a female, no... It looks like a male, the first concept had a lil femaninity just to do with the slenderness (not exactly something to be taken as a 'female' concept at all)

But againt, great job on it dude! ^^

Edit: The skills seem a bit too much like Mag's now that I think about it...

Perhaps having more def/status aspects would set this frame aside from mag

Edited by LolFish
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While I love the whole thing, I'm concerned that it doesn't meld well with the organic look of the other frames. Not saying we can't have both, but I feel like it needs to have some more organic-looking parts connecting its plates.

I agree. The picture doesn't do the idea justice, but I was thinking more organic tubing and layered plating, much like the Rhino's shoulders and armor. The picture is more of an... outline, if you will.

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