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Fanframe: Void - Non-Healing Support Warframe (Updated Image! 5/27/13)


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Sorry super late to the party.


And well... SOMEONE's been watching some Saint Seiya Hades, eh eh eh?  *pokes SB* XD


Super awesome concept.  Didn't Mynki mentioned he loved this fanframe too? :P


In truth... never heard of it :)


Yep, Mynki said he liked it in the Dev stream. Gave me goosebumps, I swear!


Loving this from every angle! The abilities/void concept sound awesome, your design is brilliant and I especially like it because even though you've only done rough first drafts, there's already so much style and character shining through with nice ideas like the halo and scythe that I would throw money at the Devs to see this made!


Now that I've fangasmed over your idea :p a suggestion for a sidearm to suit him! Similar to how the Glaive is attached to the inside of the arm, a forearm mounted crossbow that fires shield draining bolts would be just as wicked as Void.


I am not big on weapon design, personally. (Scythe aside, apparently :P) I guess I could try my hand at designing some stuff though!

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Is it just me, or does the Stalker now have a Scythe that has similarities to your sketch SilverBones? :3

I noticed that the other day :)


Guess who feels like a million bucks right now?

Edited by SilverBones
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Except my Scythe is totally in the Stalker pack!


In fact, a little birdy told me that indeed, it is my Scythe :)


Wait if it is your scythe that means....







What else does the little bird say?

Edited by FrostWolf
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