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Please Remove The New Version Of Wave Dashing: Infinite Melee Slide Attack


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And if you mean to tell me that "emergent gameplay" that is "intended" also just happens to cancel any usefulness of more than a few mods as well as the entire concept of stamina all the while having players spin around the map on their asses...then I'm sorry, but someone is obviously in denial. 

i'll repeat - it drains stamina. you want me to repeat again? it drains stamina. a lot of it. and it's hard to do it continuisly.

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i'll repeat - it drains stamina. you want me to repeat again? it drains stamina. a lot of it. and it's hard to do it continuisly.


And I repeat, players are using this in a way to do it constantly, with no care for stamina, and it's about as hard as pressing a macro button, unless you want to join in with the few other self proclaimed "masters" who apparently say that it's totally easy to do for the entirety of the level without wanting to burn your fingers off.


Read the posts, including OP.

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"Endlessly Slide Melee" next time you make a post try using facts, some say that they're stronger than your worthless opinion.


You can endlessly Slide Flip, you cannot endlessly slide and melee. Try doing your research next time.


Real question: Why do bad players insist that developers redesign their game to suit them, rather than learning how to play?

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"Endlessly Slide Melee" next time you make a post try using facts, some say that they're stronger than your worthless opinion.


You can endlessly Slide Flip, you cannot endlessly slide and melee. Try doing your research next time.


Real question: Why do bad players insist that developers redesign their game to suit them, rather than learning how to play?



lol..."do my research"?..."your worthless opinion"? "bad players" and "learn how to play"?


Wow dude...that was pathetic. I'm not even going to answer that load of rubbish. Go bait someone else into a flame war.

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Okay, so you want be an annoyance and nerf us, the tenno, even further when it is not needed.

It is absolutely not doing anything bad to anyone what so ever.

Making mods useless? That should not even be an excuse.

Most of the mods are bad itself, making any mod regarding stamina is already useless and sprinting is just slow and boring.

Anyone who actually use stamina mods are most likely either new or bad.


Why must you make us weaker? This is no PvP game where one thing is OP and makes the game unbearable.

This is PvE where we work as a whole. All i see here if you want to destroy something that manifested into something great and has many uses.


This complaint is obviously not needed.

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"Hard to do".


No it isn't. A player could figure it out within 2 days if he experimented.


"It drains Stamina."


And you can do it at 0 stamina. Repeatedly.



please make a vid of you doing it with 0 stamina, i'd very much like to see.

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Okay, so you want be an annoyance and nerf us, the tenno, even further when it is not needed.

It is absolutely not doing anything bad to anyone what so ever.

Making mods useless? That should not even be an excuse.

Most of the mods are bad itself, making any mod regarding stamina is already useless and sprinting is just slow and boring.

Anyone who actually use stamina mods are most likely either new or bad.


Why must you make us weaker? This is no PvP game where one thing is OP and makes the game unbearable.

This is PvE where we work as a whole. All i see here if you want to destroy something that manifested into something great and has many uses.


This complaint is obviously not needed.


haha "mods and ingame mechanics are dumb so this unintended infinitely repeatable spinning on my &#! is better"


lol are you serious?


Pvp vs pve has nothing to do with it. It's about playing the game the way it's supposed to be played, with stamina mechanics and mods, and the fact that seeing players slide attack endlessly from beginning to finish is absolutely ridiculous.


Next you'll tell me that since ammo mods are "dumb and useless" it's perfectly valid to exploit a button mash that lets you skip reloading.



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lol play any game...ever? And you'll see plenty of people doing this.

yes, i played a lot. not seen a single case. and i play on higher lvl planets only.


that is why i'm asking you to provide some proof. saying "go play" is not an argument of any sort.

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yes, i played a lot. not seen a single case. and i play on higher lvl planets only.


that is why i'm asking you to provide some proof. saying "go play" is not an argument of any sort.

Add me and ill show you.

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"Hard to do".


No it isn't. A player could figure it out within 2 days if he experimented.


"It drains Stamina."


And you can do it at 0 stamina. Repeatedly.



You actually cannot do it at 0 stamina; you might want to learn how these tricks work before commenting.

This issue seems like such a hot topic, I do this exact same movement (and have since very early on in playing this game) and it's become second nature. I play respectfully of others in my groups, when I group and I will be very dissapointed if they change this mechanic without carefully weighing how it will effect the game. Much how they ruined Loki's teleport swap to deal with griefers I fear they will bork something in an attempt to fix this when, frankly, there is a big division on if it even needs to be fixed or not.

Personally speaking, the fling mechanic I would at least understand them fixing, but it doesn't discourage high levels of play from wallrunning or anything like that... if anything it encouraged me to wall run even more (fling into a wall, clip a wall, fling off of that wall, land, slide attack into an enemy, fling to a wall, snag a wall etc etc). But I can understand that the flinging mechanic is very unlikely to be intentional. Now if we're talking about endless melee slide attack chaining that *needs to not be changed* because it's also a key element to high level melee fighting in general, even if people think it "looks goofy" it's very important in keeping high mobility and dishing out damage and it *does* take a degree of skill and good timing to maintain.

I continually have done all of these tricks without ever using any macros whatsoever despite using a g13 (which has macro capability).

**edit, fixed typo**

Edited by Bakim0n0
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I would also like to mention DE should tread carefully before making a change that could potentially ruin the gameplay style of many of their player-base, paying ones like myself included, in a PvE game to solve a problem that could very easily be dealt with by being a bit more selective on who people party with.

I can't say for sure stopping this mechanic would stop me from playing, but it certainly wont go over very well with me and more than a few others who have adopted it.

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You actually cannot do it at 0 stamina; you might want to learn how these tricks work before commenting.

This issue seems like such a hot topic, I do this exact same movement (and have since very early on in playing this game) and it's become second nature. I play respectfully of others in my groups, when I group and I will be very dissapointed if they change this mechanic without carefully weighing how it will effect the game. Much how they ruined Loki's teleport swap to deal with griefers I fear they will bork something in an attempt to fix this when, frankly, there is a big division on if it even needs to be fixed or not.

Personally speaking, the fling mechanic I would at least understand them fixing, but it doesn't encourage high levels of play from wallrunning or anything like that... if anything it encouraged me to wall run even more (fling into a wall, clip a wall, fling off of that wall, land, slide attack into an enemy, fling to a wall, snag a wall etc etc). But I can understand that the flinging mechanic is very unlikely to be intentional. Now if we're talking about endless melee slide attack chaining that *needs to not be changed* because it's also a key element to high level melee fighting in general, even if people think it "looks goofy" it's very important in keeping high mobility and dishing out damage and it *does* take a degree of skill and good timing to maintain.

I continually have done all of these tricks without ever using any macros whatsoever despite using a g13 (which has macro capability).

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Real question: Why do bad players insist that developers redesign their game to suit them, rather than learning how to play?

SO MUCH THIS. Man, they killed Halo after Halo 2 because they took out the things like BXR and Quad Shot that defined good players.

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As I said... DE needs to tread very carefully before they alienate a chunk of the playerbase over an issue that can easily be solved by people having more control over / being more selective of who they group with.

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As I said... DE needs to tread very carefully before they alienate a chunk of the playerbase over an issue that can easily be solved by people having more control over / being more selective of who they group with.

I don't even understand why it's an issue. If you don't like the skill, don't use it?

I feel like people are complaining about stuff just for the sake of complaining now.

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So what is the number of subsequent slide attacks that should be chainable before forward momentum cuts out? 2, 3, 5, 10. When does friction win?

It won't because you aren't fighting friction, you have to jump in between each slide thus reigniting the forward momentum. The only limiting factor would be stamina and we are superhuman in the game so that's not an issue.

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My head hurts. It hurts so much. Just stop trying to convince undiscerning players to fix an exploit, op.


If DE reads this whole thread they will facepalm themselves so hard, it will hurt them until update 10 is finished.

Edited by Thypari2013
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I don't even understand why it's an issue. If you don't like the skill, don't use it?

I feel like people are complaining about stuff just for the sake of complaining now.

It has to do with this major rift in the playerbase that essentially boils down to experienced vs inexperienced. I don't know many people with over 150 hours on their accounts who don't rush because despite all the talk about it the game directly rewards rushing unless you are farming for mats.

Exp / mods / credit rewards are all greatly improved by rushing through maps at blinding speed (in terms of amount / time not amount / run) and the general sameyness of the maps tend to make them not terribly interesting to explore that deeply.... and frankly, most of us find rushing *fun* after we get used to the game. I feel the problem is more that the experienced / more advanced players tend to not make accommodation for the other players who are either not as experienced or enjoy a slower pace.

To me this boils down to a simple fix... let us choose what games we join, let us post a blurb about the group when we host ("rushing" "clearing" etc) so we can go into matches knowing what to expect, and let us see our ping to each group before joining them to avoid the countless "cannot connect" errors.

If you don't like rushing or the high mobility tricks you're likely never going to like them much how if you do like it you're likely to never enjoy them being removed. Seems to me the solution isn't to destroy one playstyle to suit another but to give us more tools to group up with like-minded players.

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