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Don't Be That Guy






We were fighting Jackal. My "players helping players" tip here is to not be the troll that ignores a downed teammate, and then proceeds to insult him afterward.


Jackal did the one-shot kill move (missiles). Still don't know how to avoid that, any advice?

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I was "that guy" today, heard the sound ran behind pillar and saw all 3 of my team die at the same time, I just typed "LMAO" in chat, was too funny to even remember I could have revived them.

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Oh, that guy? I killed him years ago. In a mental institution. Or maybe it was a maple syrup-induced hallucination. No matter.


Seriously though, Jackal's missiles aren't always a OHK. You can survive if your shields and/or health are high enough. Those guys were still scumbags though.




I save more people with my Ash than with my Frost, teleport to them while they are down and smoke screen is great, don't hate on ash

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I play Loki. Assuming I actually die and they don't revive me then unfortunate things will happen. Like they'll keep accidentally stumbling into Toxic Ancients somehow. And when they die, everyone will mysteriously be unable to reach them. I'd help but my X key is unfortunately acting up.


Yeah, people can be jerks sometimes. But what can you do? I do my best to revive everyone in hopes that they'll do the same for me.

Pretty much this...I only really play my Loki in randoms, people have a lot more respect for someone who is like the hand of god, delivering your sorry troll &#! into the gaping maws of infectious oblivion.

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But I LIKE being that guy..... =(


What goes around comes around. If I go down and don't get revived during a mission, I'm not going to revive anyone else. It's not hard to hit 4 to clear a room and then pick someone up, it's as if people don't realise this.

If players have this type of petty mindset, all it will do is generate more negativity in other tennos.


I always try to save someone if he/she is downed because I also hope others will do it for me too. Sometimes, i even die trying lol. Sometimes, it might not be possible for the last remaining team mate not to die while trying to save you and jeopardize the whole mission. 




I do not ignore downed players unless it is really impossible to get to them in time, even then I run ahead of them to cover them. 


But about the rockets, run around the pillars and you will not be hit. I do that all the time and 85% of the time I am not hit.

Kudos to players like you.

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It's completely different for Warframes, too. If you have at least 7 sec of invisibility with Ash or Loki, you really don't have an excuse to not revive a downed teammate.

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